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  1. Anyway I am very gratefull to everyone who spends time to answer my request! Namaste!
  2. I have tried to call Sri Krishna to help me to find what do I want -- no result. For some reason Sri Krishna is not going to satisfy my desires. I read or heard somewhere that Krishna will give one only those things which are usefull and will not give those which although pleasant are not usefull. In the same time Devas will give whatsoever they can not regarding if that is or is not usefull to one's spiritual life..
  3. Dear BinduMadhav, namaste! Thank you for your post. Could you please be as kind as to tell me how one can chant Chamaka in proper way. What are corresponding rules and regulations? With regards, Stranger
  4. No I dont think that materialism is better. I just think that I have to early decided to abandon the world. The result is ruined spiritual life. Now I undeerstand that if I have these sexual and other major materialistic desires I need to fulfill them to some reasonable degree, and develop mode of controling my senses, gradually progressing on the spiritual path. I understand that I will not be _really_ happy even if my material dreams will come true. But my present reality is that if they are _not_ realised, I am not able to do spiritual things _at_all_. So this is why I have came here -- help me a little bit with Vedic advice -- how to properly satisfy my senses so I will have a chance to continue my spiritual life. Yes, now I read BG on daily basis. I have purchased it when I was 15 but still I have a lot to learn... Thanks for your reply
  5. But I read somewhere that chanting the Holy Name for some material sake is offence toward the Name. Please comment.. (However internally I am agree to stay 100% with Sri Krsna, the problem is that during last 5-6 years I have asked Him several times to help me, and still have no result...)
  6. Will Sri Hanuman help me? He is a brahmachari and I want to have controlled sex life. For this I need to meet object of my sexual dreams, will he help?
  7. Dear Vinayakan, thank you for your answer. I have tried to practice brahmacharya for one year, living in asram. I have found that for my situation it is to early abandon my sexual desires as well as couple of others, like house, welth etc. trying to abandon the world I have ended up with stressed mind and very depressed mode. Recently one friend of mine has found the Bhagavad-gita on my shelf and asked me if he can read. Then I started to read also and found chapter 3 where Sri Krsna advices Arjuna to worship Devas for material sake. So I turned here and asked how to do it... Will Ganesha bless me with material things?
  8. Dear friends. Namaste! My spiritual life is ruined because I have a lot of material ambitions. I tried to chant Hare Krishna mantra for some years, etc but the desires are still there... Today I read from BhagavadGita that one who still has material desires should worhsip the Devas. So here is my question: how should I worship them? Particularly I need to stabilise my sexual life, so I thought that I should worship Kamadeva somehow? Here I am, knowing nothing about the gods, I humbly ask you to give me some practical advises.
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