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R Sankar

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  1. Dear Mr. Kamesh, My name is R Sankar, grandson of Sri. R Krishnaswamy Iyer (Poorvashrama name of Sri. Jnanananda Bharathi Swaminah). You may go thro' the website of Gnanananda Bharathi to know more about Sri. Gnanananda Bharathi Swaminah. My father, Sri. K Ramachandran, son of Sri. R Krishnaswamy Iyer, was the legal heir and copy right owner of all the workings of Sri. R Krishnaswamy Iyer (a) Sri. Jnanananda Bharathi Swaminah. Now, we have formed a Trust in the name of Gnanananda Bharathi Grantha Prakasana Samithi to renovate the adhistam (Samathi) of Sri. Jnanananda Bharathi Swaminah and to reprint some of his books and the copy rights are rests with the Trust. I am surprised that Yoga Vashishta has been reprinted and is being sold by you (as per your mail, the cost is $ 20) without our knowledge. Though we have no objection in reprinting the books of Sri. Jnanananda Bharathi Swaminah, we expect a basic courtesy from the people, who reprints, to keep us informed and take a written approval from us to avoid any duplication and litigation later on. Pls treat this as personal letter and send us your reply to my mail ID Regards R Sankar
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