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I don't think that Purana Stories are actual facts. I'm not sure about it. But most of the gods in Hinduism symbolzes something. It has a meaning. Saying that Shiva found the elephant head and put it on Ganesh is a childish story that you tell when your children ask you these kind of question. Why does Ganesh have elephant head? The vehicle of Ganesh is a rat. Our mind is more like a rat, that runs around everywhere. And it's really hard to control just like rat. Ganesh is sitting on the top of the rat, made it his vehicle. It shows if you can control your mind (the rat), you'll get the power of an elephant. That means that you can achieve anything you want if you control your mind. That's what Ganesh symbolzes. We are said to think about god Ganesh before we start any actions. They say that if you think of God Ganesh, your work will be completed successfully. What they really mean is that control your mind, focus it on your task, and you'll achieve your goal. So, when you think of God Ganesh you think of controling your mind. God is one and he doesn't have any shape. All the shape of the gods symbolzes a deep meaning. If you look at it deeply, you'll find the meaning. This is my opinion. Purana stories have deep meaning in it, it is not based on facts.
All the temples which was built near those villages are destroyed completely man... forget about the temple for a while now, think about the 19,000 people who are dead!!!
Do you want the English Version? Because there's an English Version of Ramayana. Why don't you get that?
sirina, Advanced Civilizations are assumed to be existed. One of the Advanced Civilizaion is Lemurians! Right now, they are believed to be called Dravidians. As some believes that Lemurians were the first aliens who colonized earth. Then came Atlantians, and blah blah blah!!! Atlantians and Lemurians were enemies. Now here most of the people don't consider about Dravidian's point of view of their culture and history. Here some believe in Aryan Invasion/Migration theory, some says that "Aryans" are who is a hindu. Dravidian's scriptures contradicts to one part of Aryan Invasion Theory which states that Dravidians came from North Africa. Dravidian scriptures, and literatures clearly states that they came from a continent that was connecting Australia and India, also a little part of South Africa. Dravidians called that continent "Kumarikkandam" (something like that) which is now called Lemuria by scientists. Visit this site to read more about Lemurians and Atlanteans http://www.ufoevidence.org/newsite/CommentDetail.asp?ID=2165 Contradicts to Atlantic, proving Lemuria's existence is not difficult. Scientists have said that there was a land, which sunk over the time. Why am I talking about Lemurians? Well, the reason is that it is said that Lemurians were spiritually advanced, they were more interested in psycology and mind when Atlanteans were mechanical. They had a culture that were advanced than the culture we see today. After some times, there were a flood (ice age) that sunked Lemuria and other civilization that were existed. Only few Lemurians survived, they basically had some hide out that they built for their selves. Survived Lemurians are the ones who are called Dravidians. Lemurians and Atlantians colonized most of the world. If you really want to know more about the destruction of those two advanced civilization, visit these sites: http://www.inthelight.co.nz/spirit/civilisations/atlantis.htm http://www.omakoio.gr/book13_eng.htm http://www.thule.org/lemuria.html http://asiapacificuniverse.com/features/lemuria.htm So, it is possible for a nuclear war to took place. Websites over there might contradict each other on some subjects. But the only thing I'm sure of is that Dravidian scriptures clearly says that they are from a continent called Lemuria. Dravidians took their intelligence and spirituality with them, but later on, they were influenced by some others and most of the books were burned (Dravidians were told to burn their book in order to attain luck in their lives)...
I've seen a lot of jokes saying "Hinduism was spread all around the world.", "Jesus was a hindu", blah blah.... Don't get mad at me for saying this. I'm a hindu too. But I think you should find your way back to reality. First of all, our religion's curse is Caste System. I don't care when it started, or when it was twisted. But it has affected (i don't know about other group of people that much) southern indians a lot (tamils). Even in the lowest caste, sudras, Brahmins had 3 more divions: 1) untouchability 2) unapproachability 3) unshadowbility. I'm sure you guys know what those means by looking at the names. Before British comes to India, Southern India was suffering from Brahmins. All those castes were so in effect. Besides, Brahmins were indulging sexual relationships with "Devadasikal" (women who have studied Bharata Natya, and dance for god at the temple). Devadasikal started to stay in temple because they didn't have any homes. Brahmins said that they are property of god, therefore, as a representatives of god, they (brahmins) have the rights to have sexual relations with them (devadasikal). And they had sexual relations IN THE TEMPLE. Some families leave their first born girl child to the temple because they think it's a good karma to them. British made laws to stop these actions. Brahmins still think that caste is only by birth-not by gunas. I've asked lots of brahmins I know, and they've answered the same. They said that caste is only by birth (atleast their caste "brahmins"). But it is funny to see now that they want to do sudras work just for their living (ha hah ha ha). Why don't they just be brahmins now too? huh? I know after you read this, you guys are so angry at me. But We have to face the truth. We have to deal with this sooner or later, if not today, then tomorrow. So please, try to solve issues among our self than to point fingers and say that they are stupid to think that way.
I'm not taking sides here, but I just want to ask your opinions about these questsions. Let's say Aryan is not a race and all of the people who follows Vedas are Aryans. But it doesn't explain about Dravidian's language such as Tamil. Again, where did it come from? It doesn't seem to have much things common to Sanskrit or Hindi. It's a total different language. If Aryans were here all along, and sanskrit is the original language of India and Hinduism, where does tamil belong to now? It's almost like Tamil's have a different religion as well. Have you ever seen a Tamil Temple? It's in the shape of a human actually. I never seen a North Indian temple, but I heard that it's in a different way. How do you explain the modern civilization which is now destroyed, Harappan and Indus valley civilization? How do you explain that language that were used in those civilization is Dravidian's language? Old tamil. Hinduism is a great religion it has a lot of good things in it. Things like Yoga meditation, astrology, etc are very scientific and it could have been only discovered by a very very advanced civilization. Now the question is which civilization is it? Was it taken from Dravidian? Hinduism did exist even before the time Aryan's migration to India (If it has ever occured). And after the time which is to be believed when Aryan Invasion/Migration theory occured, Hinduism had a lot of changes in it. Poojas, and everything have been discovered. Now is it a coincidence? Well, could be. But what's the truth? was it taken from Dravidians? What do you guys think? Again I'm not taking sides here, I'm just questioning the ones who believe that Aryan Invasion/Migration theory is false.
<<..The Muslims or Christians do not have a valid reason for burying their dead..>> One of my friend said that they bury the body because our body (adam's body in the beginning) was made with sand by God. Therefore they let the body go back to the sand and when the judgement day comes, Jesus will come and wake up the good christians. Is that mentioned in Bible? I want to know more about the ceremonies hindus have for the dead body. Because one of my uncle, who is a christian, asked and said that "Why are they having a ceremony every year on the date they died? It's a supersitious." I couldn't answer because I didn't know the proper answer. Why do their family have a day in every year on the day their family members died? Why do they fast in that day?
Hinduism, (Vaishnavism & Shivaism, Shaktism) were being practiced by Dravidian. When Aryan Invasion/Migration happened, Vaishnavism (which was followed mostly by "Aalvaarkal"), because "aalvaarkal" split from dravidians and went with Aryans, was moderated by Aryans. According to that theory, Aryans were scared of natural forces, therefore when they rewrote the Ramanaya and Mahabharat in Sanskrit, they changed a lot of things, included the worships for god of natural forces. However Ramayana, and Mahabharat is a real history that occured yugas before. But western historians thinking that Hinduism was found by Aryans, made the date of Mahabharat to few hundred years of BC. But, Hinduism was orginally practiced by Dravidians, then went under the influence of Aryans. Aryans god were Indra, Agni, Ushas, Mitra, Varuna, etc... but after their migration to India, they've the hindu gods Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh and included them in their religion, and created poojas, and etc!!!! That's what I've heard and learnt.
<<he is in India and does not nee to leave India to spread his mission coz his mission grows by itself all over the world. .... even michael jackson has many fans... it does not demonstrates that he's god>> Sai Baba is not a DANCER. Sai Baba doesn't have FANS, he has DEVOTEES. And no one force anyone to worship him. People who have worshipped him and got blessed tells other people. And other people also worship him. He didn't start a seperate religion. He never said that he wants to create a religion of his own using the Vedic Scriptures. I'm not a devotee of Sai Baba. But I don't think people making fun of other people's belief is a right thing to do. Sai Baba doesn't want to say "I'm not God, Stop worshipping me" because Belief is God, God is Belief" There might be no god, but our mind power. Maybe that mind power makes our prayers come true. Because people believe in Sai Baba and hopes that he is going to give them whatever they need, they get whatever they prayed for. So, I think Sai Baba doesn't want to say "You stupids, Don't believe in me, it's your mind" or blah blah blah. Because some people might not be ready to hear that mind power is what ful fills the prayers IF IN CASE MIND POWER IS EVERYTHING AND THERE'S NO GOD. <<One man's honey is another man's poison so if he is poison to you why talk about him. .... so do not talk... where's the problem?>> Then, how about you keep your feathers out of this forum and let the people who doesn't CRITICIZE any people's belief talk??? Read Gita, it tells that if a man criticize other man's belief that is a sin, and everyman should choose the yoga system which suits for them.
I think Sai Baba never claimed that he is god. He claimed that he was Sheradi Sai Baba in the past life. He helps the society a lot. He has a lot of free hospitals, shools and all. And he cures people by the power of Kundalini. He is a good man. I don't think that he has ever claimed that he is God. But the people believe that he is an avatar of God, and worship him. Krishna has told in Gita that the devotee of his devotee is a devotee to him. So, I don't think there's a problem in worshiping Sai Baba. It's their belief. So, I don't think that we should criticize their belief and tell them that they are stupid.
I'm a bit confused about Brahma (the god with four heads, not brahmins) and God. I read somewhere in this site that everything came out of brahma (theory of breath of brahman, same as the big bang theory). And Vishnu, Shiva, and every god was formed from brahma which was the great singularity. Because it was all alone, it started to take forms, like playing a game. Therefore stating that we are the universe and universe is us, and all these are games. Once you get to realize that you are the brahman, you'll be parabrahman. Everything will go back to parabrahman, and then again the brahman will start to play the game. However, I read also that we and the supreme god Vishnu were together once in the spiritual world. Because we've got ego, such that why do god get to enjoy everything? why can't we enjoy it, we are like god, why can't we? And therefore, Krishna created an illusion. We are here to because we had material desire. And once we realize that we have made a mistake, and want to go back home, we will go to spiritual world with Krishna. I've seen statues and read that Brahma came from the novel of Vishnu. That Vishnu created the brahma. Now what I don't understand is, is the Brahma, the great singularity and the brahma who came from the novel of the Vishnu the same? Or did the Brahma, the great singularity created everything including Vishnu and other gods? Is that why some people say that we are all god, but we didn't realize it yet? Please some one clear my doubt, I posted a post like this before, but I think no one understand it because I confused them with Brahmins and Brahman. I'm talking about Brahma, the great singularity. Not Brahmins!!!, not priests!!!
I heard that soul leaves body through the stages of mind. The soul is attached to your body through your mind. Mind is like an input & output device, working for your soul to connect it to the body. There are seven stages for mind. It's in different level of your body. On your head (your brain), at the middle of your forehead, at your neck, middle of your chest, between the chest and the stomach, in the stomach, and finally at your end of the spine. When you die, your soul goes through all the stages of the mind. When it's in the forehead, you are awake, walking, doing stuffs. When you are sleep, (deep sleep), your soul goes to the chest of your body. When you are half sleep, (dreaming stage), your soul goes to the neck, that's why you remember you dreams. When you are unconsciences, your soul goes to the stomach. And when finally your heart, brain activities and all stop, your soul will be at the core of the mind (kundalini) (at the end of your spine). Your soul doesn't leave the body right away your heart, and body stop. It'll be wandering around in your core of the mind for couple of hours. Only, very few people (Nowadays no one) knows how to bring back the soul which went to the core of your mind. When your body is burned, your soul leaves automattically. Your soul woul also leave your body after couple of hours if it's not burned. Your soul wouldn't want to leave your body because it has too much material desires. A yogi's soul, a realized one's soul leaves his/her body through the head. it goes straight to god. Because he/she doesn't have any material desires, his soul doesn't go through his mind stages, it goes straight through the head. When it leaves, it'll leave a hole in your head. That kind of people are qualified to be buried in the temples.
Can anyone tell me some tamil movies about Krishna? Thanks a lot. PS: If you guys need any tamil devotional songs, please contact me, and I'll upload it for you.
I'm really confused about Brahma and the existence of all these. I remember reading in some posts that (mentioning something about the Breat of Brahma from Vedas) that Brahma was there alone, and it felt bored. Energy and Matter were in the Brahma, they started to move in different direction forming the time to exist. Brahma took forms, such as Eshwara & Eshwari, Vishnu & etc. And I've also seen in some posts mentioning that Vishnu created Brahman. Brahman came from the naval of the Vishnu. My question is, is Brahma and Brahman the same? Did Brahma become everything? The gods, me and you??? Is that why some hindus claim that everything, & everyone is god?? Please clear my doubt.
<<..When is the Hindu New Year ? Does the date change every year ? Thank you..> Date doesn't change. It's always April 14th, but the time the new year born is different. It's determined by astrologists.