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  1. I am a 41 year old male and I got infected with genital herpes 10 years ago. Three years ago, I started doing pranayama and my herpes outbreaks suddenly increased from once or twice a year to almost monthly without healing for weeks. I could not make sense as my lifestyle had become less stressful, more healthy, besides the fact the outbreaks are supposed to reduce overtime. I stopped pranayama eventually. I had then stared doing 5Tibetans yogic exercises and SuperBrain yoga. Again the outbreaks have increased so much so that they now last for months. I have started taking Homeopathy since last one year, without much help, specially during the winters. I also feel exhausted after any Hatha Yoga. Does anyone have similar experience? If herpes is triggered by these exercises, am I doomed to live without doing them for the rest of my life? Thank you.
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