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About Anasakta

  • Birthday 03/25/1947

Anasakta's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi friend, You ask a good question, indeed it is the very question that Arjuna asked Lord Krishna. "Why should I fight?" The answer to you is the same answer that Lord Krishna gave to Arjuna as he pondered the forthcoming battle. "Your duty is to fight." In your case you are a person who is actively engaged in life. It is therefore your duty to do your best at all times and to work so as to progress in your career. Lord Krishna derided Arjuna over the confusion he would sow in society if he, a warrior, would not do his duty. You are a religious seeker, which is to be lauded. But you would sow confusion about the spiritual life if others saw you as a lazy do-nothing. I urge you to listen to Lord Krishna and fight! Warm regards, Anasakta
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