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Posts posted by ynot74

  1. In my opinion, the Hinduism cannot die.

    But, the religion of Hinduism (the name) can die.


    The core beliefs of Hinduism will dominate, they are already a part of humanity.

    They have already spread all around the world. Everyone, is already a Hindu!


    Keep in mind this is only my opinion.

    Lets start here:


    Today, what is the dominate culture? America

    Everyone is imitating American culture? Yes


    Where did everyone want to go for hundreds of years? India

    -Alexander the great - the British Empire.

    Everyone has copied the Indian/Hindu culture? Oh really? <- I invented everything because I wrote the history books, and obviously, I did not lie about anything (Europe). :tongue: (I won't tell your secret!)


    Indian culture is Hinduism!!! The religious texts teach about all aspects of life!

    -> Hinduism has survived hordes of invaders (destroyed thousands of religious texts).

    -> Hinduism caters to the needs of the human, and his/her journey though life.



    You are copying the the ordinary Hindu (No need to give credit, you are one of us!) :rofl:

    Sure, we look different, but we are the same!



    Banana eating! (Yes, banana is from India.)

    Salt and spices on food!


    Culture Examples:

    -The love of gold and diamonds (Bad economy? Hope, you are not buying gold!)

    India was the only source of diamond till 1896.

    -Buddhism (I call it Moksha, and you call it Nirvana.)

    -Adam Smith (Um! Capitalism..)



    -Dharma - Action -> Reaction (I am pretty sure nobody uses this in science! :tongue:)

    -Math - 12345 (Yes, the number system!) and yes, the so called Pythagorean Theorem long before the known world (Europe) discovered it. :tongue:




    I can keep adding, but what is the point. The victor writes the history.

    It is only a nominal victory. Do you still wear animal fur or cotton cloths. Haha :tongue:



    The way of think.. the HINDU thinking has lead to the survival of India!

    The true strength is determined by the power of the mind and the culture.

    It has spread... have you heard about this new melting pot?

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