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I really wish India and Asia in general, would of never heard of christianity or islam. That's only a wish that can't be granted. I'm frustrated, because I agree with you on most things. I want India to be stay India and not become a prototype of America. Being new to Hinduism I feel I have to follow it correctly. Meaning following all scripture and living a dharmic life. Muslims can justify, in the koran, killing people who aren't muslims. Hindus can't do the same without obtaining bad karma. I wish India could be 100% hindu again, but reality says that's unlikely. Hindus just need unity and Bharat will be safe.
The problem is nobody knows how to do that. It does prove that sometimes diversity can make unity harder. There are Shavitees, Vaishnavas, Sikhs, Buddhist, and Jains who all go under the catergory of a Hindu. They've been divide by foreigner who've invaded their land. To promote unity you have to get everyone on the same page. Know the only question is when will it be done?
I'll follow your advice.
I wish I could be actively helping India know. I'm seventeen and I have no immediate resouces to contribute. I will fight peacefully to better India and preserve vedic culture. I feel sad, because I'm not there to help. I will learn Sanatana Dharma and act responsible in all my actions. I hope the situation isn't as bad as you described it. I want to see Bharat prosper and maintain it's culture and heritage. I'll be in college soon. I planned to take economics, and south asian studies as my two majors. Some of my schooling will hopefully be in India.
I'm not indian, sorry if I gave that impression. I also new to Hinduism. I do plan to study sanskrit in India. Anyways India won't lose it's culture and heritage. It's the media's fault for interpreting western culture as fashionable and modern, when in reality it's trashy and morally bankrupt. I see it as a passing trend. Listen, time changes all, trends go in and out of popularity. I do want to work for the benefit of Bharat. I do have a backbone and I do want to fight for Hindus and Hindu causes, but are we jumping in a little too early? Let's fight when it actually comes to our doorstep, not provoke something prematurely. We need unity among ourselves. Shavitees, Vaishnavas, Sikhs, Buddhist, and Jains are Hindus. We need to unite, because muslims don't care, were still all non-believers to them. I agree with you, asian countries should be closely allied with each other, because the west is only has there interests in mind. They do nothing out of the goodness of their heart. Indian kids need to work for their country. They need to stop coming to western countries to help boost up foreign economies. Or at the very least stay in Asia. India will never lose it's culture to to the west. One is steeped in tradition, and lives to better the society. The other is based on decaying morality, money, vanity, and a winner take all mentality. Trust me, I live here. India will stay India, but it is time to shut out foreign influence that do nothing to benifit society. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Come on, Hindus aren't going to displace or kill 160,000,000 indian muslims and 18,000,000 indian christians. It's just not logical. Those people are indians and they have a legit claim to Bharat more then a white or black convert to Hinduism. When India becomes a superpower it can do what all superpowers do. Promote their philosophies and way of life on a international scale. That's what I'm counting on. The bottom line is the damage is done. All you can do is get rid of missionaries and get all anti-Hindus of your government. It is very important that you do act know. Sacrificing a 160,000,000 for 1 billion does seem worth it when were just talking numbers. In actuality when human people enter the equation it changes things quite a bit. What would you do with all these people? Send them to Pakistan or Bangladesh. Then you have 160,000,000 million new enemies who hate Bharat. Then this will mean jihad for then, which means they can justify killing you, because you pushed them off land they believe is their's. So know we have another Israel/Palestine type issue on our hands. These thing will go on for an eternity, because it can be justified in their beliefs. India needs to focus on gaining international clout, this can be used in your advantage in the near future. Christian missionaries came from western countries that had enough money to send then. When India gets enough money and clout it'll do the same. India is about 79%-80% Hindus and that's enough to take control know while you still have the numbers. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
They can do what they want. The only problem is Hindus probably won't go for it. I seriously doubt they would ban Islam and Christianity. You have a muslim president, and that Sonia Gandhi lady. It would take alot of working backward to accomplish. Besides Hindus are too sentimental to ban something as personal as religion. Also India is on the verge of being a potential superpower. By banning a specific religion that would cause even more strife within the country. Making it even harder to become a world power. If you have 160,000,000 indian muslims angry, than that would put them off, from being patriotic towards India. They would work against your country and walla a terrorist organization is born. To much trouble for nothing, but more trouble. Besides indian hindus seem to go out of their way to promote other religious philosophies.
I said it was a joke! I get it, one or two kids. So I'm not ignorant, ok!
You need to start with telling nominal indian muslims who were forced into islam, that it's ok to come back to Sanatana Dharma. Alot of muslims see islam as the end all of religious beliefs. Meaning you are born a muslim you die one. Also believing you can't convert from islam and fearing the penalties of doing so. Another solution is get rid of missionaries runnig around willy nilly using deceitful lies to convert poor Hindus. These people tell lies to convert Hindus into christianity, like they did after the tsunami. I mean how more disgusting and pathetic can you get. People who are suffering and dying and your main issue is still trying to recruit. They operate under the umbrella of charity, but are up to much more. Also what would be of great help is a Religious Hindu Acadamy, llike Catholics have for christianity. I don't know if there's one, but it would benefit those who want to learn their faith from a non-biased or non-western point of view. I highly doubt India will take a step back from secularism and ban Islam and Christianity. Another idea is give any muslim, who hates India and think they get unfair treatment, a ticket to Pakistan for a week to live as a minority Hindu there. Them when they get home tell them to write an essay about the differences between Hindu(Indian) hospitality Muslim(Pakistani) hospitality. Ask them which country do you think you'd rather be a minority in. Let them decide what they want to live under. I wonder what they'd choose. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...... /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Thanks, I'll pay more attention to what I read online and elsewhere. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
http://www.sankeertanam.com/brahma_sutras.htm Isn't Bhagavad Gita also called smriti prasthAna? Ok maybe I shouldn't read Hindu scripture online. Pleas give me better sources to read from so I can get things straight. /images/graemlins/confused.gif
http://autofeed.msn.co.in/pandoraV15/output/20B755B8-917A-41AE-9D64-A06C661384AE.asp I couldn't really find anything about Russian Hindus, but I heard they do exist. Ok my question is, are the people Hindus or Hare Krishnas. I get the impression on this forum that people don't consider Hare Krishna's as Hindus. If that's true than what else would they be. Also would it be because their only religious text is Bhagavad Gita. As a Hindu you should also recognize Vedas and all Shruti and Smriti text. Since Bhagavad Gita is a Smriti text, they are basically ignoring the foremost important texts to follow. So basically if a Indian Hindu brought home a Hare Krishna follower, would they be considered the same as a proper Indian Hindu, why or why not./images/graemlins/grin.gif
Yeah, put that's not possible, living in a democracy. Only communist countries can ban religion and they'd ban all religions. What I'm counting on is time. Over time women will get sick of being suppressed. Over time people will get sick of being tortured under the flag of religion. Eventually people will grow tired of daily bombings, rapes, and murders. The soul will grow wary and the people will revolt. The question is, when? Saldy I doubt it'll be in our lifetime.
Hindus say it is, to shy away from explaining Sanatana Dharma. This myth should be debunked forever. Hinduism's whole train of thought is different from the Abrahamic religions. I also think part of the other problem is Hindus not having fully grasped an understanding of their own religion. Also there's so much that can go under the umbrella of Hinduism, that it can create contradictory ideas and became confusing.
I was trying to say that Islam is growing, because of bigger families. I'm not promoting it. I wouldn't want 12 kids nor does anyone with common sense. Obviously you don't share my sense of humor, because I was joking. The bottom line is women are having less kids, and that's a good thing for society. I agree with totally, but I was just making a point.