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dasa dasa anu dasa

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  1. How can you say that science is a pilgrimage for crows? You're taking Prabhupada's statements way out of context. We should not become closed minded and simply reject all science but rather we should utilize it in Krishna's service. The Vedas contain some of the most advanced science on the planet that exactly parallel modern science only they were written thousands of years ago. If you still are bent on accepting a literal model of the fifth canto not only are you rejecting common sense but you are rejecting the Vedas themselves. The cosmology of the Bhagavatam was never meant as a literal reality. The main purpose is to understand that the material world is complex and there are different ways of describing it that are both correct. I have a very deep respect for Srila Prabhupada. However he is a spiritual master not an astronomer. Everyone has their specific duties and propensities. I wouldn't go to the dentist to get my car fixed. If your propensity is to be scientific like myself, then use it to serve Krishna.
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