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Hare Krishna I want to let you know that only one who have proper understanding of gyan can attain vigyan. But you obviously have no any proper understanding of gyan. The shloka you quoted from the Bhagavad-gita is out of context. It is right after the sloka where Krishna explains the superiority of His Personal worship. After the impersonal process of meditation He again praises bhakti. If you want to argue then do it properly. # THE BEST ACIVITY arjuna uvaca evam satata-yukta ye bhaktas tvam paryupasate ye capy aksaram avyaktam tesam ke yoga-vittamah sri-bhagavan uvaca mayy avesya mano ye mam nitya-yukta upasate sraddhaya parayopetas te me yuktatama matah Arjuna inquired: Which are considered to be more perfect, those who are always properly engaged in Your devotional service or those who worship the impersonal Brahman, the unmanifested? "The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: 'He whose mind is fixed on My personal form, always engaged in worshiping Me with great and transcendental faith, is considered by Me to be the most perfect.'" (Bhagavad-gita 12.1,2) ye tu sarvani karmani mayi sannyasya mat-parah ananyenaiva yogena mam dhyayanta upasate tesam aham samuddharta mrtyu-samsara-sagarat bhavami na cirat partha mayy avesita-cetasam But those who worship Me, giving up all their activities unto Me and being devoted to Me without deviation, engaged in devotional service and always meditating upon Me, having fixed their minds upon Me, O son of Prtha—for them I am the swift deliverer from the ocean of birth and death. # HOW TO ATTAIN THE SUPREME ABODE purusah sa parah partha bhaktya labhyas tv ananyaya yasyantah-sthani bhutani yena sarvam idam tatam The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is greater than all, is attainable by unalloyed devotion. Although He is present in His abode, He is all-pervading, and everything is situated within Him.” [bg. 8.21] # TO OVERCOME MAYA - SURRENDER TO KRISHNA daivi hy esa guna-mayi mama maya duratyaya mam eva ye prapadyante mayam etam taranti te “This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material nature, is difficult to overcome. But those who have surrendered unto Me can easily cross beyond it.” [bg. 7.14] # THE MAYAVADI IMPIOS PHILSOPHY "The Mayavada philosophy," Lord Siva informed his wife Parvati, "is impious [asac-chastra]. My dear Parvati, in the form of a brahmana in Kali-yuga I teach this imagined Mayavada philosophy. In order to cheat the atheists, I describe the Supreme Personality of Godhead to be without form and without qualities. Similarly, in explaining Vedanta I describe the same Mayavada philosophy in order to mislead the entire population toward atheism by denying the personal form of the Lord." (Padma Purana) # KRISHNA PRAISNG THE MAYAVADIS avajananti mam mudha manusIm tanum asritam param bhavam ajananto mama bhuta-mahesvaram “Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. They do not know My transcendental nature as the Supreme Lord of all that be.” [bg. 9.11] # WHO DON'T SURRENDER na mam duskrtino mudhah prapadyante naradhamah mayayapahrta-jnana asuram bhavam asritah “Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, who are lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who partake of the atheistic nature of demons do not surrender unto Me.” [bg. 7.15] The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Those who fix their minds on My personal form and are always engaged in worshiping Me with great and transcendental faith are considered by Me to be most perfect. [bg 12.2] Please, chant Hare Krishna and be happy.
# THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH IS KNOWN IN HIS ETERNALLY EXISTING THREE FEATURES vadanti tat tattva vidas tattvam yaj gyanam advayam brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate “The Absolute Truth is realized in three phases of understanding by the knower of the Absolute Truth, and all of them are identical. Such phases of the Absolute Truth are expressed as Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavan.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.11) # brahmano hi pratishtaham Brahman is also subordinate to the complete Supreme Person KRISHNA # JUST AS A POTTER WITHOUT A BODY CANNOT SHAPE CLAY, SO A FORMLESS GOD CANNOT GIVE FORM TO THE MATERIAL WORLD. Truth is impersonal are described as abuddhayah, which means those who do not know the ultimate feature of the Absolute Truth. In the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is stated that supreme realization begins from the impersonal Brahman and then rises to the localized Supersoul—but the ultimate word in the Absolute Truth is the Personality of Godhead. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is also the supreme controller and the supreme performer of activities and, therefore, His form is perfect and eternal. A performer of activities always has a form. No one has ever seen a formless performer of activities. (Mayavada shata dushani 37) The transcendental form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is elaborately described in all the Vedas. That celebrated form is very handsome, and it completely delights the senses of all the devotees. That transcendental form is endowed with the six opulences of all beauty, strength, fame, knowledge, wealth, and renunciation. The sacred Ganges river is the water that has washed the Lord's lotus feet. (Mayavada shata dushani 46) Just as a troop of insects resides within a ripe udumbara fruit, all the material universes, composed of subtle and gross material elements and populated by innumerable spirit souls, rest within the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead during the time of cosmic devastation, and then emerge at the time of cosmic creation. At that time they do not rest within the Lord. In truth, they remain always separate from Him. O Mayavadi teacher, I am not as great as He. How is it possible or sensible for the slogan so 'ham ("I am the Supreme") to come from my mouth? (Mayavada shata dushani 111) In the Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.16.29) it is said: 'O Dharma, protector of religious principles, all noble and sublime qualities are eternally manifested in the person of Krsna, and devotees and transcendentalists who aspire to become faithful also desire to possess such transcendental qualities.' " It is therefore to be understood that Lord Sri Krsna, the transcendental form of absolute bliss, is the fountainhead of all pleasurable transcendental qualities and inconceivable potencies. # THE RESULT OF IMPERSONAL WORSHIP BY MAYAVADI andham tamah pravisanti ye ’sambhUtim upAsate tato bhUya iva te tamo ya u sambhUtyAm ratAh Those who are engaged in the worship of demigods enter into the darkest region of ignorance, and still more so do the worshipers of the impersonal Absolute. (Isopanisad 12) # THE FALL DOWN OF BRAHMAVADI ye 'nye 'ravindaksa vimukta-maninas tvayy asta-bhavad avisuddha-buddhayah aruhya krcchrena param padam tatah patantya adho 'nadrta-yusmad-anghrayah Persons who are falsely puffed up, thinking they have become liberated simply by understanding their constitutional position as Brahman, or spirit soul, are factually still contaminated. Their intelligence is impure because they have no understanding of the Personality of Godhead, and ultimately they fall down from their puffed-up position. # FOOLISH MAYAVADIS CANNOT UNDERSTAND KRISHNA avyaktam vyaktim apannam manyante mam abuddhayah param bhavam ajananto mamavyayam anuttamam [unintelligent men, who do not know Me perfectly, think that I, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, was impersonal before and have now assumed this personality. Due to their small knowledge, they do not know My higher nature, which is imperishable and supreme.] (Bg 7.24) naham prakasah sarvasya yoga-maya-samavrtah mudho 'yam nabhijanati loko mam ajam avyayam [i am never manifest to the foolish and unintelligent. For them I am covered by My internal potency, and therefore they do not know that I am unborn and infallible.] (Bg 7.25) # KRISHNA, THE HIGHEST TRUTH mattah parataram nanyat kincid asti dhananjaya mayi sarvam idam protam sutre mani-gana iva [O conqueror of wealth, there is no truth superior to Me. Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread.] (Bg 7.7) param brahma param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan: "You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the ultimate abode, the purest, the Absolute Truth." [bg. 10.12] # ONLY REAR SOULS KNOW KRISHNA manusyanam sahasresu kascid yatati siddhaye yatatam api siddhanam kascin mam vetti tattvatah Out of many thousands among men, one may endeavor for perfection, and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth. # THE ULTIMET SURRENDER bahunam janmanam ante jnanavan mam prapadyate vasudevah sarvam iti sa mahatma su-durlabhah "After many births and deaths, he who is actually in knowledge surrenders unto Me, knowing Me to be the cause of all causes and all that is. Such a great soul is very rare" (Bg. 7.19). # THE BEST PERSON tesam jnani nitya-yukta eka-bhaktir visisyate priyo hi jnanino 'tyartham aham sa ca mama priyah [one who is in full knowledge and who is always engaged in pure devotional service (bhakti) is the best. For I am very dear to him, and he is dear to Me.] # THE BEST ACIVITY arjuna uvaca evam satata-yukta ye bhaktas tvam paryupasate ye capy aksaram avyaktam tesam ke yoga-vittamah sri-bhagavan uvaca mayy avesya mano ye mam nitya-yukta upasate sraddhaya parayopetas te me yuktatama matah Arjuna inquired: Which are considered to be more perfect, those who are always properly engaged in Your devotional service or those who worship the impersonal Brahman, the unmanifested? "The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: 'He whose mind is fixed on My personal form, always engaged in worshiping Me with great and transcendental faith, is considered by Me to be the most perfect.'" (Bhagavad-gita 12.1,2) # ON TRANSCENDENTAL PLATFORM THERE IS NO QUESTION OF UNITY, IT IS THE BEGINNING OF SUDDHA BHAKTI brahma-bhutah prasannatma na socati na kanksati samah sarvesu bhutesu mad-bhaktim labhate param [bg. 18.54] One who is thus transcendentally situated at once realizes the Supreme Brahman and becomes fully joyful. He never laments or desires to have anything. He is equally disposed toward every living entity. In that state he attains pure devotional service unto Me. # GOING BACK TO KRISHNA janma karma ca me divyam evaM yo vetti tattvatah tyaktvA deham punar janma naiti mAm eti so ’rjuna One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna. # GOD'S ETERNAL SPIRITUAL FORM natah param parama yad bhavatah svarupam ananda-matram avikalpam aviddha-varcah pasyami visva-srjam ekam avisvam atman bhutendriyatmakam adas ta upasrito 'smi SYNONYMS na--not; atah--than this; param--more supreme; parama--O supreme one; yat--which; bhavatah--of Your Lordship; sva-rupam--the personal form; ananda--of transcendental bliss; matram--only; avikalpam--where there is no creation; aviddha--without contamination; varcah--having an effulgence; pasyami--I see; visva-srjam ekam--who alone has created this universe; avisvam--not belonging to the destructible material world; atman--O Supreme Soul; bhuta-indriya-atmakam--the original cause of the senses and the living beings; adah--transcendental; te--unto You; upasritah asmi--I take full shelter. O my Lord, I do not see a form superior to Your present form of eternal bliss and knowledge. In Your impersonal Brahman effulgence in the spiritual sky, there is no occasional change and no deterioration of internal potency. I surrender unto You because whereas I am proud of my material body and senses, Your Lordship is the cause of the cosmic manifestation and yet You are untouched by matter. (Shrimad Bhagavatam 3.9.3)
Hare Krishna Well, are all the people having the same nature? No. Therefor, everybody is attracted to particular type of Deity. Those who are in the mode of ignorance who like to smoke and practice tantra will be attracted to worship of ghosts and spirits; those who like to get material profit and are in the mode of passion will worship a powerful person; those in goodness will usually worship Sarasvati, Siva, Brahma, Indra, Candra etc. - the demigods. The highest form of worship is obviously the worship of Krishna or any of His incarnations. Worshiping them one can attain a transcendental position in one of the spiritual planets of the spiritual world. Now, the idea of different types worship is to ultimately attain the spiritual world. E.g. the demigod worship elevates one - from desiring material benefit from particular deity - to the platform of inquiry. When one begins to inquire one can easily attain knowledge of the superiority of Krishna and Vishnu compared to demigods. This one can learn from the local brahmanas. At that time, with a proper understanding one begins to worship Krishna or Vishnu for the sake of developing bhakti, the cause of ones liberation. Unfortunately, nowadays many brahmanas are degraded and don't teach their followers about superiority of Krishna and Vishnu. Rather they say that all the demigods are on equal level. This is very close to mayavadi theory. In this way the original purpose of demigod worship and the gradual elevation to Krishna and Vishnu worship is nowadays almost completely lost. Still, there are four bona fide sampradays who will explain this truth and inspire everybody to rather immediately worship Krishna and Vishnu instead of going through slow gradual process for many lifetimes. IOW although in Kali yuga people's life span is very short, it is possible to go back to the association of God, Krishna or Vishnu by a very easy process of chanting Hare Krishna. Please, chant Hare Krishna and be happy. Nitai
Hare Krishna ** if you search for oneness you won't find relationship ## Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita clearly say that the living entity is jiva bhuta sanatana - eternally separate from Him. It is His Energy while Krishna is the energetic. ## According to the Bhagavad-gita the soul is always active it is his eternal nature to be active. Now it is moving our bodies so that we can perform various activities in this conditioned life. Thus, since the soul has the nature of activity if the soul merges into Brahman into the state of spiritual inactivity it is to be concluded that its an abnormal condition. The Srimad Bhagavtam therefor, explains - patanty adho nadrita yusmad angrayaha - from that inactivity the so-called liberated jiva will again fall down into this material world. Therefor, the advaitins doesn't attain the ultimate liberation. The ultimate liberation is performing bhakti, as Krishna says bhaktiya mam abhijanata yavan yas casmi tattvataha / tato mam tattvato gyatva vishate tad anantaram. One can know Parabrahman, Krishna only by devotion, bhakti and also attain Him only by devotion. That devotion is expressed by the jiva through devotional activity or service. That activity is the eternal spiritual activity of the self-realized soul. Therefor, one can stay in the spiritual world only if one performs bhakti or devotional service. That activity or devotional service is the eternal dharma of the eternaly separated particle - the soul - jiva bhuta sanatana. And all those jivas who don't like to perform service to Krishna or Vishnu will have to find themselves in this material world - pathanty adho nadrita yushmad angrayaha. Love means doing something for the beloved. Advaitins they don't want to do anything for God and moreover, they want to merge into God to become God. This is only due to envy, foolishness and no intelligence since it is stolen by maya as krishna says in the gita. Mayaya apahrita gyanis are the mayavadis whose intelligence is stolen by illusion. Illusion makes them think they can become God. But God is always God and the jiva is always an individual jiva. Nobody can become God by desiring so, by imagination, speculation or even meditation on Brahman. Please, chant Hare Krishna and be happy
Hare Krishna Mayavadi may be a philosophy you might know well. That may be better than arguing merely upon names of god-heads. Arguing upon names of gods or forms. ## Many people have many different types of desires and different types of natures. Accordingly everybody finds his deity to worship. Nobody including you yourself is convinced about your bakthy. You are going to grab & go after different names of gods & forms like drift wood. You may do so within one janma or many janmas, doesn't matter. It's all conditional love. ## It is explained that the mayavadis, like you yourself, have impure intelligence. Your pride and arrogance is so big that whatever I would reply to you, you would just continue to speak your nonsense. Moreover, it is said that the sudras have this kind of mentality. They are in tamas and whatever you say to them they remain in tamas - ignorance. IOW they don'e have brain to take anything seriously. When they read sastra they just misinterpret everything because their intelligence is stolen by maya - illusion. However, they have also can have a chance to improve if they begin to inquire submissively from a bona fide representative of God and render service to him. So, as long as you want to go on with your speculations even if I would give you hundreds of scriptural references that mayavadi philosophy is wrong, you would go on to speak your nonsense like a ghost-hunted madman. I don't think there is any use to have discussion with you. Please, chant Hare Krishna and be happy. Nitai
Hare Krishna ** Actually i am not refuting Hell concept as such, but only the "Eternal Hell"- that is once you enter that then there is no way to Go out. But i think (if you have a proof against this you are welcome), both Heaven and Hell are transient, that is people go into and come out and hence not VERY much different than this world. ## I think we agree with each other ** And it is not necessary that you will be happy in heaven or misery in hell- Srimad Bhagvatam states that Arjun was very sad in Heaven thinking about his brothers, also i think there is a passage in Nackiedas story that when he went to meet Yama, he saw people relaxing and chatting in Hell. ## As far as I remember in the heaven there is no misery at all for anybody. But the last year of life one begins to suffer old age. The woman becomes pregnant; the flower garland around the person becomes drie; there is weakness of the bodily strength and disease. In hell? Well, the yamadhutas are certainly not suffering there but others yes. Here is a link where you can read about hellish life. http://vedabase.net/sb/5/26/en1 So i think the happiness is present every where it is present in very tiny amount in hell and a very huge amount in heaven ## No, maybes. Please, take shastra as it is. There is no relief from suffering in the hell, not even for a moment. ** But the most important point is there is an eternal Paradise in Hinduism (Vaikunta or Kailash or Vrindavan or any name you can call- the supreme place of GodHead), where people once entered live happy FOREVER, while there is no mention of an "ETERNAL HELL" where people once entered will live in misery FOREVER. ( and that is the reason I called ETERNAL HELL an alien concept). ## Yes, there is no such thing as eternally suffering in the hell. This shows the MERICIFUL nature of our God, where he had made only happiness eternal, while misery is always a transient place where people of terrible deeds enter but stay for the minimum required time and then again given a chance to move upward in the spiritual evolution. ## Good. i think this is the most significant point in Hinduism and just spreading this point alone will reduce the misery and the terrible fear of "eternal Hell" ## Success in preaching. Please chant Hare Krishna an be happy. Nitai
Hare Krishna # it is ok to eat meat as long as you are a good person. * only one who is not involved in meat-eating, or killing animals directly or indirectly can develop qualities like compassion, mercy, non-violence etc. Therefore, one who thinks "I am a good person" but simultaneously supports animal killing and eats meat is called a pretender, a hypocrite. # By the way you cannot be a good person and eat meat at the same time because you are not being 'good' to the dead animal on your plate. * What kind of food one eats, (e.g. if tamastic) such person will become (i.e. tamastic). Therefor one should eat sattvic food in the mode of goodness but not only that one should eat transcendental karma free food or vegetarian food that has been first offered to Krishna. According to the Bhagavad-gita one who don't offer his food as a sacrifice to Krishna verily eats only sin. # Hinduism teaches us to be good to animals as well as humans, not just to humans and treat animals badly. * Yes, these are just some preliminary religious principles. Nothing serious, only some basic principle of civilized human life - don't kill (nor humans nor animals), and be vegetarian. Please, chant Hare Krishna and be Happy Nitai
Hare Krishna The following quote is from Caitanya Caritamrta Madhya lila 20.173 Purport, By A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. In the Vedas it is stated that the one becomes many (eko bahu syam). The Supreme Personality of Godhead expands Himself in various forms—visnu-tattva, jiva-tattva and sakti-tattva. According to the Vedic literatures, there are different regulative principles for the worship of each of these forms. If one takes advantage of the Vedic literatures and purifies himself by following the rules and regulations, ultimately he worships the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita (4.11): mama svartmanuvartante manusyah partha sarvasah. Worship of the demigods is in a sense worship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but such worship is said to be avidhi-purvakam, improper. Actually demigod worship is meant for unintelligent men. One who is intelligent considers the words of the Supreme Personality of Godhead: sarva dharman parityajya mam ekam sararam vraja [bg. 18.66]. One who worships demigods worships the Supreme Lord indirectly, but according to the revealed scriptures, there is no need to worship Him indirectly. One can worship Him directly. Please chant Hare Krishna and be happy Nitai
Hare Krishna This guy speaking about love to nirguna brahman is a big bluffer. Bhakti means service to the Supreme Lord Krishna or Vishnu. Bhakti means giving enjoyment to Them. The scriptures say that's the source of the highest happiness for the soul. Of course he might have some brahmananada happiness by meditating on Brahman but that happiness is compared to the amount of water contained in the calf's hoof-print while the bhakti-ananda is like an unlimited ocean of bliss. It is also said that even the brahmavadi cannot make advavancement without some bhakti. But, anyway such devoted life of worshipping brahman will result in ones merging into brahman and after 'merging' there will be no more practice of bhakti nor feeling of some devotion. At that time one only imagines "I am God" and thus floats in the unlimited space of Brahman. This is compared to spiritual suicide. So, without proper understanding one will not attain the ultimate goal and ultimate reality - the association and service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Rama, Narayana or Krishna. One who even after hearing many arguments cannot come to his senses and begin to worship Krishna, such a person is certainly a big bluffer listening his own false ego which tells him 'you should be something very special', 'you should have your own special philosophy', etc. The Srimad Bhagavat clearly says that Bhagavat Dharma or the path of bhakti is for the nirmatsaranam or non-envious. Anyway, don't take this as an offense but rather think about this with an open mind and introspection. Please chant Hare Krishna and be happy. Nitai
Hare Krishna Well, the topic is so big but OK, let's start somewhere. * some people don't believe in God * some think He might exist, he might not exist; they are not sure * some think He existed in the beginning but after creating the world and the living entities He died. So, these kind of people have all their different understandings because of the influence of modes of ignorance and passion. Real knowledge about God however, is understood in the mode of goodness. Usually, the brahmanically inclined people are considered to be in the mode of goodness. They want to search for the truth about God's existence and understand the soul. They know the practice how to realize the Absolute Truth. So, when a pandita - learned person realize the absolute truth Brahman or parabrahman he is known as brahmana. Some of the brahmanas ara brahmavadis and some are personalists or Vaishnavas. This two groups of religious people are there all over the world under different names. From the Srimadh Bhagavatam we know that whether God is understood in impersonal way or personal way both understandings are there in the absolute truth namely that He exists as brahman - the all-pervading light; as Paramatma - the all-pervading Supersoul residing in everyines heart and all atoms; and as Bhagavan the Lord of Vaikuntha -narayana or the Lord of Goloka - Krishna. So, everybody understands God to some degree. The degree of getting understanding depends on the degree of ones spiritual purity, attraction and interest and accordingly the Supreme Absolute Truth reveals himself as Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan. Before describing the Brahmavadis we should mention about Mayavadis too. They think God's form is maya or illusion, everything that exists in this world is illusion, even the devotional activities of worshiping Vishnu is also illusion. Because they consider everything to be illusion or maya they are called Mayavadis. Their philosphy is very offensive and thus because of their offenses they cannot understand and realize the supreme Absloute truth as Paramatma or Bhagavan. Their intelligence is impure. Isopanisad say that they will go to hell because of their offenses. Brahman is usually realised by Brahmavadis or the Yogis who are impersonalists by meditating on the quality-less Brahman. The Brahmavadis are not offenders they consider the form of the Supreme Lord Vishnu to be transcendental. However, because they are very attached to impersonal realisation they remain impersonalitsts. When they come in the contact with a powerful devotee of Krishna or Vishnu or if they get the direct mercy of the Supreme Lord they might also become transformed into personalists or Vaishnavas. Paramatma can be realized by the Yogis both imersonalists and personalists. The first one attaining the vision of Paramatma desire to merge into Him. This is called Ishvara-sayujya. Through the body of Paramatma they attain the relm of brahmajyoti. The personalists yogis they can attain Vaikuntha and have a neutral relationship with the Lord of Vaikuntha e.g. as tree, grass, a cow etc. Bhagavan is realized by the devotees who render loving service to Him with unalloyed devotional service - bhakti. One might be either Narayan-bhakta, Ram-bhakta or Krishna-bhakta. There are many other Incarnations one might worship like Vamana by Bali; Narasimha by Prahlada etc. So, all the different understandings of God are there in the scriptures and one may become interested in one feature or another. Of course it mostly depend on association and scriptural education one gets. Please chant Hare Krishna and be happy Nitai
Hare Krishna It seems that your understanding of sastra is mixed with materialism. Moreover that you try to adjust your materialistic enjoying mentality with some word-jugglery and partial scriptural understanding. So, let see what's wrong and what is good. # why did God created the Sea if people would drown in that or at least he could have created a shallow sea * There can be only two reasons to drown: suicide or accident. The devotee of Krishna or Vishnu would never commit intentional suicide because the body belongs to Krishna. In accident Krishna might decide to save the body of a devotee or not but in any case Krishna is always protecting and saving the surrendered soul. * Other point to consider is when somebody due to his own acquired karma becomes drown in accident. Well, to bad. He / she should not have left the eternal abode of Lord Vishnu then the accident would not happen here in this material world. # why He created an apple tree or he should have created it very tall that no man could reach it). * The material world is not as perfect as the spiritual planet Vaikuntha in the spiritual world. The reason is so that we come to our senses and inquire "is there some better place than this material world?" The Vedas say yes. In the Spiritual world the wish-fulfilling desire trees - kalpa vrikshas can give anything to you. They even bow down their branches so that you don't have a hard time to climb on the tree if you think it's difficult. # As per Hinduism, The life in earth is not drowning or suffering (alien concept). It is a happy place to enjoy. * There are two considerations to this. In the Bhagavad gita Krishna says that in the beginning of the creation god gave sacrifice to perform so that by performing it people can live happily in this world and in the next. That means that as long one is having God-centered life he can be happy and as soon as one rejects it the miseries of life will be more intensely experienced. * Yes, there are miseries of life for everybody. Krishna says these are the birth, death, old age and disease. Whether one is religious or not everybody have to experience them. However, the materialists will experience them to be more heavy. (This could be discussed in more details). # However there are still happier places (more happiness for more duration) and we should try to reach those places, * Yes there are happier and and happier places but one should not endeavor o reach them if they are situated in the material world. Krishna say in the bhagavad-gita that even from the heavenly planets one will come down again to this earth planet. So, one should endeavor for the highest happy place Vaikuntha or Goloka where one can eternally stay there in the association of Lord Krishna. # but which necessarily does not mean that we should not enjoy this place or we are suffering in this place, * Enjoying is not possible with material senses because you are the soul and the soul doesn't take part in the so-called enjoyment of the senses since it is different from the material senses. That means there is no material enjoyment for the soul. * So, the question is what can be our happiness? Well. it is explained that only when God is pleased with us his spiritual pleasure potency bestowes on us spiritual happiness. Therefor, our only endeavor should be to please God and then we will be automatically happy. # there is no suffering anywhere in the universe created by our MERICIFUL God. * Really? What about all the hellish planets? All the sufferings of people killed in wars etc? You just open little bit your eyes and you will see everywhere suffering either caused by the material nature, by people or your own mind. Therefor, Krishna says that in this universe there is suffering in all the planets from the top one down to the lowest. # There is a story in a Purana which states that a man who is highly indulging in sex would take his next birth as Pig. But he takes birth as Pig not as punishment, because the maximum sexual urge can be realised only by Pigs, not possible in human body. * No, it is punishment. Before getting a pig body that man have to go to the hell where he is forced to have sex with a fire women. He is burning like anything, screaming from pain and although he would like to get rid of that woman he is forced to have sex with her again and again. * After sometime he is forced to eat obnoxious things like stool and drink urine. He is disgusted but this is how he gets trained to live in the lower mode of nature namely tamas or ignorance. * So, when he is used to ignorance he is ready to accept the pig body. Although the pig thinks he is happy having sex and eating stool for us it looks completely a miserable life. But of course for the pig, like also for some human beings, ignorance is bliss. * It is very unfortunate to lose the human opportunity of life just because of thinking it to be for sense gratification and not for God-realization. Only in the human form of life one has enough intelligence to understand the soul, God and what is the ultimate goal of life. But if one like to live like an animal, only to be concerned about eating, sleeping, mating and defending such person will get a better opportunity for these things in some more suitable animal life. # And hence he becomes a Pig, completes his urge and then proceeds upward on his spiritual evolution. * When after animal life's one again comes to human life form the person starts his spiritual life from zero. And as he has again his free will like always if he misuse it and don't inquire about Goal of life, the soul and God, he might again just become animal like before. # All this eternal Hell, suffering, misery, etc., are alien concepts, and currently deeply getting embedded in our psychology. * This is a very uneducated statement and so very misleading everybody. There are Scriptures spoken by great sages and even by God Himself and they all speak about hell meant for those who don't abide the laws of God. Do you have better knowledge than God and the sages? No, therefor, you are cheating. # We should break all these mental shackles and realise that God is "Sat-chit-ananda" * So, you are admitting that you are mental? Good. Then, you should become transcendental. As your soul is 'sat-cit-ananda' God has also the same quality but in greater quantity. If you have any intelligence you should study who is God, His nature etc. # and we are also same with nothing to suffer and nothing to fear or worry. * As I mentioned ignorance is bliss. And that's obviously your life. You are for me as good as the worst atheist. I think your life is wasted if you will not use it for realizing Krishna consciousness. So, you can choose to live like an animal or a human being. Please chant Hare Krishna and be happy Nitai
Hare Krishna Yes, vegetarianism is a part of a diet of one who likes to develop saintly character of compassion, mercy, non-violence etc. If one who desires to develop these qualities but is eating meat; is supporting killing of animals or is killing animals himself, such a person is a first class hypocrite. Therefor, for the Christians there is a low class diet with meat that is the cause of hellish life in the future; and the first class diet which was followed by all the true first Christians living in the Catacombs; by saint Franciscan; by the Benedictines order and some other Christian groups. I found an interesting link that on the base of Bible and sayings of Christian saints supports vegetarianism. Have a nice reading. http://members.aol.com/feloflife/feloflife.html Please chant Hare Krishna and be happy. Nitai
Hare Krishna Yes, I agree that this material world is perfect, more precisely perfectly equipped with everything to help us to attain self-realization. When we say that the material world is imperfect that is only because of our imperfect vision. But let me ask a question. What do you think is imperfect in this material world. Give some examples and then we can discuss that. Please chant Hare Krishna and be happy. Nitai
Hare Krishna Interesting opinions. Your damning is coming from anger. One who is angry is violent, lusty, greedy, in illusion, atheistic animal. Or even if you have some type of religion it is the cheating religion practicing envy to others desiring to destroy others, having demoniac superiority complex, big ahankar. All these are symptoms of a person in deep ignorance. I am just wandering what you are doing here in this conference where religious life supposed to be cultivated. You are like a big Ravana-like demon. But anyway there is hope for everybody. Let Krishna bless you smashing your big ahankar to pieces. Please chant Hare Krishna and be happy
Hare Krishna The best treatment for you and for your associates is the chanting of Hare Krishna mantra. You can do one more thing what is very powerful. To chant the Narasimha-kavaca prayers. By Lord Narasimhadeva's mercy you certainly get rid of undesirable associates. So, Combine the two things. Chant the Hare Krishna mantra and the Narasimha-kavaca and be happy. This will not only help to improve your condition but also nourish and grow your bhakti. Nitai