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Everything posted by ksk

  1. Hi, thanks for your consoling words..........i am in Singapore now........earlier i went to US for three months...........that time also i suffered home sick.........now i did a great mistake by again coming to singapore........all my fate........nothing is working out properly here for me.....my boss is very arrogant and does not respect me.....................wat to do................
  2. Dear Devotees, I have come abroad from India on a one year term. I feel very home sick here departing my parents and my old grand maa. I always think of them and in tears always. I feel very homesick. I cannot quit the onsite assignment before one year as there is a bond. Please pray for my mental peace. I am in constant stress both in office and the staying room. I could not get a good accommodation also.Life has become so depressed now. Previously I used to write devotional articles in this forum but now things are so worse that even I could not pray properly. I fear I will become over stressed and depressed person. So I appeal to devotees of all streams to pray for my mental peace and safe return to India after 6 months. Sri Rama Jayam!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sri Rama Jayam!!!!!!!!!
  3. Dear Bhagavatas, I am a smartha brahmin of Srirangam and currently in New York. I want to know more about the Prappatti. Can a person chant the govinda naama without any initiation and reach the lotus feet of Perumal? Or only a person born in Sri i Pada Ramanujacharya sampradaya will attain moksham? If that is the case, what is the guidance for people like me by renowned Sri Vaishnavas? What our Vaishnava scriptures say about a person who is born in a non-vaishnava family but still attracted towards his forms and esp.his holy names? Kindly elaborate. Hare Krishna!!
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