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  1. Vinayakan, Is there anyway you can translate this into actual script and email it to me? aapadaam apahartaara.m daataara.m sarva-sampadaam / lokaabhiraama.m ;srii-raamam bhuuyo bhuuyo namaamy aham // Thanks!
  2. would you possibly be able to translate that further into english for me? Im told it means..I bow again and again to ;Srii-raama, the remover of difficulties/calamities, the giver of all riches, one whom the world finds most pleasing." is that correct?
  3. Could somebody translate these symbols for me?
  4. I got this healing mantra from somewhere and Id really like to get it translated to sanskrit but id also like to know what it means in english...if you could help me out itd be great...thanks Om Apadamapa Hataram Dataram Sarva Sampadam Loka Bhi Ramam Sri Rama Bhuyo Bhuyo Namamyaham
  5. I am looking to find out what the healing mantra 'Om Apadamapa Hataram Dataram Sarva Sampadam Loka Bhi Ramam Sri Rama Bhuyo Bhuyo Namamyaham' actually looks like in sanskrit symbols. Also I would be interested in knowing what Clare Peterson is in sanskrit if its possible. Thanks.
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