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Namasthe guestji, Yes even i prefer cooking for myself if i'm alone, instead of eating outside food. n i feel its always best to be vegetarins, even if someone asks me to choose b/w death n nonveg food, i would prefer death rather than eating a fellow lower animal which is not meant for me to eat. too much of exaggeration??, but its needed to follow what i belive. Namasthe, Janaki.
Namasthe, No one wants to be ill, that's what i see daily. when i said i use it as a cough syrrup, codeine, caffeine, BZD's, n other drugs, i mean v have to give them for the patients, n for those who r ill, who need it. It is not a sin, i feel so, when they are used as medicine. Namasthe, Janaki.
Namasthe, our body anatomy is such that it can digest veg food well, n nonveg food, if taken will cause more harm than help. for ex; Veg food - protects from cancer of colon... etc - has lot of fibre which is good for health, - has antioxidants needed for us....... nonveg food- releases carcinogens n harms the gut, - has very less fibre - releases oxidants which have to be neutralised by the body antioxidants- more harm than help. veg food if taken properly provides all the nutrients needed for the body, even proteins. It is myth: patients come n tell that they consume nonveg food just to increase their protein content or if they r diabetics just to control their bld sugar,they take that food. Its like drinking 4-5 lts of alcohol just to kill the worms in their stomach. they do that b'coz they listen to their tongue not to the 'conscious mind' If I tell I was very hungry n i found a baby who couldnot protect itself, n as i was very hungry i go n eat that baby( pls i would never do that, its an ex. that's it ), i sound very cruel no?( kill it, cut it, roast it with masala n then eat--- oh sounds even more bad, pathetic, no?) the same way to kill an animal to make our tongue satisfy is also cruelty, yes according to me eating nonveg shows that u r being cruel, inspite of knowing that that's not what u shd be eating. In reality those who eat nonveg food are eating 'dead bodies'..... eshieee..... sounds bad no? n God says lower n higher animals all created by Him, n he has given instructions so as to which animal shd eat what. pls read " SHRADHATHRAYA VIBHAGA YOGA " in Gita. It says what are the 3 gunas- satwik, rajasik n tamasik. n abt the food also. vy do u prefer eating dirty, rotten, chicken n pigs n so on.... when good food is easily available for us??? May be u go on by doing things the way u want to do or like without thinking, now pls think before eating,... or doing anything bad... I know they'll not change their habits so easily, as there are many people around me who still eat non veg inspite of knowing that they shd not... n other things i'll tell u after my exams, may be in april or may. it has become too lengthy, sorry if i've hurt anyone, these r my feelings, i don't compel anyone to see the same way. Namasthe, Janaki.
Namasthe( Hi ) Miina, we have a name similar to urs i.e, MEENA, u may use this if u like it. Namasthe, Janaki.
Namasthe, guestji, don't get angry abt them, may be they r trying to make us get angry, if v get angry they may feel happy. scolding them is of no use, if they really want to know they'll come to know that Krsna was there n is there. Namasthe, Janaki.
Namasthe guestji, Remember the color is only skin deep, it doesnot matter, past we cannot change, let us be in the present. Let us be good, that is what really matters, n we shd protect n follow our faith properly. don't cry for what has already happened, let us do what can be done now, let us not listen to those who trouble us. hope this meets in joy, Namasthe, Janaki.
Namasthe, As I was taught we shd not have anything other than satwik food so No eggs- whether it is fertilised or not No intoxicants like - coffee, tea, alcohol( I don't know abt cough syrrup- but i use it as a medicine) No cakes, but eggless cakes can be used as prasadam. and cooking veg food is not all that difficult. I hope this helps u. Namasthe, Janaki.
Namasthe, I and many hindus believe that everything is prasadam, we are vegetarians ofcourse. My granny n mom have taught me that when we pluck a fruit or a leaf or a flower, the first thing to do is offer it to God n then only take them otherwise it will be a sin. after the food is cooked first it is kept as prasadam, then only we shd take it. I feel its a nice way to live, to know that nothing is ours, everything belongs to GOD. Namasthe, Janaki.
one Yes to vote for vegetarianism
Namasthe, I was just curious to know how many of us support( I mean they shd be following also) vegetarianism? Pls say Yes if u r following, No if u r not, (Thanks) I feel its nice if everyone of us becomes vegetarians or vegans, atleast one of the two, which will help us to progress spiritually. Even the science and also GITA both say that only vegetarian food is good for humans. My requst to u all pls become vegetarians, if u r not a one already. Namasthe Janaki.
Namasthe, It is MahAmrutyunjay mantr: It shd b Om tryambakam yajAmahe sugandhim pushti-vardhanam UrvArukamiva BhandhanAn mrutyOrmuksEy' mAmrutAt' is it not Namasthe Janaki
question on youdhishtir, bhim, arjun, nakul & sahday
sukrutha replied to a topic in The Hinduism Forum
Namasthe Mr/Mrs/Ms Guest ji, looks like u r a scholar who have studied full Vedas n Upanishads, OK I want to know what was the misleading point??? I've never read Vedas n Upanishads, so obviously I can't talk about it, but even without reading allthat v can know the God!!!!! Can u pls reveal the God's name v r beliving? If u don't mind pls choose a name, otherwise I'll only give u name is it ok for u ? Guest ji I'll call u Ram Namasthe Ram ji, Janaki. -
question on youdhishtir, bhim, arjun, nakul & sahday
sukrutha replied to a topic in The Hinduism Forum
Namasthe, Krishna supported pandavas b'coz they were good, they wre His desciples, n i don't know vt vs the law at the time of Pandavas about adopted children getting the property. n as for as i've heard pandavas r not adopted children. They were born to Kunthi matha, with help of six mantras( yes n Karna is a son of Kunthi maatha , Karna + five pandavas r the 6 children born from those six mantras) now ur Qn would b how can mantras give a baby? u must have heard abt genetics n its uses in various ways,n test tube babies etc...May b there was a way for this too...at that time. for further details pls refer to a Mahabhrath book, not concised ones, but a one with all the chapters in detail. Namasthe, Janaki -
hmm, Namasthe that means to say u know some thing about it, but as u said Sita was nat biological daughter of Janak Maharaj, But she was the daughter of ' RAVAN ' , The story goes like this, once the dwarapalaks ( Jaya & Vijaya ) of Vaikunt' did something wrong for which they had to b born in this earth, before they can again ascend to Vaikunt' so Vishnu gives them 2 options 1) to b born 7 times in earth as Vaishnavs or Vishnu bhakthas, or 2) to b born 3 times as non Vaishnavs, who r to b killed by Him Hearing this Jaya n Vijaya say, Prabhu v don't want to lead a prolonged life on earth, v want return to Vaikunt as early as possible, so make us b born as asuras. they r as follows: 1st : Hiranyaksha n Hiranyakashipu --- related to Bhakth Prahlad story, 2nd Ravan n Mahiravan ---- Related to Ramayan 3rd ( am not very sure of this avatar of ) must be Kamsa n sisupala may b u can ask someone else abt it. so every time Vishnu had to kill them for some reason, this is the back ground. now in Ravan's time his Wife Mandodari gives birth to a baby girl, whose Jatak reveals that this baby's husband i.e, Ravan's son in-law would kill Ravan. so he gets angry n sends his brother Vibhishan to kill that baby, but Mandodari pleads Vibhishan not to kill the baby, so this Vibhishan takes the baby n goes to Janak Raj's kingdom at which time Janak will be preparing for a yaga to get children, knowing this just before Janak comes n plows the ground he keeps the baby in the box below the ground n sees to it that the baby goes into Janak's hands. n obviously Janak who didn't have any children at that time was very happy to find this baby n coasiders this as a shubhsuchak before proceeding for the yaga. Vibhishan comes n tells this to Mandodari, but not to his brother. Sita Maata is an avatar of Srilakshmi devi. By the way i didnot mean to say that u don't know science, even for today there r many things which still i don't know, that was just an ex. of ice , just to make u understand, i wrote it just in case if u r a very young school going boy/ girl it would have helped to understand. I don't like to quarrel or make fun of anyone, simply b'coz its not good, i'm very friendly with all. If u would have told before that u read ramayan n have this doubt may b this would have come first, anyway it was not meant to hurt anyone, i wrote there as if i was writing to a small child, i'm sorry if my previous post has hurt u. namasthe, n have a good day. :-) Janaki.
Hi there, may be u don't know about SITA MAATA, U may find the answer for ur Qn in RAMAYAN, read it. vr r u from, do u know anything about Hinduism, first know the basics, then the higher lessons. so if i just tell u Who is Sita u may not understand, but that book will tell u everything. Its like for a person who doesn't know what is H2O, if i tell water n ice r made up of H2O, it will not make any sense for him/her, n may also ask how can the same thing be there in two or more things? May be this helps u, Never underestimate or mock someone else just b'coz their views r not similar to urs. Namasthe, Janaki.