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  1. Hello All, I am Ramanuja from Srirangam,Trichy. I belong to Vada Kalai sampradayam of Sri Vaishnavism expounded by Sri Sri Ramanujar. The person Sri Maan Thiruvengadam, says that all other sects join on one side and Vaishnavism stands alone. Yes,its true.When the incarnation of Shiva,Adi Shankara Bhagavad . came to this world,his mission was to misguide the egoistic people who sacrificed animals and spoke of caste system inspite of the Buddha Avatara of Emperuman opposing them. So as a mission,he had to deceive arrongant people and protect Bhakthi yoga far beyond the reach of arrongant fellows. But the entire secret of Emperuman Maha Vishnu,he revealed in Bhaja Govindam. Thats why we say follow Shiva but not imitate him.Shankarar can claim he is God because he is Shiva himself.But not we. And all other sects got merged in advaita losing their identity and very few Veera Shaivas exist to remain separate from advaitic illusion. But it is our pride Vaishnavism that stood the tough times of Shankara Dig Vijayam and with the grace of Periya Perumal of Srirangam,still glorin brightly all over the world. Emperuman Thiruvadigale Charanam!!!!!!! Adiyen Bhagavada Dasan, Ramanuja
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