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  1. On every Amavaya, Hindus offer food to their ancestors (pitr). I know we can't eat the food, so I was wondering what do you do with it? I can't offer it to animals because I don't see any around here. Would it be alright if I throw it away? Thank you, Sealove00
  2. Hi all, How many times can you offer water to Surya? Thank you, Sealove00
  3. Just wondering, do you have to stand in your home in order to offer water to Surya? I live in an apartment complex. If I want to see the sun I have to step outside of my apartment, and walk to the direction where sun rises. Does it matter if I offer water by stepping outside of my home? Also, do you have to take a bath before offering water or can you just offer without even taking a bath? Thank you, Sealove00
  4. I think you might have a Vaastu dosh within your home. I would advise you seek advice from a Vaastu consultant. Puneet Chawla or Pawan Kaushik are really good Vaastu experts. -Sealove00
  5. Hi all, I have several Surya related questions! I live in an apartment, and my balcony is facing south. Since it's winter time, I'm able to see the sun around 11:30am coming towards South. I'm not able to offer water during sunrise because I can't see the sun, so I offer water around 11:30am facing South. Just curious, does the direction and timing of offering the water matters? Also, my bedroom is in the southwest corner, and from the Window, I can see the sun around 8:30am. Would it be alright if during the other seasons, I offer water from my southwest bedroom into a pot? Any advise you can give will be greatly appreciated. I just want to do this right. Thank you, Sealove00
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