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Posts posted by maadhav

  1. thanks guest 2, for the post.


    here is some not so perfect comparision:


    shalya wnted to fight along with pandavas,

    but was tricked by duryodhan to fight against them.


    so, he became chariteer of karna, and commented while driving, in such a way that discouraged karna to fight.


    gandi (who was a jain at heart and never studied koran, and did not understood hindusim in full), leading hindus, discouraged the hindus to fight against the adharmi invader ideology followers, and could not make the Muslims give up himsa, aggresive and destructive attitudes, and anti-hindu stance.


    krishna admired bhishma as a great personality and warrior,

    but he said arjun to kill him also.


    gandhi's qualities and strength were used in adharmic way against the hindus from where he came (considering jainism an imperfect offshoot of hinduism.) it was not only he as the cause why india got independence. there were many other causes besides him.


    hope the readers understand this.

    again, the hindus need to think of and look up to krishna, not gandhi.


  2. Robert Kagan, in his booklet - of Paradise and Power -

    indicates that the Christian US that is a great military power guards the Europe, the Christian paradise, after WWII.


    After WWII, while Europe never wants to do a war, it has grown economically due to the protecton of US. While US is the law keeper/fighter, Europe is the saloon keeper who does not want to fight.


    This (US:Europe) relation compares to the Hindu nationalists and the vedic culture in India.


    An existance of a nice ganden requires

    a guard,

    gardener, and


    to grow nice flowers and fruits.


    Similarly, the existance of the vedic culture requires

    the vedic nationalsits,

    the vedic gurus, and

    the Vedic motherland Bharat.


    the guard and the gardner need to be united

    in the best interest of keeping the garden for the future generations of the world.


    never forget that all kinds of love are not same.

    while love for mother is good, love for a prostitute is not good.


    similarly those who love a universal dharma are good,

    and those who love a barbaric invader ideology or religion are not good for the Hindus.


    one kind of nationalsm is good, the other kind is bad.

    Even Americans are nationalists, but they call it Americanism, not nationalism.


  3. long time ago i had heard that buried dinasors and forests turned into oil.


    if some can find how the earth got oil, please share.

    any way, even when scientists might know how to convert wood or a dead body into oil, the process is not cost effective, just as it is not cost effective to convert mercury into gold.



  4. << Hell, you yourself (I believe it was you) had shown me once verse (in another thread) that this world is temporary and full of suffering. So why should anyone bother what happens to it? Why should anyone bother to do something non-related to saving their own souls? >>


    some one else, not me.


    when all gurus or their followers see a common problem,

    then they could unite to solve it, because it is easy to solve that way then by one alone. i hope and proy it happens.



  5. << Indian Muslims are Syiah followers and they can be considered tolerant, secular and willing to live in peace with Hindus. >>


    still many are anti-hindus, anti-vedic.

    they are te same stock who live in pakistan and bangladesh.


    had they wanted to live in peace,

    they would not have asked to part the nation.


    many who live in idnia and even born in idnia

    have alliance with pakistan at their heart.

    even musharaf is born in delhi.


  6. very good post. Thanks.


    yes, not easy, but it is possible.


    << Gurus will not unite, >>

    gurus need follower. if the followers make a request,

    gurus will listen. the approach has to be bottom up, grass root.


    in uniting with other gurus, they are not sacrificing anything, but strenghthening the vedic bond, and act in concert to get the invaded idology out. all gurus have a common problem from the anti-hindus.


  7. great coordination of parts:


    << We need unity not just among the hindus, but also the muslims, christians and the rest. >>


    agree, if the bible and koran says that hinduism is not

    a false religion that must be wiped out of the world.

    so far their efforts ar to wipe out hinduism.

    do you like it?


    << we need unity as INDIANS, above all else. >>

    above all we need to know dharma as it is in gita and practice it well, and know who ivaded ideologies are killers of the vedic culture.


    << By now, the muslims are entitled to india just as much as we hindus are. >>


    india is vedic land, not the land of culture killler invaded ideologeis. understanding this, all need to give up that ideolgies.


    << most mulsims are decendents of INDIANS that converted. >>

    yes, and so they need to give up and ideology that was enforced upon their ancestors.


    << they are stillsons of the soil. >>

    so, then need to live per the local culture of the soil.

    or, at least not live per a culture that is anti-vedic.

    how you would like to live with a mad barbarian in your home?


    << dont use pent up anger at the muslims to unfairly kick them off their own country. >>


    i am talking about the anti-vedic aggresive invaded ideology. it cannot gain acceptance in invaded land if the people really understand what is invaded. forgetting the past is dangerous for any civil society. your above line tells the barbarians that they could invade, convert, and hang in there till some like you think now that ideology has legal/god-given right to live here (and kill the local vedic culture.)


  8. i understand your point.


    << Bhagavad Gita is not a document which is required to be preached to the masses ...>>


    we do no forcibly preach anyone,

    but when one wants to learn happily and willingly,

    gita's messasge has to be preach explicitly or implicitely,

    becaues it has all the truth about hinduism.


    it is better to give credit to gita/krishna,

    than not give credit, or give someone else the credit that actually goes to gita/krishna.


    << every Human Being needs to assimilate and learn of the cosmic truth by his own efforts. >>


    sure, but we still can make effort to make people interested. if we do not tell thirsty people where the water is, then we would not be doing any good to them.



  9. Amma, the hugging saint if Bharat, in my view, is a realized mystic. Below is what she says about suicide. my comments are in ():



    "No matter how much pain you may suffer, try to think of it as a way to bring you closer to God, and try to cling tightly to God in such circumstances."


    (a line of a bhajan says:

    dukhame sumarina saba kare

    sukhame kare na koi

    jo sukhame sumarina kare

    to dukha kaaheko hhoi)


    "The body as a sheath or an aura. Just as a tape recorder records everything we say, our aura records our every thought-vibrtion. And this recording remains even after we have died. When we commit suicide, we are causing the soul much pain."


    " When the opening of a blown-up baloon is untied, the air in it is gradually released. But when we prick a baloon and it bursts, it explodes with a bang. So too when we forcefully end our own life, sudden pain-filled vvibrtions will be formed in our aura. This aura forms the basis of the next birth of the soul in a body. All that we are experiencing now is the result of our past actions. Understanding this, we should move forward in life, and surrendering to God whatever we have to experience."


    source book: Amma Healing the Hearts of the World by Judith Cornell



    (so, it seems that this "aura" is god's audio video rcording that cannot be changed once recorded, except by god or godly people. it also seems that this aura is same as the entity made of the combination of sUkshma deha, kAraNa deha, and mahAkAran deha.)


  10. This para is from a book COLLapse by Jared Diamond.


    ".. Complex (i think he means successful long living) societies are characterized by(:)


    centralized decision making,

    higher information flow,

    great coordination of parts,

    formal channel of command, and

    pooling of respurces."


    Let us look this in relation to the vedic society.


    centralized decision making:

    we had kings, but with a rajguru and an advisor assembly representing the citizens. thus it was not a dictatorship.

    rajgurus had no worldy interests and avised to keep all on the path of dharma.


    higher information flow:

    king had his eyes and ears everywhere.

    info spread with word of mouth.

    now it spreads by hifh tech means in seconds.


    great coordination of parts:

    we need this now - unity and coordination within the Hindus.


    formal channel of command:

    hindu need a global hindu authority org.


    pooling of respurces:

    we need that too now.


    note that even a small number of ant-hindus in bharat

    also can succeed against us by folloing this process.

    so, we have no choice but to strongly unite and act.


  11. This para is from the book COLLAPSE by Jared Diamond

    in ref. to Rwanda and Burundi genocides of mid 90s.


    Page 316:

    " ..While the killers were organized by extremest Hutu government and largly carried by Hutu civilians, institutions and outsiders from whom one might have expected better played an important (important?) permissible role. In perticular, numerous leaders of Rwanda's Catholic Church either failed to protect Tutsi or else actively assembled them and turned them over to killer. .. US decised to not intervene."


    Who would like to practice xianity,

    perticularly in Bharat?


  12. This para is from a book COLLAPSE by Jared Diamond

    in relation to Rwanda and Burundi genociedes of mid '90s.


    " .. When Germany (1897) and then Belgian (1916) colonial governents took over, they found it expedient to govern through Tutsi (the minority) intermediaries, whom they considered racially superior to Hutu (the majority) because of the Tutsi's paler skins and supposedly more European or "Hamitic" appearance. In 1930s the Belgians required everybody to start carrying an identity card classifying themselves as Hutu or Tutsi, thereby markedly increasing the ethnic distinction that had already existed."


    the brits did not forget to incite the fire

    when they were asked to quit india.

    they said: "whom to give power, hindus or musilms?"


    (the answer was: it is our internal business, you just quite. we will take care of our business.)


    so, we need to take care of the problem.


  13. we are suffering of our past mistake of

    not understanding gita as it is,

    and not following hinduism as it is given in gita.


    - make hindus and hindu gurus and leaders to agree that we have serious problem in bharat from the ant-hindus.


    - request all hindu gurus to unite to solve this problem.


    - make efforts to stop any malpractice of hinduism if it is malpracticed any where.


    - spread the message of gita among the hindus. gita unites all the vedic people religiously.


    - may all the hindu volunteer lawyers unite and work under a hindu body of gurus to prepare a draft constitution that is pro-hindu and free from anti-hindu paragraphs.


    - educate all hindus how to make democracy work for them. currently the nimority anti-hindu are making democracy work for them, not for us.


    - kill corruption. make nervous for all to give or take bribes. one proven ways is by e-government.


    - make people praise and love krishna, not gandhi.


    - rememer that ahimsa is not an absolute principle in hinduism per krishna's word in gita. no hindu should follow any fascist.


    - etc.


  14. dear guest 18,



    your post is very good.


    i have a bit to say about your line:


    << However, the prime and sublime knowledge contained in the various sacred Scriptures of the World is not meant for the ordinary. >>


    when krishna has created four varnas and asrhamans in order for all to be able to go to him, then all have equal access to read and live by gita. but one must not make his own interpretation. one needs a guru/guide who can tell him the message of gita. gurus usually come broma brahmana class who have the gunas and karma of brahmana.


    krishna loves all, and therefore he gave gita to all.

    now, if a father woh loves his children very much, want to write a message/advise to his children, he will not write it in a way that is difficult for the children to understand it. becaue, to do so will defeat his purpose of giving the message. therefore, we can conclude that krishna's message - gita - is actually in simple form to understand. most of it is actually simple to understand. some things are diccicult for some, becaue one's paradighm has been distorted.


    so, instead of telling gita is most difficult to understand and thus discouraging them to read it, we need to tell that gita is easy -mostly- to understand, and a good guru can help when something is difficult to understand for one. but never doubt the message of gita, and never make your your concocted interpretation.


    the message to people should be:


    if you love your father - krishna

    you love his message -gita.

    read it every day.

    ask your guru if something is hard to undestand.

    live by gita, and

    experience peace, prosperity, and god.


  15. as i have said many times, we have work to do within and without.


    advaitis still are the vedic people.


    a book -power in temples- is written by an adviti srikant.

    note that temple worship is basically a dwaita sadhana.

    krishna in gita ch. 12 also mentions impersonal god.

    so, even if the path is difficult, it is not a wrong path.


    we advaitis and dwaitis have long tradition of debting,

    and we do it here too in most respectable way.


    the focus and pririty of our debtes at this time should be

    the problem of the anti-vedic ideologes in bharat.


    first both the parties should agree that we have problem,

    and we need to solve it. then debate how to unite to solve it. if unity is not possible in some areas, then each party can go in its own way to solve the common problem, but their actions to solve the problem should not nullify the other's effort.


    here in my posts i have given reasons why bharat must be kept a vedic land free from the anti-vedic ideologies. without it there is no hope for the survival of the vedic culture.


    so, no one vedic party should get hell bent on another vedic party. sri ramanuja's guru was an advaiti, finally he became dwaiti.


    we should not think that untill all the vedic partie agree, no action should be taken to free bharat from the anti-vedic ideologies.


    even shankarcharya has sung "bhaja govndam".

    he once miraculusly drank molten lead to prove his point.


    similarly, to prove the power of the vedic mantras,

    madhvacharya held a seed of mango in his palm, chanted matras and the tree grew in his hand, he planted it on earth and kept chanting till it grew full size with ripe fruits.


    the vedic paths are diverse, and one should follow only the path that is best suited for his mantal/physical makeup. a guru can help make a right choice. then after never try to follow any other vedic path simultaneously because it cannot help. at the same time respect sadhakas of other vedic paths.


    hope it helps.


  16. London Times

    September 15, 2005


    Terrorists Unite To Plot Iraqi Civil War


    By Anthony Loyd, in Baghdad


    (A para from this article:)


    “The enemy here did just the most horrible things you can imagine, in one case murdering a child, placing a booby trap within the child’s body and waiting for the parent to come recover the body of their child and exploding it to kill the parents,” said Colonel H R McMaster, a senior American commander in the town.



    If muslims kill muslims like this,

    doing what the kafirs could secure peace in the world

    or around them?


    In teh war of kaling, king ashok was winning,

    and then Bhddha taked to him,

    and ashok stoped the war and killing.


    why did bhddha succeeded in convincing ashoak to stop fighting? becaue ashok was a hindu with vedic samskArAs.


    no muslim is able to stop this internal war between shias and sunnis. it is a war between mohammed's party and his son in inlaw's (ali's) party, and shias remember it every year and beat themselves because they could not help save ali,and he ws masacred by mohammed's party.


    no buddhist, including dalai lama,

    and no jain has courage and ability to stop this war in iraq or in israel.


    no matter who of these two parties wins,

    the kafirs will have problem to solve.

    how? please share your thoughts/solutions.




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