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Posts posted by talasiga

  1. Originally posted by JRdd:

    I am not in New York talasiga, are you?



    This is the nub of the matter.

    I am saddened about what has happened there.

    Not only the tragedy of suffering but ALSO

    the tragedy that, according to the news, there are some New Yorkers celebrating in the calamity!

    You wish to chant and pray more today.

    This is your way. Good.

    But what about every other day?

    There is tragedy and distress

    at every corner of the globe

    every day.

    But not of the magnitude of New York you may say.

    Well look at Cambodia - 18,000 genocides daily as a notional average. Didn't that deserve an increase of the Holy Name count ?

    Or doesn't the Third World count ?


    No I am not in New York today.

    I am here talking globally

    acting locally.






  2. Originally posted by amanpeter:

    So, Talasiga, besides continuing to pelt us with `clever` poetry, what is it you are suggesting we do?

    1. I have not posted any poetry on this thread.

    2. I do not set out to write "clever" poetry. It is only as clever as you would have it.

    3. Chanting is great but not coupled with burying our heads in the sand.



  3. Originally posted by JRdd:

    P.S. Why don't we all chant and pray extra today?

    And when two million people

    were murdered in cold blood

    in Cambodia between 1975 to 1978

    (say average 18,000 a day)

    under the Pol Pot Regime

    Did you "chant and pray extra" then

    or was your head buried in the sand ?


    When the world is crying for our compassion

    Is it right to run into our room

    and offer extra rounds?


    Does the medical doctor rush to help

    the suffering patient or decide rather

    to count the moments with Prescriptions ?


    Is love of God a narcissistic obsessesion

    a self rigteous profession

    or a secret affair

    to raise peace

    in a riotous world ?


    Which Messiah was it who favoured

    working for God over JUST repeating His Name ?





  4. Originally posted by Yashoda dd:

    There are many cases of Indian devotees, also. They join ISKCON from different reasons, and one of them is to get the green card and move to USA...... and forget about the service to ISKCON.

    Prabhupad was an "Indian devotee"

    who came to the USA

    made the ISKCON

    serve Krishna

    dont forget






  5. Originally posted by animesh:

    Is it past midnight in your place? Here, it is day time. What are you doing so late in night? Don't want to go sleep?

    Shusshh !

    No questions please !

    I like to watch the sunrise in peace.

    It is my daily PRIZE.....


    BANG ! BANG !


    Animesh ? Put that gun down.

    You cannot STEAL a sunrise !

    GO ! Go to your PC at once.....


    The truth be known its about 90 minutes to sunset where I am.

    My day begins at sunset.....

  6. Originally posted by Satyaraja dasa:

    And then what happens? He will for certain attain Hari? The Ultimate Reality? No! There is no guarantee even then. He may be placed again into the Causal Ocean according Gaudiyas’ theology (as he is a tathasta-jiva), or may fall again under the spell of maya according the orthodox viewpoint.

    In the depths of our fallibility

    the Black Pearler

    smiles brightly


    Posted Image







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