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  1. Maharaja's words have always given me shelter. All glories to him!
  2. Dear devotees, It has come to my realization that we (I) try to gain theoretical knowledge to feel that we have some position; some standing. It is almost as if we want to willingly put ourselves into illusion by gaining knowledge. How do we cope with it when we feel that we are not really 'smart'? That we are small. How does one cope with this?
  3. Thank you all for the replies. So it seems that it is due to our sukriti that we obtain a particular association?
  4. Hi all, I have a few questions, which I hope you can help me solve. It is said that by sadhu-sanga, or saintly association, one can attain all perfection. 1.How does one properly "associate"? 2.How does one obtain that mentality to properly associate? 3.I see devotees who are so surrendered to their Guru(s). They have near no separate interest. I want that, too, but then I'm just not strong willed enough to submit myself like those devotees, although I know that I'll be happy forever if I were to do so. How do I overcome this situation of being stuck in between a rock and a hard place? Do you guys have any thoughts? Feel free to criticize me if you feel it'll help me Thanks, vaisnavapada
  5. I have one question. Those who develop duplicity and crookedness, are they like politicians? Will they ever develop any service, I mean *real* service, aptitude by subjugating themselves under an advanced Vaisnava?
  6. Thank you very much for replying. I understand that my reason for involvement in this bhakti marga is very much influenced by karma and jnana and, from the definition of spiritual life you have given, I know I am not interested because of my other interests. I am ashamed at my own insincerity. Through sadhu-sanga one develops more sukriti. But sadhu-sanga means to serve. If we are interested in karma and jnana, how does one actually do sadhu-sanga? It seems like a really difficult position.
  7. It's funny how even God Himself says "harer nama harer nama harer namaiva kevalam, kalau nasty eva nasty eva nastya gatir anyatha" Hari Nama is the only means getting out of the shackles of Kali. Yet, I don't follow that advice...
  8. 94 Episodes of 1988 hit tv-series "Mahabharata" can be watched at the below url. Tell me if it works for you guys. http://www.rajshri.com/mahabharat/index.asp
  9. Hare Krsna Barney, Don't get cheated by the government information. They did not set foot on the moon because if they did then why did they stop going there? A common aspect among politicians and military men is that they are greedy, and especially due to the influence of this age, the greediness increases. Thus, if they really did go to the moon, im sure they wouldn't have stopped going there to exploit its resources. Also, Srila Prabhupada has stated in the Bhagavatam, the moon planet is farther away from the sun. If you dont want to take Srila Prabhupada's words, then please tell me what evidence you have got to prove that they have went to the moon?
  10. Unless it is for spiritual purposes, all our endeavours to any planet will prove failure and even if we do go there, we will be utterly disappointed
  11. It is said in the Bhagavat Purana that almost all, if not all politicians in Kali Yuga are plunderers and theives. As soon as the towers went down, within a week or two, Nostradamus' name was out, whom had no public attention before for his prophecies coming true. So you see, Nostradamus is unauthorized and is surely not mentioned in the Vedas nor has Srila Prabhupada said anything about him. So these plunderers and theives can do something and blame it on the so called prophecy for their own sense gratification.
  12. It is said in the Caitanya Caritamrta (Madya 9.33): "The pious results derived from chanting the thousand holy names of Visnu three times can be attained by only one utterance of the holy name of Krsna"
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