Dear Mr.Mannar,
To tell you the answer, I will ask you the question first. If you can answer it perfectly, then the answer is in your answer only.
In the Government Hiearchy, right from the Head to the Class Four, who is entirely responsible for the success of the goal of the Department. To be clear, who is totally responsible, i.e, without the help of any other, can do the entire job.
Your immediate answer would be the head of the Department, but can he do the job without the help of his class four who will take the pressure of moving the files, doing the labour work at the office or to that matter any one in the chain, if failed, the job would not be completed. As in this situation, Every God is given the specific job to be done and without either of them, our existence would be unimaginable.
Any where, I like Lord Vishnu, I praise him and someone likes Lord Shiva, they praise Lord Shiva, and others like other God and they start praising him. So, to make a decision, do not be biased and judge unbiased. Actually speaking, above the positions of Brahma (Creator), Vishnu (Protector), Shiva (Destroyer) there is only one supreme. That supreme is called Vishnu by Vaishnavas and Shiva by Shivaites.
To make this clear, our scriputers say that "Shiva and Vishnu Mediate each other"
So, none is supreme all are doing their job. You need not get depressed, when Lord Vishnu is shown inferior to Shiva as it is done only by people who do not understand and you need not worry on an ignorant person's remarks or stories.
Keep up you reaction, but please be on the positive side of it.
Madhav Daitha