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  1. hey my name is chris i was wondering would yo be able to translate the name Mary Ellen into hindi for me. it was my grandmothers name who recently passed away. she meant alot to me and i want to get a tatto of her name in hindi to remember her everyday of my life. your help would be greatly greatly appreciated thanks Chris
  2. Could someone please translate the name "Mary-Ellen" into hindu for me as i am looking to get a tattoo of this name. your help would very very very much appreicated thank you
  3. my name is chris i seen that you were able to help a person out with the tranlation of english into hindu for the purpose of getting a tattoo. i was wondering would you be able to help me in providing me with the translation of the name "Mary-Ellen" into hindi. this was my grandmothers name who i loved very much but recently passed away. to remember i am looking to get a tattoo of her name in hindi on the side of my stomach. if you were to translate it for me this would mean the world to me and i would be very very greatful, i think hindi is a very beautiful scripture and will honour my grandmother yours sincerly Chris Douglas
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