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  1. Dear all if you go back to history you may find that the sects Iyer, Iyengar and other subsects are of later period. Though it seems sanskrit comes from Northern India, it flourished only from Kancheepuram, Tamilnadu. This place is where the language flourished and many scholars were born there, At each point of time one "Mahan" will lead one sect and say it is the best. Say for example Sankaracharya preached one sect, Ramanuja charya preached the other and Madhvacharya preached entirely different. Basing on their preaching people followed one sect and when another sage and preached a different they followed the other. So all sub sects are of later creation and there is only one that is “Brahman” the followers of Vedic rites. It is very difficult to understand all the four vedas on which the entire Hinduism ( it includes, Buddhism, zoorastransim, Jainism etc. No one has read and understood all the four Vedas. It is said that Vedas are the result of Lord Narayana's breathe. The Vedas are brought in a simplied form and the essence is brought in Upanishads. Even Upanishad, we cannot understand and so our acharyas followed on set of rules (smruti) and wrote commentaries. But you see Mahanarayana Upanishad which says, Brahma is Narayanan, Siva is Narayanan and Narayanan is Brahma and Narayanan is Siva. So every thing is Narayana only and that is why it is said 'tad visno paramam padam' as ' the abode of Visnu who is Paramatma and parambrahmah. the abode is called Vaikuntha and a muktaatma attains Vikuntha loka.' Even the Great sankaracharya used to recite always as “Narayana”. So Vishnu, Siva, Brahma and all other gods are the representatives of “Narayana” just like current Managers in offices. As there are so many alternate routes and modes available to reach a destination, each one worshiped one God and followed one Smruti. “Sarvam Narayanam Jadhu” All Hindus Unite. Dear all if you go back to history you may find that the sects Iyer, Iyengar and other subsects are of later period. Though it seems sanskrit comes from Northern India, it flourished only from Kancheepuram, Tamilnadu. This place is where the language flourished and many scholars were born there, At each point of time one "Mahan" will lead one sect and say it is the best. Say for example Sankaracharya preached one sect, Ramanuja charya preached the other and Madhvacharya preached entirely different. Basing on their preaching people followed one sect and when another sage and preached a different they followed the other. So all sub sects are of later creation and there is only one that is “Brahman” the followers of Vedic rites. It is very difficult to understand all the four vedas on which the entire Hinduism ( it includes, Buddhism, zoorastransim, Jainism etc. No one has read and understood all the four Vedas. The Vedas are brought in a simplied form and the essence is brought in Upanishads. Even Upanishad we cannot understand and so our acharyas followed on set of rules (smruti) and wrote commentaries. But you see Mahanarayana Upanishad which says, Brahma is Narayanan, Siva is Narayanan and Narayanan is Brahma and Narayanan is Siva. So every thing is Narayana only and that is why it is said 'tad visno paramam padam' as ' the abode of Visnu who is Paramatma and parambrahmah. the abode is called Vaikuntha and a muktaatma attains Vikuntha loka.' Even the Great sankaracharya used to recite always as “Narayana”. So Vishnu, Siva, Brahma and all other gods are the representatives of “Narayana” just like current Managers in offices. As there are so many alternate routes and modes available to reach a destination, each one worshiped one God and followed one Smruti. “Sarvam Narayanam Jadhu”
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