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Posts posted by maadhav

  1. << The age of the guru is over. >>


    so then please stop preaching here; walk as you talk.


    until you can convince that you care for dharma, and the vedic rashtra bharat, and you realize that the invaded islam and xianity are deadly enemies for the vedic dharma and culture, i do not think a real hindu will consider you a friend either.



  2. i am wondering if your username misleads readers to think you are a hindu.


    you, it seems, will also argue that those who fought on the side of pandavas caused cleansing of millions, and that was wrong.


    so now, what will you do about it when maanoj is there dong his work?


    whose cleansing are you worried about and from where?


    please learn more aobut this max muller.

    here is one quote.


    Quote from Searching For Vedic India

    by Devamrita Swami


    Pg. 50: (Max) Muller was recruited by the British colonial regime in India. The chairman of the Education Board arranged that Muller would receive funds from the British East India Company to translate the Vedic texts in a way that would destroy the Indians' reverence for them.


    The book tells more about him too.

    how you like him now?


  3. i really wish/pray krishna that no one should be allowed to post here without having a username.


    generic "guest" does not help hindus or HKs.

    it helps only a resident guest who is an HK, and some anti-vedics.


    this suggestion is in like with dwaita vada.

    just thing, what a mess it will be if all who come here post as guest and no username.


  4. << If everyone understands this universal truth, >>


    did you preach it successfully to any muslim?

    if not, they why prach to the Hinndus who are the victims of Islam?


    if you can convince this universal truth to muslims and xians, then help them realize that there is no need to convert any hindu and no need to build any mosque or church in india. no need for madressas either.


    till you succeed in convincing these anti-vedics,

    there is no sense in wasting your time here in convincing it to the victim hindus; to do so is sin or unethical.


    Arjun needed Krishna's message, not Gandhi's.


    same is true at this time.


  5. << The'll ask me to clean my own home before preach them to clean their homes. >>


    Just becaue a family, community, group or country has some internal problem problem some internal conflict, that does not give right to an external party to invade or conert the family or nation. Note that we havenot invaded any country, nor we have forced conversion on others.


    << Infact, our christian friends have already begun to spread the message of peace to the entire world in this hour of great need. >>


    xian "friends" and hindus "emenies or nobody" in your eyes?

    so then the brits rule and portugese rule in india was good and welcome in your view?


  6. << 1.An authentic scripture will give less or no room for misinterpretation. >>


    It - Gita - does, but sometimes some people still do not understand it, due to their limit of knowledge or physical/mental /intellectual condition. Hence guru is needed.


    << 2.Authentic scriptures will be straight forward and will stand the test of time. >>


    It- Gita - is, and has stood.


    << Anyone who undertakes responsibility of writing holy book has a great responsibility. >>


    We hindu do not accept man-made scripture.

    Vyasa wrote what was heard from God. He did not manufcture scripptures, just put on paper that was known from god.

    Sure, he knows his responsibilty. he worried about allthe peole who will be born in kali yuga. So, he chose ganesh to write with a condition that Ganesh wil not write if he doesnot understand or is not true.



    << He/She must ensure none of the thoughts expressed will never cause misery and sufferings in future, so controversial or possibly controversial topics must definitely be avoided. >>


    There are many vedic paths to realize god.

    Instead picking one path and folloing it seriously, some cause controversy like siva vs. vishnu, etc.

    The fault is with the people. Islam and Xianity want Hindusm totally vanish from this globe. So, we need to follow gita and check that religions in Bharat.


    << 3.Ultimately love is god, >>


    No. Love is one's feeling for another living being and for God or some thing, or it is God's feeling about his creation and jivas. Love vanishes (has no meaning) when you think there is none other than your self, because there is none to love. a stone does not love a stone. you can loe a stone; a stone cannot love you (nor can a true Muslim like ladin).


    << so any form of violance must strictly be discouraged. >>


    so, Krishna was a fool in your view when he said arjun to kill? He did everything to avoid a war, but then found that it was necessary.


    << This will insure that the future generation will never be able to justify any form of killing by using scriptural references. >>


    if you are not a body,

    then what you seeming see as violence is not violence.

    read gita what krishna says in Ch. 2.


    this however, does not meant that you embrace a muslim and encourage him to kill you.


    suppose a muslim says:

    "you are a hindu, and so a kafir. i must convert you to islam. if you refuse, i will kill you, per koran's (allah's message."


    then only a fool hindu could say:

    "oh my dear muslim come and kill me if you wish.

    love is god. i as a soul am immortal, i am not this body, and body has no value. so, come and kill me. take my wife, daughters, property and nation when all the hindus are killed like you kill me."


    such a thinking will cause adharma to its pinnacle.


    krishna says in gita what is the right response to the anti-vedics.


  7. if you fall in river, and do nothing, the future will be your fate.


    even though the river is flowing,

    you still have choice to conrol - swim - any which way you want. when you make an effort to swim in a perticular direction, or call for help, then it is karma. you reap the benefit of it depending upon its spiritual quality, e.g. a helicopter may come and rescue you. that is like grace of god or guru.


    think of river as samsaar.


    the subject has been discussed here in the past.


  8. << I'm frightened of the revival of new dogmatic Vaishnavite movements, they are beginning to take every word in vedas and BG seriously and are following them exactly as it is. >>


    any why are you not firghtened by the folowers of koran, that says tha kafirs (that includes you and us all hindu and non-muslims) must be converted or killed?

    why are you not afraid of the invaded islam in Bharat that has caused many Hindu genocide? are they living next to you and you are afraid that they will kill you? or, are you doing business with them and afraid that you will loose business? or are you a congress whi kiss their rear and kick every Hindu interests?

    Why .. ?


    OM namo SivAya!

    Jai Sri Krishna!


  9. good post. thanks.


    if india were poor some 300 or so years ago,

    then why columbus went to sea to reach india?


    at the end of mahabharat war, the treasury of yudhisthir was almost empty, and he wanted to perform a yajna.

    krishna indicated him that near himalayas a king (his name is given) did a yagna and fed thousands in golden plates.

    all attended threw away these plates after eating the food.

    yodhisthir, a king, sent men to pick up these gold dishes and with that treasure he performed his yajna and fileld the treasury.


    that was the opulence of india, says prabhupada.

    in contrast, the presidents of US etc eat in paper and plastic plates sometimes, or china.



  10. << It would be better if India was a multicultural society like say Australia was. >>


    The professor of political science Samuel Hutington says contrary to this in his book Teh Clashes of Civilizations.


    After the end of cold war,

    people find their identity in cultures and civilizations they belong to. islam is anti to any other religion, ideology, or civilization. He says, "the borders of Islam are bloody" always. in my words, islam and peace do not mix.

    the hallmark characteristic of islam is barbaric violence to solve any difference.


    do you want to live with one who follows that ideology?

    if so, then take him to the land where islam is born, and live with him there. islam is invaded in india by force, it has no right to be there, just as a cancer cell has no right to be in your body, no matter how much they multiply there.


  11. << How can we survive in a world where the main aim of hindus is to eliminate muslims, >>


    i have not said that.

    i try to convince the hindus that

    we neeed to get rid of islam from the Vedic land.

    that means the muslisms need to give up islam.


    << & the main aim of muslims to eliminate hindus. >>

    yes it is, and they have salughtered us for 1000 years, and destroyed our temples a vedic libraries.

    still we have survived and our dharma also has survived.


    << It would result in complete anarchy... >>


    if we lived in an anarchy where we were slaughterd over 1000 years, then we can live in an anatchy that you think may result if we try to take the invaded islam out from bharat.


    however, if we unite and act, it will piss off many asuric people even if we do not act but show that we are united and are able to act if so necessary to serve the global and national hindu interests. it will bring more order and dharma on the vedic land, eventually, if not immediately.


    there is tremendeous power in unity and focussed and effective leadership.


  12. the anti-vedic western and islam forces have delibertely suppressed / desrtoryed the real history of india.


    please read devamrita swamis book In Search of Vedic India

    wher he exposes how the truth /historyarcheology is supperessed/ kept hidden/ or distorted so that ho hindu or the world knows that there are great things done in india in the past.


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