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Posts posted by xxvvii

  1. A dog or pack of dogs can protect the chicken. Here Law is the pack of dogs.


    Don't forget a dog is a chicken's eater, too.


    Are you saying that those missionaries are right ?


    Never. A winner is right & a loser is deserving.


    7:55 Say to her, You produce gold and silver and brass, and also iron and lead and clay;

    7:56 but silver is more abundant than gold, and brass than silver, and iron than brass, and lead than iron, and clay than lead.


    60:17 For brass I will bring gold, and for iron I will bring silver, and for wood brass, and for stones iron: I will also make thy officers peace, and thine exactors righteousness.


    just as foxes cannot be allowed enter in a chicken farm,

    the aggresive religions' missionary should not be allowed BY LAW to enter or live on the vedic land.


    - change the law soon to that effect


    - make the public well aware of the harm caused by the missionaires so that they will not fall pray.



    A fox would die if it couldn't find any food. A chicken would escape if it were unrestricted by a farm & run fast enough. The ending is ultimately determined by competition instead of law.


    we have the logic, logic has to be used to learn the science of the transcendence.. one can say that the logic, the rational logic is limited but we have only it to understand us and the world around us, so let's use it!!!



    It's half right. When you're a infant, you survive like an animal by instinct; when you're a schoolchild, you learn knowledge mainly by blind acceptance; when you're an adult, you live by reason, desire, & emulousness; when you're a elder, you resist or obey the destiny by faith. If you have some psych. ability, you can live with subconsciousness.



    the right religion is in a sense "no religion"

    study bhagavad gita,, god says think of me, study me, surrender to me.. abandon sectarism, divisions, temporary dharmas...


    this is the secret,,, bhagavad gita does not propose any dogma or any blind faith.. bg is loyal: "there's no need to blindly believe.. there's only to study and practice"


    these are the news of the vedas.. not for accepting hinduism and refuse christianism, buddhism or the opposite... now stop blind believing, now the spirituality is a science.. study it





    Yet, the thing I don't understand is that where is Atlantis Empire, if there was one.

    - - -

    In Atlantic.


    They say that Atlantis Empire was the very developed Civilization, and they say that it used a powersource to survive. If there's a powersource, does that prove that there are different kind of magic in the world and Hinduism only chooses one of the magic to be it's main core?

    - - -

    Which means to be adopted is less impo.. The more impo. is its goal. Atlantis proved that civilization is not equal to success.


    In another thread a question was asked "Why does God Vishnu always incarnate in India". If those questions be answered in a straight way, I'll be fully convinced that Hinduism is the right religion.

    - - -

    "Always"? If Hinduism is the right religion, then what is not the right religion?



    vaishnavism is to believe that the absolute truth is a person and to worship him



    Absurd. Truth is truth & a person is a person."Truth" is an inanimate, uncountable, & abstract noun, whereas "person" is an animate, countable, & mass noun.

  4. -------------

    Rela. between IEs & semite-hamites


    The similarities between PIE & Afro-asian is remarkable. The major lang.s in this world can be classified into 4 classes:


    a. Isolating with the type of Chinese

    b. Agglutinating with the type of Finnish

    c. External inflective with the type of Sanskrit in IEs

    d. Internal inflective with the type of Arabian in semite-hamites


    The latter 2 are both inflective. The dif is that Sanskrit inflects by fusing a stem with an inflective termination, while Arabian inflects mainly by vowel change. Ablaut & umlaut can scarcely be found in sanskrit, so a word can be told by its stem. In Arabian a word can only be told by its skeletons - consonants. This feature is also reflected in its writing system. Arabian can make very similar ext. infl., too, but simpler than Sanskrit. As I know, hamites are more close to PIE with a lot of single syllable stems.


    The similarities also exist in race, white.



    Homeland & dispersion


    I think it to be of no problem from 2 aspects, geographical & lingual.


    The earliest branches are 2, one, Hittites, to asia minor & the other, Tokharians, to central asia; the latter branches are 2, one to central europe & further to be Celts, Romans, Greeks, one to west europe to be Germans; the last branch is Indo-iranians, further into 3 branches to asia minor, Iran, & India; the remainders are Balts, Slaves, & Armenian.


    In asia minor they met mediterraneans; in central asia they met diverse white & yellow races; in south & west europe they met mediterraneans & Iberians respectively; in north europe they met Iberians & Lapps; in Iran & India they met same races except that there were tibetan-burmeses in India; the remainders met Lapps, other Siberians, Caucasians, & etc..


    The closer rela. among Indo-Iranian, Armenian, Albanian, and Balto-Slavic can be testified by satem theory.

  5. In my contact with you, I feel the discrepancy & conflict between the reality & your ideal. You're used to evade neg. facts enven if they're apparent. I guess that the prosperity of Bollywood may be the reflection of your evasion although I'm not familliar with the rela. between your ethos & your movies. I have to say that your ethos is dif. from that a reader can perceive from vedas & epics although you are reading the same scriptures like your ancestors.


    The history always replays on the same stage, so I needn't give too remote examples. For the history before the independence, you complain British's "divide & conquer"; for the history after the independence, you complain other religions. Then I want to ask some q.s : when can you begin to complain yourselves? when can you begin to stop dividing yourselves? when can you begin to stop conquering yourselves?


    The rela. between you & me is not protection but guidance. Your future is in your own hands all the time, so no one can protect you if you insist on conquering yourselves. Moreover, I couldn't even help you if I become your tool because my value is realized in the form of my guidance whether you like or not. It's the complement to democracy. Your decisions & policies are closer to the ideal than the reality.

  6. If there are 2 options, a man & a idol, in front of your eyes, I bet you'll choose the latter in the heart. Though it wouldn't do sth. good for you, you may conceive it to do so, & at the same time it can't punish or blame you, which is what you like: only an idol in your mind can satisfy you all the time. Whereby then did you say yourself being a devotee of God & the just?


    I need competition, contesters, confidence, success instead of protection, guardians, jealousy, failure. I'm not a money's earner. You are.

  7. Subconscious mind is a psychic concept. The rela. of it with conscious mind is like that of a stem with its branches. For a common person, his mind keeps out of sub. mind. The more conscious a person, the closer his mind to sub. mind & the more he gets from his inside until he fully awakes in spirituality.

  8. I repeat my words that all nations & religions subject to the same rule, "can survive, survive; can't survive, die." And I tell you the names of my nation & religion, not "India" & "Hinduism" but "All" & "Love". In order to show my support, now I tell you that you needn't any help because you need only to turn your ashamed & arrogant faces to me.

  9. I repeat my words that all nations & religions subject to the same rule, "can survive, survive; can't survive, die." And I tell you the names of my nation & religion, not "India" & "Hinduism" but "All" & "Love". In order to show my support, now I tell you that you needn't any help because you need only to turn your ashamed & arrogant faces to me.


    when one is completely surrendered to the Lord, then one does everything for the Lord, i.e, offers the efforts and the results to the Lord.(as Krishna advised in the Gita)


    When a person does this, he is no longer attached to the results,hence he is not worried about what is going to happen.Hence, for such a person, Astrology is not needed.



    As my personal opinion, a person's fate is not determined accidentally. A departured soul will entangle in "wheel of samsara", as the description of 2 paths in bg.. In this wheel, the soul will be "weight", in a Christan term, by means of "karma's test" described in Tibetan Book Dead. Karma will lead the soul close to light by the path of light or away from it by the path of darkness. In other word, a soul as heavy as sandy gold will congregate to the center, & a soul as light as dust will be pushed aside.

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