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  1. i guess our mythology makes it clear that eventually both are same and thats why ardhananrinateswara is worshipped finally the energy and matter are one and the same they appear different to we humans this is the same as what physics tells us so, i would like to think that both man and woman are equally important in this world man or matter is what infact acomplishes the job but he can't do it without woman or energy human marriage is a repersents this divnine law of union of these two apects of life looking at this world, i think most humans have lot track of this fundamental truth union is unfortunately for sex, in most cases no one seems to be interested in getting a feel of that divine union man thinks more woman he has, more manly he would be and all woman cares about is just having some kind of respectful(in people's eyes) relationship with the partner, it need not be something that comes from her heart
  2. i like your description about meera do you also know a lot about others things, like philosophy and about puranas and etc. etc. recently, i have been very interested in these issues
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