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  1. Dear Advisors, Namaskar! I hope and pray almighty god that my request you will find in the best of health and happiness. After working over two years in Iraq, my best job-contract was not extended beyond 31 January 2014. Therefore, I have to leave on 01 February 2014. And, my daughter got married in March 2014. I am under Ketu mahadasha and Budh antardasha (Ketu seated with Sukara in 12th house and Budh seated with Surya in 10th house) I feel like a lot of challenges with no positive progress. How to face Ketu mahadasha and Budh antardasha effectively. I wish to request your suggestions and advice please. I recite Gayatri Mantram 108 times and Shree Vishnu Shastranam once every day. My data: Male, dob 08 April 1956, tob 11.55 AM (Noon), pob Rohtak/India. Your guidance is highly appreciated. Thank you so much. Best regards, Prem
  2. Dear Advisors, Namaskar! You are requested to provide your comments. Thank you so much for your advice. Best regards,
  3. Dear Advisors, Namaskar! I am having my Ketu mahadasha and (start by end of November 2013) Budha antardasha. My job-contract is up to 31st Dec 2013, my female chief got my extension request but she has not yet extended my contract. I am very much worried. - Will I remain in my current job/contract - will I be re-assigned/transferred to other job in same organization - new job with other organization - I did applied for few positions - will I get a job before my contract expire Kindly oblige me with your suggestions. Male, Date of Birth: 08 April 1956, Time of Birth: 11.55 AM, Place of Birth: Rohtak - Haryana. Thank you so much for your advice. Best regards, P
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