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  1. Hi! do let me know if u vsited any nadi centre and how was ur experience. there is a group on for nadiastrology where u can get lot of information on this. Regards Rajas
  2. Dear Shantan, sorry to know this. hope the things have improved by now. have u tried to check with the nadi reader that why the future predictions are not coming correct? whether u were suggetsed any remedial measures and have u performed them? Regards Rajas
  3. Hi, no of nadi leaves is definately a challenging question but then there are some more questions in favour of nadi like : there are experiences where the future also comes correct. how is that possible? there are cases where the person himself is not present and his representative has only few information. how come the rest of the past information comes correct if it was a mind reading game? Regards Rajas
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