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  1. You may have seen me around the boards before,i was once catholic. But now i have converted to hinduism and i am soo excited about my affterlife...so so so excited. I just cnt wait to get the statues of all the gods i ordered so i can worship them and idoloise them!
  2. Your thread is a primitive and childlike thread,your really unsure of your own faith that you have to try and attack other stronger and much more evidential faiths,you may be a hindu,and there is ABSOLUTELY NO PROOF of any type of god or godess in your faith,pure hersay. Evolution is a theory and nothing else,NOT FACT. and i do not know how the bible has been proven wrong by a man giving a certain perpesctive. Silly silly threads!
  3. Thanks for the reply,not so much thanks to Ravilochan becuase he immdeitaley thought i was mocking your faith,which i wasnt,u need to chill out!
  4. As you know im christian,but have been considering Hinduism! But i just need to know why some of the gods are portrayed as animals?...whats the reason behind that?
  5. Who would win in a fight between these 2 mighty gods?
  6. You couldnt be more wrong,christains are the more humble faith,unlike muslims and hindus who seem to cause violence everywhere they go!
  7. Im glad you all worhship jesus the son of god...and i hope you all pray the holy rosary!
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