Lot of confusion prevails in the minds of many people about innumerable Hindu Gods. In fact, Hindu religion has come under severe criticism due to this fact, as most of the people do not know the underlying principle. As many dolls of different sizes and types can be made from the same clay, many Gods have taken form from the same original Principle. Individual doll is different from the other, however, all are made of the same Principle. The same thing holds good for Gods too. Basically, Hinduism takes us from Saguna Bhakti to Nirguna Bhakti as we, devotees are incapable of realising or feeling God as Nirguna. A Realised Soul has certainly reached this level and therefore this soul loves everyone irrespective of the caste, creed and religion, considering all of them as God's creation.
Apart from this, Lord Srikrishna while showing Viswaroopa on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, did mention that all the different forms of Gods worshipped by many were only his forms.