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Real History of "Taj Mahal" It is proved Taj Mahal is not a burial of Mumtaj but an ancient temple of Lord Shiva. Sufficient proofs and website links are with this mail. U can try this link (text and photo) before/after going through this mail: http://www.stephen-knapp.com/was_the_taj_mahal_a_vedic_temple.htm "The Moghul Emperor Shah Jahan in the memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal built the Taj Mahal. It was built in 22 years (1631 to 1653) by 20,000 artisans brought to India from all over the world! . Many people believe Ustad Isa of Iran designed it." This is what your guide probably told you if you ever visited the Taj Mahal. This is the same story I read in my history book as a student. NOW READ THIS....... No one has ever challenged it except Prof. P. N. Oak, who believes the whole world has been duped. In his book Taj Mahal: The True Story, Oak says the Taj Mahal is not Queen Mumtaz's tomb but an ancient Hindu temple palace of Lord Shiva (then known as Tejo Mahalaya). In the course of his research Oak discovered that the Shiva temple palace was usurped by Shah Jahan from then Maharaja of Jaipur, Jai Singh. In his own court chronicle, Badshahnama, Shah Jahan admits that an exceptionally beautiful grand mansion in Agra was taken from Jai SIngh for Mumtaz's burial. The ex-Maharaja of Jaipur still retains in his secret collection two orders from Shah Jahan for surrendering the Taj building. Using captured temples and mansions, as a burial place for dead courtiers and royalty was a common practice among Muslim rulers. For example, Humayun, Akbar, Etmud-ud-Daula and Safdarjung are all buried in such mansions. Oak's inquiries began with the name of Taj Mahal. He says the term "Mahal" has never been used for a building in any Muslim countries from Afghanisthan to Algeria. "The unusual explanation that the term Taj Mahal derives from Mumtaz Mahal was illogical in atleast two respects. Firstly, her name was never Mumtaz Mahal but Mumtaz-ul-Zamani," he writes. Secondly, one cannot omit the first three letters 'Mum' from a woman's name to derive the remainder as the name for the building."Taj Mahal, he claims, is a corrupt version of Tejo Mahalaya, or Lord Shiva's Palace. Oak also says the love story of Mumtaz and Shah Jahan is a fairy tale created by court sycophants, blundering historians and sloppy archaeologists. Not a single royal chronicle of Shah Jahan's time corroborates the love story. Furthermore, Oak cites several documents suggesting the Taj Mahal predates Shah Jahan's era, and was a temple dedicated to Shiva, worshipped by Rajputs of Agra city. For example, Prof. Marvin Miller of New York took a few samples from the riverside doorway of the Taj. Carbon dating tests revealed that the door was 300 years older than Shah Jahan. European traveler Johan Albert Mandelslo,who visited Agra in 1638 (only seven years after Mumtaz's death), describes the life of the city in his memoirs. But he makes no reference to the Taj Mahal being built. The writings of Peter Mundy, an English visitor to Agra within a year of Mumtaz's death, also suggest the Taj was a noteworthy building well before Shah Jahan's time. Prof. Oak points out a number of design and architectural inconsistencies that support the belief of the Taj Mahal being a typical Hindu temple rather than a mausoleum. Many rooms in the Taj ! Mahal have remained sealed since Shah Jahan's time and are still inaccessible to the public. Oak asserts they contain a headless statue of Lord Shiva and other objects commonly used for worship rituals in Hindu temples. Fearing political backlash, Indira Gandhi's government tried to have Prof. Oak's book withdrawn from the bookstores, and threatened the Indian publisher of the first edition dire consequences. There is only one way to discredit or validate Oak's research. The current government should open the sealed rooms of the Taj Mahal under U.N. supervision, and let international experts investigate. Do circulate this to all you know and let them know about this reality..... Hey please check this link ........it adds as a visual proof .......... http://www.stephen-knapp.com/was_the_taj_mahal_a_vedic_temple.htm If u dont believe the article above, and have faith upon BBC, please visit their website in this link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/A5220 THANK YOU. MAYUR DAVE,AHMEDABAD,GUJARAT,INDIA…..
I AM YET TO BELIEVE THIS Let's the TRUTH prevail. This is unbelievable truth. "The Moghul Emperor Shah Jahan in the memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal built the Taj Mahal. It was built in 22 years (1631 to 1653) by 20,000 artisans brought to India from all over the world. Many people believe Ustad Isa of Iran designed it." This is what your guide probably told you if you ever visited the Taj Mahal. This is the same story I read in my history book as a student in India. No one has ever challenged it except Professor P.N. Oak, who believes the whole world has been duped. In his book Taj Mahal: The True Story, Oak says the Taj Mahal is not Queen Mumtaz Mahal's tomb but an ancient Hindu temple palace of Lord Shiva (then known as Tejo Mahalaya). In the course of his research, Oak discovered the Shiva temple palace was usurped by Shah Jahan from then Maharaja of Jaipur, Jai Singh. Shah Jahan then remodeled the palace into his wife's memorial. In his own court chronicle, Badshahnama, Shah Jahan admits that an exceptionally beautiful grand mansion in Agra was taken from Jai Singh for Mumtaz's burial. The ex-Maharaja of Jaipur still retains in his secret collection two orders from Shah Jahan for surrendering the Taj building. Using captured temples and mansions, as a burial place for dead courtiers and royalty was a common practice among Muslim rulers. For example, Humayun, Akbar, Etmud-ud-Daula and Safdarjung are all buried in such mansions. Oak's inquiries begin with the name Taj Mahal. He says this term does not occur in any Moghul court papers or chronicles, even after ShahJahan's time. The term "Mahal" has never been used for a building in any of the Muslim countries, from Afghanistan to Algeria. "The unusual explanation that the term Taj Mahal derives from Mumtaz Mahal is illogical in at least two respects. Firstly, her name was never Mumtaz Mahal but Mumtaz-ul-Zamani," he writes. "Secondly, one cannot omit the first three letters 'Mum' from a woman's name to derive the remainder as the name for the building." Taj Mahal, he claims, is a corrupt version of Tejo-Mahalaya, or the Shiva's Palace. Oak also says the love story of Mumtaz and Shah Jahan is a fairy tale created court sycophants, blundering historians and sloppy archaeologists. Not a single royal chronicle of Shah Jahan's time corroborates the love story. Furthermore, Oak cites several documents suggesting the Taj Mahal predates Shah Jahan's era, and was a temple palace dedicated to Shiva worshipped by the Rajputs of Agra city. For example, Professor Marvin Miller of New York took a few samples from the riverside doorway of the Taj. Carbon dating tests revealed that the door was 300 years older than Shah Jahan. European traveler Johan Albert Mandelslo, who visited Agra in 1638(only seven years after Mumtaz's death), describes the life of the city in his memoirs. But he makes no reference to the Taj Mahal being built. The writings of Peter Mundy, an English visitor to Agra within a year of Mumtaz's death, also suggest the Taj was a noteworthy building long well before Shah Jahan's time. Oak points out a number of design and architectural inconsistencies that support the belief of the Taj Mahal being a typical Hindu temple rather than a mausoleum. Many rooms in the Taj Mahal have remained sealed since Shah Jahan's time, and are still inaccessible to the public. Oak asserts they contain a headless statue of Shiva and other objects commonly used for worship rituals in Hindu temples. Fearing political backlash, Indira Gandhi's government tried to have Oak's book withdrawn from the bookstores, and threatened the Indian publisher of the first edition with dire consequences. There is only one way to discredit or validate Oak's research. The current Indian government should open the sealed rooms of the Taj Mahal under UN supervision, and let international experts investigate Thanking You, MAYUR DAVE, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INDIA
In early days the Fire was the most helping natural element to humankind. Fire is the element that cooks our food when it is inside the wood. The fire digests the food when it is in our stomach. The Fire in the form of Sun sets under the sea and comes out of the sea in the morning to see that creatures take rest and are survived. Fire produces wind and vibrations in air and water and matters. Fire takes all offerings which are submitted to it. Fire accepts all these offerings and takes them to the other natural elements for their survival. The Fire appears from unknown world. Fire takes whatsoever inside it gets disappear that goes to unknown world. Therefore the Fire is the supreme of all natural elements. Fire is the matter and fire is the energy. Therefore Fire must have come out from the God, or God has come to the cosmos in the form of Fire. Cosmos itself is the form of Fire. We do not know the God. To know the God is beyond our capacity. We see the Fire that has come out of the God. God has no cause. God is the cause of all. God is beyond experience through any limb of our body. God cannot be described. The God is auspicious, propitious, gracious, benevolent, kind …etc.. that is why he is known as SHIVAH. He has full control. That is why he is ISHAH and ISHVARAH. He is the ultimate controller that is why he is PARAMESHVAR. (ISHAH=Ruler, controller. ISHVARAH = Controller of the Controllers. PARAMESHVARA=Ultimate controller. You may put ruler, king as well). Since the Fire is spread all over the world and the world itself is made of Fire, the Fire is termed as VISHVA-MURTI (VISHVA=Cosmos. MURTI=Body). The name of the Fire is RUDRA, because at first sight it appears harsh. RUDRA’s body is made of fire. Rudra is the VISHVA-MURTI. He has thousands of heads, thousands of eyes, thousands of mouths, thousands of hands, thousands of abdomens, thousands of legs. He produced Teachers/preachers from his head. He produced traders and producers from his abdomen, he produced laborers from legs, he produced kings from his arms, he produced moon from his mind, he produced suns from his eyes, he produced fire from his mouth, he produced stellar constellation from his nucleus …. All these means that Cosmos is a living organism. As we have different organs and limbs to feel and to work, the Cosmos has the mass characteristic for feeling and mass working. We live outside our body. Cosmos live inside the body. We are greater than any of the living cell of our body. A living cell of our body say a cell of our brain or a cell of our blood if thinks about itself that it is an intellect and the body where it resides if it further thinks is a non-living human body, we would simply smile. Similarly if we who are one of the very tiny cell of Cosmos if think we are quite intellect and the cosmos is a non-living organism then Cosmic God RUDRA would smile only. Similar is the case with Sun and Earth and all other celestial bodies. In fact fault lies with human. Who first collects things which are known to him as living? Then he works out the common characteristic. Then he defines living organism. This is basically false. The definition of a living organism is that maintains its uniqueness/one-ness. The human maintains its body which is one, for nearly 100 years. During this period he is able to sense, act and feel his existence. Once he looses these characteristics, the body starts decaying. The body gets destroyed even if the body is not offered to fire or grave. Whereas look at the Sun. The Sun is maintaining its uniqueness/one-ness since billions of years. Our body’s binding energy is our all living cells like blood-cells, nerve-cells, bone-cells, skin-cells etc… and a continuous flow of blood, air, electrical currents and heat current. Similar is the case with mother earth. She too has air cycle, water-cycle, gravitation, electro-magnetic cycle and a further biological cycle between vegetation and animals which keep the earth unique. Human feels his existence. But he denies to except that the earth too can feel her existence. In fact the proof of feeling the own existence is only the definition of living organism. Only an organism itself can spell out the truth for its own self and no one else can spell. The mass feeling of the creatures and mass-desire of creatures is the feeling of the mother earth. Human body takes birth and gets vanished but the mother earth remains alive because of her cycles of energies. Similar is the case with SUN. Therefore it is for the COSMOS. The cosmos is complete in its self. Therefore it is termed as “ANIRVACHANIYA” i.e. it cannot be described through words in total. In the Cosmos, the feeling is illusion. Time is not flowing uniform. In the upper level worlds the time flows very slow depending upon its level. God is SAT. SAT does not under go any change. SAT remains unchanged and for all the time. As such SAT is independent of time, mass and space. GOD is SAT. SAT is absolute. SAT can be only one and only one. There cannot be two SAT. SAT is the ultimate goal of all souls. Similar is the case with SOUL. SOUL is like the space inside an earthen pot covered by a lid. Space is same outside the pot and inside the pot. When lid is taken out, the space inside the pot appears to have been the same that of out side the pot. To open out the lid is to see the GOD through knowledge. Lid is the limitation what have been created by us with desires which are illusive and purely temporary. Who knows the field of reality he opens out the lid which separates the soul from the supreme soul i.e. GOD (SHIVAH). The lid is also known as the cover made of GOLD. GOLD is a symbol of temporary happiness that is the earthen amenities we enjoy with in the world without caring for others that do not come with us when we leave the body. The earthen pot is our body. The body is changing from small to big and from weak to strong and from healthy to disabled. Body is ASAT (A=non, SAT=eternal). The SOUL is not affected by heat. The SOUL does not become wet with water. The SOUL does not blow away by the wind. The SOUL does not dried up by any means. The SOUL acquires only status if its body has acquired any knowledge. The SOUL is not the body. It is different of the body. All the SOULS whether they are in vegetations, fishes, reptiles, mammals or whatsoever are the part of the same supreme soul separated by bodies and ignorance. As the SOUL achieves the knowledge through body the soul comes nearer to the supreme soul. The knowledge can be achieved through good work for all creatures and performing duties to maintain the cosmic society. There are other ways also depicted in the Hindu philosophy. The others are YOGA and BHAKTI (YOGA=exercise of breathing and concentration towards your own SOUL. BHAKTI=devotion to GOD with pious works as entrusted by the society or one has agreed upon.) The first principal of the philosophy is that whosoever undergoes changes has the birth and has the death. In the Cosmos everything undergoes changes. Hence each of the things has beginning and end. This supports the theory of BIGBANG of the COSMOS. Why SHIVA has created the COSMOS and other divine elements like Fire, GAS, Solid, Liquid, Soul, Cosmos etc… No reply for this. Because GOD is the cause of all. God has no cause. What happens to the SOUL after the death of its body? Depending upon its knowledge and work it occupies a new body. The last body is the human body. If a SOUL fails to perform good and pious work the SOUL goes to a creature of lower level. If the SOUL has acquired good knowledge but not enough to achieve the GOD, it will start from the stage where it has finished in previous body. There is no haven and no hell. Everything is limited to the COSMOS. There is no ghost and no dream that has no separate entity than the real life. i.e. Ghost does not exist at all. As for the dreams, it is the reflection of what we have experienced and thought when we are in real life i.e. when we are conscious. Nothing else is true. What is true is to develop the thinking on the same line. The God helps out of way some body, is also a mischievous belief. God has to be much greater than politicians and therefore God is not supposed to help them simply because they have faith in him and they are worshiping him though otherwise they act violently with others and breaks the natural laws and social laws of the society. God is not supposed to excuse these people. The God cannot act partially because God is not a politician. God cannot break the natural laws because the God has framed them for maintenance of the society and the Cosmos. That is why the God would not allow any miracles through his devotees too. God is not bias and will not act with discrimination because God’s mind cannot have limitation like human. Further it is added there cannot be Hell and Haven out side the Cosmos. To think of Hell and Haven out side the Cosmos is much more complicated. Even God cannot explain it. If at all there exist any Haven and Hell it is within the Cosmos only. Specifically for our human kind, it is the earth only. The Earth is hell for some creatures and the same earth is haven for some creatures. Human society has to decide whether it wants Hell or Haven on this earth. This is in brief all about GOD, COSMOS, SOUL and body according to Hindu philosophy what has been reproduced by SANKAR ACHARYA a great philosopher of all the time happened to have been on this earth 500 years BC. He has said that he had based his philosophy on VEDAs. What is left out is the symbolic forms of GOD and liveliness of natural events. The Cosmos is vast by nearly 20 billions of light years or even more. There are billions of billions of stars comparable in size and weight to our Sun. Most of them are supposed to have planets. Out of One million planets one planet can have atmosphere like earth as per the probability. We cannot discard the vastness of Cosmos and tiny-ness of our Earth. If Human species is really a great species in the Cosmos or even on this earth by virtue of its intelligence it is supposed to behave with responsibility. Otherwise the Human species would be considered as Cancer cells of the Earth. Mother Earth is clever and wise enough to destroy them in time to come. Meditation may not have any thing to do with God. Off course it is matter of research on this point. It is also a matter of research as to what extent it helps the body and the mind. It is a breathing exercise, like you do bodily exercise. You can also have brain exercise. You can read books on psychology you can train your mind. But all to what extents depend upon what way you put it to practice. Thank You, Mayur Dave, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INDIA
Respected sir, Gujarati people are business minded as well as also good politicians. Gujarat has given and is also currently giving a Business like in Textile, Handicraft, Color designing as Dyeing the cloths, and many more things. Kutch region of Gujarat exports so many handicraft designs in all over world. What on the National front Gujarat did: The First man of India " Mahatma Gandhi" was Gujarati, Sardar Patel, Vithalbhai Patel, Morarji Desai, H.M.Patel and many more leaders was on the national front. While on a GUJARAT level: We Got Dr Jivraj Mehta, Babubhai Patel, and Hitendra Desai as politicians. In Educational field we got BhaiKaka (Creator of Vallabh Vidyanagar) Ishwerbhai Patel (Principal) D.N.High School later Kulpati Gujarat University, Indulal yagnik (Ahmedabad). Big gujarati Industrialist like: Dhirubhai Ambani (Reliance Group), Iswerbhai Patel (Standard Engineering) Ramanbhai Amin (Alembic) and Nanubhai Amin (Jyoti Ltd), Mohanbhai Patel (Extrusion Process), Shapurji (Elecon), Karsanbhai patel (Nirma). We Gujarati are religious too like: Ambaji, Shamlaji, Somanath, Akshardham, Dwarka, Dakor, Palitana, Virpur (Jalaram) all the big Temples. Gujarat has also sasangir century (Asiatic lions), Sardar sarovar (Narmada dam), Amul dairy (Anand). What else our motherland gave you. We are proud to be as Gujaratis. We all live in Gujarat as a Brothers like One Family. We do help each other. Whether it is a Muslim or Hindu or a Christian, but all we live in a one state like as brotherhood. May Lord Krishna Bless the Land! And its people! Some people are more interested in blaming Narendra Modi. They talk of post Godhra episode. For that Modi was not responsible. If he is to be considered responsible, then………… Jawaharlal Nehru was responsible for post independence mass killing. Hitendra Desai was responsible for the riots of 1969 Madhavsinh solanki was responsible for all the riots took place during his tenure. Amarsinh Chaudhari was responsible for all the riots took place during his tenure. Indira Gandhi was responsible otherwise also for the mass killing during khalistan movements. Indira Gandhi was responsible for infiltrations of Bangladeshi-s and paralyzing the lives of North East till date and time to come. Rajiv Gandhi was responsible for mass killing of Sikhs, Killing of Hindus in J&K. There is no end to the real faults of Congress leaders. Please let Mr. Modi to rule. The people of Gujarat have elected him after considering all the aspects. He is honest, sincere and hard worker. MAYUR DAVE. AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT,INDIA..
“Goswami Haveli”-Pustimargiya temple of Shree Natwar Prabhu & Shree Syamlalji, is situated in Doshiwada ni Pole, Kalupur-the heart of Ahmedabad City, since 200 years. This is one of the main temple of pustimarg in Gujarat and as well as in India. In Haveli seva - worship of Shree Natwarprabhu & Shree Shyamlalji is done according to the priciples of pusti sampraday (cult) founded by Mahaprabhu Shree Vallabhacharyaji. Introduction to Haveli Construction : According to principles of Shree Vallabhacharyaji, the construction of this haveli is nicely done. The temple is called ‘Haveli’ because it does not have any shikhar - dhwaja (dome - flags) as Lord Krishna had his leelaas in Nandraiji & Yashodaji’s home called Nandalay in Vraj. The haveli campus is vastly situated in area above 5000 yards. As we step into the haveli, we are in the jagmohan, where the devotees stay back for the darshan of Shree Thakurji . Inside jagmohan hall, we step into the main tibaari following by the centre chowk from where the vaishnavas - devotees have there darshan. On the both side of a chowk, there are tibaaris where the manorathas are done, these tibaaris are known as doltibaari & palnatibaari. In front side of the main chowk there is Nijtibaari. Inside Nijtibaari Nijmandir is situated where the seva of Shree Thakuji is performed. Devotees are not allowed to go inside Nijtibaari. On the both side of Nijmandir, Bhogmandir and Sheeshmahal is situated. Moreover there are Phoolghar, Shaakghar, Krushnabhandar, Rasoighar, Baalbhogghar in the Haveli complex. There is a small Gaushaala (Cowshed) in back side of Haveli. The main Gaushaala is located at Asarva Bethak where more than 150 cows are looked after. Shree Thakurji Swarupa (Divine Idol) Here the main idol is of Lord Shree Natvarprabhu. The idol resembles the nagdaman leela of Lord Shree Krishna, dancing on the head of kaliyanaag. This Swarup was worshiped by Mahaprabhu Shree Vallabhacharyaji and given to his descendant Acharyas. This divine idol was along with Shree Vallabhacharyaji while Bharat Parikrama. This swarup is one of the chief Nidhiswarup of pushtimarg. Shree Natvarprabhu attainted all “Saptswarupotsav”-the biggest Celebration of Pustimarg with Lord Shreenathji at Nathdwara as the Prathamgruh (god swarup). The second chief divine idol is of Shree Shyamlalprabhu. The idol resembles the flute playing leela of Lord shree Krishna. This swarup was worshiped by Mahaprabhu Shree Vallabhacharyaji and given to his one of the beloved follower Shree Gopaldas of Naroda(Ahmedabad). Shree Acharya Parampara ( Historical View) Mahaprabhuji Shree Vallabhacharyaji (V.S. 1535)- was the founder of Shuddhadwaitbrahmavad which is known as Pushtimarg. Shree Acharyaji was praised as Jagadguru by Shri Krushnadevrai- the King of Vijaynagar when he established the bhaktimarg above all cults at dharmasabha of Vijaynagar and Kanakabhishek was done by the king. Acharyashree was crowned as the head of all Vaishnav cults by other acharyas. He was honoured as Akhandbhumandalacharyvarya Jagadguru Mahaprabhu. Till now the descendant of Mahaprabhu Shree Vallabhacharyaji are the first ones to have the holy Kumbhasnana the biggest and the holiest occasion of Hindu religion. Acharyaji has founded the first temple of Lord Shreenathji at Girirajji, Vraj. Acharyaji introduced the sewa parampara, till now it is continued by the descendant Acharyas. Acharyaji has roamed all over India three times to spread the concept of bhakti. Among lakhs of followers 84 were his great sevakas. Their stories are still popular. Gosaiji Shree Vitthalnathji (V.S.1572)- the son of Shree Vallabhacharyaji was crowned as Acharya of the cult After Shree Vallabhacharyaji. He spread the pushtimarg all over. Many kings and well-known persons were impressed by his immortal personality. Samrat Akbar, Begum Tajbiwi, Raja Todarmal, Raja Birbal, Raja Ashkarna of narvargarh, Great musician Tansen, Rani Durgavati of Gadha, Ajabkunwarbai of Mewar, Queen of Dholka were few among them. He founded the astyam seva of Shreenathji which includes seasonal manorathas, various arts, music - kirtans (Haveli sangeet), paintings (Pichhavai art). He introduced Bhog-rag-shingar concept of seva. He was honoured as GOSWAMIJI by Samrat Akbar and given rights of vraj mandal. Lacks of people of casts and religions accepted him as Dharmaguru. Among them 252 were the great sevakas of him. Goswami Shree Girdharji was the eldest son of Shree Vitthalnathji. He got the seva of Shreenathji and other swarupas including Shree Natwarprabhu after Shree Vitthalnathji. He stayed at Gokul and Jatipura(Vraj) and made seva and utsav parampara popular. After Goswami Shree Girdarji, his son Goswami Shree Gopinathji (Dixitji) and his descendant Goswami Shree Mathuramallaji > Goswami Shree Purushottamji > Goswami Shree Balkrushnaji > Goswami Shree Vrajraiji (first) got the seva of Shree Natwar Prabhu. Later in Vikram Samvat 1750 the idol was brought from Gokul > Kota to Jodhpur (Rajasthan). Goswami Shree Raghunathji Later on he brought the swarup of Shree Natwarprabhu to Ahmedabad in V.S. 1851 and built a marvelous temple and started the seva. It known that the palkhi of Shree Natwarprabhu was carried by Lord Shiva with other sevakas. In present time the temple of Lord Shiva is also situated in the campus of Goswami Haveli. The sultan of Ahmedabad - Jawanmardkhan welcomed the procession of Shree Natwarprabhu and devoted the riyasat of 40 villages and assured 6% of his collection of land tax to Goswami Haveli. Goswami Shree Gopinathji (Founder of the holy Dipakji) the eldest son of Shree Raghunathji let the lamp for the anushthan (rites) in Goswamihaveli. At the end of anushthan while observing meditation he attained the AMRUTSANJIVANI power. There kumkum came out in place of kajal (collyrium) from the holy lamp. From that kumkum the gaditilak was performed by the Acharyas. Till now the holy lamp is in the campus of Goswami Haveli and akhand since more than 200 years. Devotees including vaishnavas and from other casts and religion are coming with faith for the darshan and worship of the holy Dipakji. Goswami Shree Vrajbhushanji (Shree Chhotaji maharaj) was the younger brother of Shree Gopinathji Maharaj. As Shree Gopinathji has no heir to him, he gifted the AMRUTSANJIVANI power to him. He worked hard to spread the name of cult far and wide. He celebrated the Chhappanbhog Manorath for the first time in Gujarat to please the Lord Natwarprabhu. In the Chhappanbhog celebration unfortunately seven vaishnavas were dead due to stampede. To avoid/prevent this inauspicious event Shree Chhotaji Maharaj used his AMRUTSANJIVANI power and brought back the lives of the seven dead vaishnavas. Since than he became very popular, which he never liked and took the pledge-never to use this power again in public. The popular gujarati poet Dayarambhai was very much inspired by him and came under his influence and accepted the Pustimarg sect. Goswami Shree Vrajraiji (second) was adopted by Shree Chhotaji Maharaj from Gokul Haveli. Shree Vrajraiji Maharaj increased the name, flame and wealth of haveli. He developed 400 year older Asarva bethak one of the holiest place of pushtimarg sect. He established village Jodhpur near Ahmedabad. Goswami Shree Madhusudanlalji was adopted by Shree Vrajraiji Maharaj from Dauji Haveli - Mathura. He was very popular among reputed personalities of India. For the meeting of Delhi Darbar he was invited by King George 5th as a representative of Hindu religion. King George 5th was highly impressed by the speech of Shree Madhusudanlalji Maharaj and thus he honoured him by gifting a marvelous Sword and Revolver which are still safe in the haveli. On the occasion of Dussera Savari, the present Acharyashree keeps it. Maharaja Khanderao Gayakwad of Baroda allways invited Shree Madhusudanlalji in procession of Dussera.Rajmata Gayakwad celebrated a big reception on the marriage occasion of Shree Madhusudanlalji. He was fond and promoted arts, culture and Ayurveda. Goswami Shree Ranchhodlalji was one of the respected Acharya among whole vaishnav sect. He was very keen to seva and parampara. He dedicated whole life for spreading the concept and principles of Mahaprabhu Shree Vallabhacharyaji. He even went to intrim villages of Gujarat and Rajasthan. The present temple Goswami Haveli was renovated by him in 1930 A.D. In construction of this Haveli, he made beautiful combination of parampara and trend of culture. The Haveli was appraised by all present Acharyas of pustimarg. Goswami Shree Vrajraiji (Third) was among the highly learned Acharya in the Hindu religion. He was very fond of art, sewa, parampara and sanskrit literature. He lively took part in revolution called “Shreenathji Hamare Hain” by which Shreenathji’s sewa is not been undertaken by others. He sharply took part in managing the biggest celebration of pustimarg-SAPTASWARUPOTSAV. He was honoured as Shuddhadvait Tilkayatta, Shuddhadvait Sahastranshu, Shuddhadvait Vachaspati, Vidhyambhonidhi, Padavakyapramana-paravaraparinah by Shankaracharyaji and different institutions. He was announced as the chancellor of Bhagvat Vidhyapith. He gave the special importance to concept of gruh sewa shown by Mahaprabhu Shree Vallabhacharayaji. Utsav-Manorath Parampara In Pushtimarg utsav and manorathas are performed to appraise the lord. The Manorathas are based on various leelas of the Lord Shree Krishna. These were performed by vrajbhaktas and gopis to appraising the Lord Shree Krishna for his pleasures. The manorathas are performed according to different seasons. In Sawan-Hindolas, In Sharad-raslila, In Fagun-holikhel, in summer-jalvihar, nav, phulmandali, khaskhana, in Diwali-deepmalika and hatri are performed. Other manorathas like Chhappanbhog, Annakoot, Vivaah, Daanleela, Saanjhileela, Nandmahotsav, Bagicha, Chhaakleela and many more are prerformed as per tradition for the pleasure of the Lord. The kirtans(devotional songs), pichhavais, Shringar, Bhog saamagri etc. are also followed as per the manorathas. Heritage Goswami Haveli is one of the historical Haveli of pusti cult. Here various arts like music, painting, culture, traditions are maintained since 500 years - from the time of Mahaprabhu Shree Vallabhacharyaji. Many invalueable ancient things and literary works are safe even today here, in which manuscripts, tamrapatras, ancient literatures on different subjects like purana, ayurveda, dharmashastra, vyakarana, upanishadas etc. are there. Many royal handicrafts made for Shree Thakurji includes hindola, palna, hatri bangla made of sandal wood, shells, ivory, gold, silver and precious stones. Many other things like pichhvais, paintings, portraits, musical instruments, carts, palkhis, furniture, traditional dressings, swords, canons. The tradition is maintained from the ancient time, this Haveli is one of the r rare. Introduction to Haveli Sangeet Gosaiji Shree Vitthalnathji introduced the art of devotional music to appraise the leelas of Lord Shree Krishna. Shree Vitthalnathji appointed his eight sevakas of different culture and tradition to preform devotional music to appraise Shreenathji, that made the great combination of Indian Art. The Haveli Sangeet is based on Drupad Dhamar tradition of Indian classical music. The various instruments used in Haveli Sangeet, includes pakhawaj, sarangi, dilruba, tanpura, vina, flute, jhanz, tal. Above all selection of instruments are based on the seasonal manorathas and timings. Since 500 years Haveli Sangeet is one of the essential part of pustimarg. Introduction to pichhvai art Gosaiji Shree Vitthalnathji introduced the artistic tradition to sewa prakar of pustimarg. The inheritance of pichhwai art resembles the artistic behavior of the cult. The pichhvai art is inspired from the ancient Kishangarh art. Mainly Krishnalila and other shringararas related art is highlighted. Mostly pichhvais are of 8' x 10' size. By the grace of pustimarg the privilege of this precious art is alive even today. The artists of this field are praised well by the Acharyas even today. Jai Shree Krishna, MAYUR DAVE Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INDIA
It is definitely possible to solve Ayodhya issue if Muslims will accept to give up their claim on birth-place of our great GOD Shree RAM only. I say Muslims must have to give this HINDU holly place without any hesitation. Muslims are not using this place for their holly NAMAJ. So, this place of Ayodhya is useless for them. How can anyone prove that Only BABARI Masjid is there? There is no proof of it. How anyone can prove that MOHMAAD PEGAMBER was born. Was it right place? I personally think that COURT can not take any decision. Both coms have to unite and resolve it by meetings. if this issue will solve than there is no problem of Communalism. Muslim community should give up this question. There is one another alternate that the Muslims should ask for land to the government in Faizabed. So, this issue will resolve and the communal issue will resolve. As per Supreme Court has given direction to the A.S.I. for investigation. the report was that the in Ayodhya RAM -MANDIR was there now at present place where BABRI-MASJID is illegally constructed by one of the Muslim king constructed the MASJID by giving pressure to HINDU community. The citizens of India are waiting for next Sardar Patel who can resolve this issue, like Somnath temple. JAY SHREE RAM. Mayur Dave. Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
Respected Sir, Amarnath temple is one of the holiest place for all HINDUS of the world and also their dream to go Amarnath temple for DARSHAN ones in a life. To fulfill this dream, all HINDUS of the world always try to participate in the Amarnath Yatra and also face any difficulties against them. Every year pilgrims of Amarnath yatra are increasing behalf of threats from terrorist organizations but I say they are neglecting these threats of terrorists. Last year round about 4lacs pilgrims had visited Amarnath temple but this year CM of J & K Mufti Mohmad Saiyed has decided to decrease time limit only up to one month and also obstinacy on this decision. We live in Hindustan then how can we accept this decision? CONGRESS party is also partner in this Mufti Mohmad Kashmir government and Deputy Chief Minister is Hindu. Behalf of this why CONGRESS party keeps mum? It is very shameful for CONGRESS party. In any state, No one government organizes any religious yatra only this work is done by religious organization. Government should only give them security and enough facility. The high-court of J & K has already ordered that the time limit will decide by Amarnath Dev Sthan Board and this board will inform to government before two month then how can Muslim CM of J & K give decision for time limit of one month. We are not Islam country we live in HINDUSTAN and our right to go anywhere and anytime for DARSHAN in any temple in any corner of the great HINDUSTAN means our Great India especially with the majority of 85% HINDUS. If we suffer subsidy for HAJ YATRA very happily for all the Muslim without any prejudice then why this Muslim CM of J & K prejudices with all the HINDUS of the world. Is it right in HINDUSTAN? Maa Tuje Pranam… Mayur Dave Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
We welcomes you to the holy place of the Aadi Jyotirling Shree Somnath Mahadev and the sacred soil where from Bhagvan Shri Krishna took his last journey to his neejdham. The temple is built at the shore of the Arebian ocean on the western corner of Indian subcontinent. This pilgrimage is one of the oldest and find its reference in the ancient texts like Skandpuran, Shreemad Bhagvat, Shivpuran etc. The hymn from Rigveda quoted below mention the Bhagvan Someshwar alongwith the great pilgrimage like Gangaji, Yamunaji and Eastward Saraswati. Which signifies the ancient value of this Tirthdham. The Moon God is said to have been relieved from the curse of his father in law Daksha Prajapati by the blessings of Bhagvan Somnath. This is the first among the twelve holy Shiv Jyotirlings. It has withstood the six repeated desecration by the Muslim invadors. The very existance of this temple is symbole of reconstructive spirit and cultural unity of our society. The seventh existing temple is built in the Kailas Mahameru Prasad style. The Iron man of India Sardar Shri Vallabhbhai Patel is the pioneer of the existing temple. The temple is consisting of Garbhgruh, Sabhamandap and Nrityamandap with a 150 feet high Shikhar. The Kalash at the top of the Shikhar weighs 10 tons and the Dhwajdand is 27 feet tall and 1 foot in circumference. The Abadhit Samudra Marg Tirsthambh indicates the unobstructed sea route to the south pole. This is a wonderful indicator of the ancient Indian wisdom of geography and strategic location of the Jyotirling. The temple renovated by Maharani Ahalyabai is adjacent to the main temple complex. This is the Hari Har Tirthdham. This is the holy place of Bhagvan Shri Krishna's Neejdham Prasthan Leela. The place where Bhagvan Shri Krishna was hit by an arrow of a poacher is known as Bhalka Tirth. After being hit by the arrow, Bhagvan Shri Krishna arrived at the holy confluence of Hiran, Kapila and Saraswati and their Sangam with the ocean. He performed his divine Neejdham Prasthan Leela at the sacred and peaceful banks of river Hiran. The Geetamandir is built here where the divine message of Shrimad Bhagvat Geeta is carved on eighteen marble pillars. Shri Lakshminarayan Mandir is closeby. The Balramjiki Gufa is the place from where Bhagwan Shrikrishna's elder brother Balaramji took journey to his nijdham-patal. We have the Parshuram Tapobhumi here, where Bhagvan Parshuramji carried out penance and he was relieved from the sin of Kshatriya killings. The Pandavas have said to have visited this place and taken holy bath in the Jalprabhas and built five Shiv temples. The Somnath Trust has endeavoured to develop the whole Shri Krishna Neejdham Prasthan Tirth in an wholesome manner. The pilgrims can contribute generously to this noble cause. BHALKA TEERTH This sacred teerth is located 5 km on Prabhas Veraval highway. Bhagwan Shree Krishna was hit with the arrow of the poacher named Jara at this spot. Bhagwan Shree Krishna was resting in meditation under a pippal tree when the poacher misread the foot of Bhagwan Shree Krishna as a deer and hit from a distance. Bhagwan generously pardoned the poacher and blessed him. This divined leela of Bhagwan Shree Krishna is immortalised by a beautiful temple and an ancient pippal tree. The spot is under development with the assistance of the Central Government. Bhagwan Shree Krishana then walked a small distance and arrived at the holy banks of river Hiran from where he took his last journey to his Neejdham. This teerth is located on the banks of Hiran at a distance of 1.5km from Somnath temple. Bhagwan Shree Krishna took his divine journey to Neejdham from this sacred soil. Rich accounts of the divined Shree Krishna Neejdham Prasthan Leela are maintained by the authentic traditions of Mahabhart, Shrimad Bhagwat, Vishnu Puran etc. Swami Shri Gjananand Saraswatiji has critically examined the aforesaid classical indian traditions and suggested the time of Neejdham Prasthan. He suggested that Shre Krishna departed on the first day of bright fortnight of Chaitra month (which correspondes with 18th February of English calendar)in the year 3102 B.C. at 2:27:30 hours The footprint of Bhagwan Shree Krishna is carved here to mark the divine memory of Shree Krishna Neejdham Prasthan Leela. Baldevji, the elder brother of Shree Krishna also took his last journey from here in his original serpent form. This is marked by an ancient holy cave called “Dauji-ni Gufa” Bhagwan Shree Krishna saw the his own forms-Brahmaji and other divine entities - and then closed his lotus shaped eyelids. Then the benevolent and all-beloved Bhagwan Shree Krishna took his last journey to his Neejdham keeping intact his earthen body with the power of divine yogic fire.) JAY SOMNATH MAYUR DAVE, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, INDIA