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  1. Is Islam Really a Problem for Jews and Hindus? from: http://www.asianweek.com/2001_06_22/opinion2_voices_islam.html from: http://www.factsofisrael.com/blog/archives/000420-print.html These two organizations have teamed up because of their hatred for muslims. They are both figthing aggression from muslims and struggling to protect their motherland. What is your opinion and do you think their joint venture makes any difference? Also do you think India has a good future ally in Israel? from: http://www.kahane.org/ from: http://www.hinduunity.org/
  2. You don't need a guru for that. Alot of Hindus seem to be at ease with ignoring their religion. It's important to teach them how to live Dharmic life according to Hinduism. Some of these people have lost their way and need guidance. Learn your religion, practice it, and preserve it for the future. Hindu had better wake up. There's no time to waste.
  3. Hindus need to understand that their survival depends on it. Hindus see what is happening to Bharat and they'd be stupid to ignore it. When push comes to shove it's us or them. We let muslims and christians pick us apart and separate us and it didn't take much. Know's the time quit playing around and get serious. We need some type of body or organization, that can connect us, so we can come up with a solution. Only when people decide to put these plans into action will we get any results.
  4. We need apply the caste system the way it was prescibed in the Vedas. Get back to 4 caste and apply it correctly. That means your caste is by nature and not by birth. What fueling these religions is Hindus willingness to get walked all over. These people look down on Hindus in a Hindu country. We need to get hold of this problem know. Bharat can only be prosperous when it is ruled by Hindus for Hindus. Muslims are the dead weight that is dragging us down. Let them go live amung the Arabs and walk around in sheets prayer to Alalalalalahhhhhhhhh.
  5. until we get all muslims and christians out of our country. These people are working against Bharat. It's them or us. Muslims don't have a problem with killing innocent people. They've done it throughout history. Believe me, if they get the chance to take over Bharat they will. Sephiroth is right, we need to act know. These people will kill you the first chance they get. You said it yourself, it's justified in the koran. What more do they need? I will gladly take on bad karma to protect Bharat's future. Someone has to, or they'll be no Hindus left to preach our philosophy. The time is know and if not know then when.
  6. India needs to expel all muslims and christians and return to being Bharat. We need to establish a Hindu state. Like the jews, who have Israel. Muslim countries can have a Islamic Rebublic, then Hindus can have their paradise also. These muslims can go live in Pakistan or an Arab muslim nation. They want to live in an Islamic Caliph anyways. Bharat need to be home to all Hindus. Christians should leave as well, they're just as bad. We deserve to live in peace away from muslims. We need this to happen immediately, before we are forever lost. If you disagree what are the reasons Hindus shouldn't have their own country, but Jews and Muslims can.
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