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  1. I can hold it in no longer. My politeness can no longer be kept in any further. I will say what both Mr. H. Thakkar and myself have been think this entire time; Maadhav you are an idiot. First and foremost, you have no understanding of Indian history. You know a few basic facts, but lack indepth knowledge. You also lack the critical thinking skills required to actually understand history. You are stuck on your racist views and ignorant belief that you are more human than others. Let us forget for a second about what the muslims have done to the hindus. Lets look at how the hindus have behaved toward the buddhist and also to other hindus. You must know about the thousands of buddhist killed by hindus between 75 BC- 150 AD. When hindus wanted to push buddhism out of "hindu lands" and into the east. Lets not forget about how hindus of the upper caste have treated members of the lower caste. I am quite sure you have enough general knowledge on this matter. You want to about invanders. Let me remind you that all hindus of the north are actually invaders. Many of them trace their origin to Afghanistan much like Mr. Thakkar, while mine is traced to Iran. Of course, I am sure you are aware that when those hindus arrived they forced the original people into the south and slaughtered hundreds over just land. So I just want to say before you begin to trash others be sure to turn the microscope on yourself and your people. Let me just end here by saying, do not open your mouth to speak if you do not have the knowledge or even the common sense required. It shames me to know that there are people like you in this world who call yourself hindu. You are not hindus even of the slighest sort. Being a hindu deals with much more than prayers, hymns, and doing pooja every so often. --Ronak J. Desai
  2. Once again, I come back to this discussion hoping for some sense of insight from other people besides Happy. Here I read paragraph after paragraph of muslim bashing, but no rational. I brought a very simple question to the discussion. Who here has actually been personal effected by muslim harrassment?
  3. It saddens me that I read these post this morning. I was expecting the learned hindu population to come out and support not only the statements made by Happy and myself, but also to support hinduism and its ideals. However, this was not the case. Krishnadasa, you state that only people who have been affected by muslim harrassment can truly speak on this topic. So let me ask you a simple question, how have you been a victim of muslim harrassment? I don't want you to refer to some history books or a website, because I have probably already encountered it. I want to know how specifically you have been affected. On this topic, I can say that without doubt that I am the well educated jeweler. My family has lost land to muslims during the partition. A cousin of mine who married a muslim has be surpressed and harrassed far beyond your understanding. I have lost family members in this constant war against Pakistan. Yet, I am still here asking for peace. I am still here asking that we move beyond tolerance, and towards acceptance. So before you respond to this I want you to think long and hard what gives you any right to fuel hatred. Oh and just a side note not eating beef does not make you anymore holy of a person. Today only 30% of the Hindus are non-meat eaters. --Ronak J. Desai
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