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You have quoted the right thing Gaura Hari Bol
HE would appear as it is.......and billion will follow him
My dear fellow readers Is it must that we should become a worshipper, why is that, why can't we leave these GODs in peace and do your own business? You can write to me directly at vijaya.madhava@gmail.com Have a good day
Yes HE does. Everything is existing by the energy of GOD. All that we SEE, FEEL or DREAM is but the energy of GOD. Which proves that HE is in FULL control of everything be a material or sipritual. moving or non-moving.
*Surprised because u believe that it migth take many many many births to know less about him,then y bother at all,if he is so kind y did he make us so small that it takes many many many births to just know a little about him. ----------------------- The reason HE is unlimited and we are limited therefore it requires many many Janmas. But then there is concession in this age (kali yoga) simply chanting Hare Krsna Mahamantra we can know enough about Him to reestablish our relationship with Krsna and go back home back to GODHEAD. ------------------------- *In this rate when and how r we gonna reach him? There are two ways one is sadhana and other is Krapa. Sadhana means our own accord by following and practicing the religious principals under a bonafide sipritual master. The second one is Krapa.... means you can be picked by Lord Krsna through his representive to send back home. ------------------------ *How comea guru who is also born like u and me help us know god better when we cant do it ourselves This material world is like a jail..... in jail there are two kinds of inhabitants.....(1) Criminal & (2) Guards (both live in the jail) in that sense we are like criminals and Gurus are like Guards. The Guards (GURU) can set criminal(us ) free if they want. Not a good example but only for understanding.
*Surprised because u believe that it migth take many many *many births to know less about him,then y bother at all,if *he is so kind y did he make us so small that it takes many *many many births to just know a little about him. ----------------------- The reason HE is unlimited and we are limnited therefore it requires many many Janmas. But then thers is concession in this age simplying chanting Hare Krsna Mahamantra we can know enough about Him to reestablish our relationship and go back home back to GODHEAD. ------------------------- *In this rate when and how r we gonna reach him? There are two ways one is sadhana and other is Krapa. Sadhana means our own accord by following and practicing the religious principals under a bonafide sipritual master. The second oen is Krapa.... means you can be picked by Lord Krsna through his representive to send back home. ------------------------ *How comea guru who is also born like u and me help us know *god better when we cant do it ourselves This material world is like a jail..... in jail there are two kinds of inhabitants.....(1) Criminal & (2) Guards (both live in the jail) in that sense we are like criminal and Gurus are like Guards. The Guards (GURU) can set criminal(us ) free if they want. Not a good example but only for understanding.
Just to inject some more information. Krsna is source and cause of all causes. ( Lord Brahma the first born of this material world has confirmed.) When Krsna wants to show his oppulance then HE is known and refered as Lord Narayana. While Krsna has to perform any activities He takes an incaration.(some with full potencies or some with less potencies) Everyone of them has a name. However in general terms they are all refered as Visnu or Visnu avatar. Krsna very categorically has confirmed this in Bhagavat Gita (Which is the essence of all Vedas) that He is the only worshipable object. Now when HE says "He alone" then all the visnus are included because HE is non different from them.
What ever you may get here does not last long so what difference would it makes who give it to us. However the Love of Krsna (GOD) can be practiced under the guidance by bonafide spiritual mastere would help us in getting out of this material world which has but the repeated birth and death cycle. As many are the waves in the sea so many are the incarnations of the GOD.... not only the famous 10 that we may know but even 1000 as mentioned in Visnu sahasarnama. GOD is unlimited and so are His energies. It may require many many many life time to know little about HIM. However there are concession for this age.... simply chating the Maha Mantra we may achieve the perfection of this human form.
Visnu is the name of the post (not a personality.) All the avatras are known as Visnu and in all they have hundreds of millions of name. We may only know the famous 10 or 1000 as mentioned in Sahsranama for our planet or this age of Kali. Therefore surrendering to any form of visnu is always the best.
If you are still being troubled then Chant loudly where the place is hounted HARE KRSNA HARE KRSNA KRSNA KRSNA HARE HARE HARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE HARE you can sing this as well with Karatal and Mrdangam The Ghost will be liberated by hearing this Maha Mantra.
What is the source of this story? The reason I am asking is the earth is potient enough to generate all kind of species and as such no one coming from out side. Only the celestial being do visit the earth but they do not stay back as said in your story. Or am I missing something here?
Hi Pierre Do you know if Krishna is a historic person ? Krishna is not a person but He is the Original Person from whom everthing emanates. All that you see, feel or dream (moving or non moving, spiritual or material) has its origin in Krishna.Therefore He is very much a historic person of millions of Unverses/Glaxies. Is the Incarnation of Krishna the same thing as the incarnation of Jesus ? Jesus is son of GOD, where as Krishna is that father whom Jesus is referring too. Do you know if hindus have sacrements like Christian ? Yes, there are many and they are called Samskaras. It starts right from the time husband & wife wants to concieve the child in the womb and until the last rite of the same. However many people in general do not practice this as it is voluntary and purely out of love or knowledge not by force or fear. Hope this will help you may write to me directly at vijaya.madhava@gamil.com if you need more clarification or any help
Dear Srix29 Place or position does not bind one. It is the mind or attitude that you need to change. You are already reading Bhagavat Gita but may be you have not understood the essence of Gita otherwise this question would have not come to your mind. Chant the holy name in the form of Hare Krsna Mahamantra and you will find the change of heart, activities and your personality. Whether you are in Japan or South India, your mind will dictate the terms whereever you go, so you need to control the mind so that it is properly displined to follow the path of devotional serive, by doing so you will be discharging your duties and responsibilities to the satisfaction of all and at the same time there would not be any reaction to your activites. Read Bhagavat Gita? Bhagavatam under a guidance of a GURU and you will get all your answers immediately. Hope this will help. You may contact me at vijaya.madhava@gmail.com for help
It is obious that everyone will claim that his way of doing things are most bonafied/perfect. Whatever is wrong for one may be right for others and anyway who would be the judge to settle this issue. But there is answer to everying thing and that is hidden in the sastras like vedas, puranas and upnisads. If one is fortunate he might get the answers. Bhagavatam is considered the ripen fruit of all the vedas/puranas & upnisads and it is declared by the same author ie Veda Vyasa who has complied all other scriptures. Therefore his opinion should be the best and hardly can be challenged by anyone. Question might come that why then Veda Vyasa written so many other scriptures and given different instructions to the performers/practitioners. The answers to this that he provided the facilities for all kinds of people in the differents modes and by following his instructions in the end they will elevate from lower modes to higher modes which will help to end the cycle of repeated birth and death of this miserable world. At the end of their sadhana/perfction of yoga they will transmigrate to GOLOKA Dhama, from where no one returns back to this material world. Hope this will help
Hey do not worry...... At least he is following the teaching of Jesus the representative of GOD. But to make him really know the GOD directly, you must feed him only FOOD that is offered to KRSNA and let him chant "Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare" by doing this his understanding will become very clear and at same time he would follow sanatan dharma (Hinduism) with out any diffculty.