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  1. if all knowers will be absorbed in breahman then according to u only ignorant will be teaching.u are so great to comment on prarabda of a jivanmukta
  2. human mind is emotional , to satisfy we need a relation ship that may take father, mother, brother,sister, friend,or owner,in any manner the relation come in to picture no body can all of a sudden enter in to relation with formless supreme, so as a means the idols are broght in and worshipped
  3. does it mean that they are free to do prohibited acts, if so it is better to be bound
  4. it is nice that you have a nearest approach to logic, logic is fine if it is supported by sruthi(i.e.,)sruthi sammada tharka,but it goes astray if it is dushtharka, to understand ourself first one is definitely necessary, which convinces the intellect which is overpowerd by avidhya(individual ignorance)
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