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    The seach for Beauty Personified Vaisnavas and serving their pleasure
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    Graphic Artist

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  1. In my short life I've seen too many religionists, archeoligists, historians philosophers, scientists and upstarts change their conceptions, dates, perspectives, myths, stories, theories, and thesis. It's mostly all thesis, antithesis and synthesis to deduce the Truth but these days nobody wants to accept the truth from real authority anyway, because most are sceptical that the other guys source is correct. An honest man will admit he just doesn't know where we all came from. How can you trust anyone but the Maha-Bhagavats, for they have proposed where we, the person actually comes from. Pure knowledge comes from a pure heart. It's interesting to feel we know with some certainty where our roots are, but it's probably alot more important what we're doing with where we are now, and where we may be heading. If we blow this chance it's going to be a hell of a riddle for any future race to figure out the puzzle that's left to them. Especially if they find a Sony playstation that has a power source that don't work. Moreso if it does work. One thing for sure is that we're a curious mix.
  2. In my short life I've seen too many religionists, archeoligists, historians philosophers, scientists and upstarts change their conceptions, dates, perspectives, myths, stories, theories, and thesis. It's mostly all thesis, antithesis and synthesis to deduce the Truth but these days nobody wants to accept the truth from real authority anyway, because most are sceptical that the other guys source is correct. An honest man will admit he just doesn't know where we all came from. How can you trust anyone but the Maha-Bhagavats, for they have proposed where we, the person actually comes from. Pure knowledge comes from a pure heart. It's interesting to feel we know with some certainty where our roots are, but it's probably alot more important what we're doing with where we are now, and where we may be heading. If we blow this chance it's going to be a hell of a riddle for any future race to figure out the puzzle that's left to them. Especially if they find a Sony playstation that has a power source that don't work. Moreso if it does work. One thing for sure is that we're a curious mix.
  3. Dont be scared Avinesh we all gotta go there some day, if she's your beloved be vigilant for she may come like a thief in the night . Hopefully in a prettier form than this photo. Looks a little like the way I feel some mornings, maybe I could use this pic for my ID photo. It's not easy to discern but this dude looks of European origin to me. But then it goes back around to where did they come from? I'm with Theo. It's all just a big mystery. But it'd be kool if you could tap into some so called akashic records like old dvd's and just play back some a the old favourite timezones especially the ones with the Lord and his devotees pastimes here on earth. You definately have a knack of ferreting these things out Gaura you must have a good job with lots of spare time. Keep it coming.
  4. Dont be scared Avinesh we all gotta go there some day, if she's your beloved be vigilant for she may come like a thief in the night . Hopefully in a prettier form than this photo. Looks a little like the way I feel some mornings, maybe I could use this pic for my ID photo. It's not easy to discern but this dude looks of European origin to me. But then it goes back around to where did they come from? I'm with Theo. It's all just a big mystery. But it'd be kool if you could tap into some so called akashic records like old dvd's and just play back some a the old favourite timezones especially the ones with the Lord and his devotees pastimes here on earth. You definately have a knack of ferreting these things out Gaura you must have a good job with lots of spare time. Keep it coming.
  5. Gauracandra Prabhu, This computer had a 2day snooze and had to get a techie to wake it up again. In answer to your question. This tour is only focussed on Europe and Russia for now, but Maharaj is usually drawn where ever the call for mercy is loudest regardless of his health he will travell where ever his friends and disciples extend the invite. I don't know if America is on the agenda, but it seems like a lot of Americans are going to Russia to help with the spirit of Gaura Nitai. It appears there is a massive wave picking up momentum there, I just look up in wonder.
  6. Sorry for delayed response my computer had it's umpteenth nervous breakdown. Got me wonderin' if it really is Him and I committed another major one.. I was thinking of that meeting He had with His girlfriend dressed as Abhimanu, had her fooled till He revealed His blue leg under the table, then when He saw Abhimanu coming He accused him of being Krsna dressed up as Abhimanu and had him thrown out, while Srimate Radhika tried containing her rapturous laughter. Sure beats worshipping some unknown spirit or some guy with a long white beard? Then He has been known to take on a few disguises. I do think the Aboriginal photo looks authentic, but what would I know in this age of special effects.
  7. The Glories of The Holy Names spreading thru St Petersburg Russia. http://scsmath.org/memories/02/020802spburg/020802spburg.html
  8. That guys definately an imposter A 3 dollar bill Anyone with a few modelling classes can strike a threefold bending form and hold a stick to his lips. But check His hair looks more like Nero than our beautiful all- attractive Lord. And have a go at his neck, he looks like he eats bulls rather than herding them, plus he looks a little rough around the edges, unshaven, heavy night on the vino, Krsna doesn't go for that he doesn't like beards, Does he? No wonder there's an aspect of devotional life that isn't keen on images of the Lord being thrown around! And when do you think Krsna would pose naked for a painting if thats what it is. No way this dude is the real McKrsna He can't chastise the Gopies then go the full monty for all those voyeurs on the internet. Plus the bulls have the wrong horns, even imitation Brahmins. They're not even charmed by his fluteplaying, this artist wasn't painting Govinda. But then I was impressed with that photo of the Australian Bushman with Vaisnava Tilak He looks like he could be one of Lord Nityanandas avaduta friends. Of course they could have doctored the photograph as I've seen with many indian photos they change or add tilak. How he got to Australia is the question? I have spoken to aboriginal elders who believe they came from India originally and if you see the native fishermen of Orissa they would definately pass for Aboriginal Australians. If ever they want to immigrate illegally in their leaky boats they'll blend in nicely with the Ozzy landscape.
  9. Just a wee bit of useful information to add to whatever may be conceived or misconceived by any recipients in the above posts. This is an extract from the writings of Professor Nishikanta Sanyal, an intimate disciple of Srila Prabhupad Bhaktisiddanta Saraswati Thakur. If anyone cares to relish the whole article they can do so at: http://sudhirgoswami.com/8%7ebooks.html Sex and Amorous Love The principle of love is not supposed by anybody as necessarily implying the reference to sex. Amorous love which involves the sexual reference is, however, regarded as a dangerous subject. It is difficult to understand how amorous love can be made to survive the complete elimination of the sexual reference as appears to be the hypocritical dream of a certain type of empirical poets and religionists. The empiricists take strong objection to the sexual element that enters most prominently and in its most repugnant form of polygamous adultery into the narrative of the pastimes of Sri Krishna. The unconventional amorous love of Vraja with its frank sexual abandon is regarded by moralists and sociologists a too strong dose especially for boys and girls of a tender age, if not also for adults who do not possess a cultured taste and imagination. The idolatry of ribald sexual passion is a most mischievous religion and is a survival of the ideal of promiscuity of the savage state out of which humanity has hardly yet emerged fully, despite the concerted labors of countless generations. No sane man can, therefore, contemplate without a shudder the prospect of being hurled back again into the condition of primitive savagery and sheer animalism. Any doctrine that leads or tends to lead, either directly or indirectly, humanity back into an ideal of promiscuous sexualism, therefore, stands self-condemned. Sexuality Among Sri Chaitanya's Pseudo-Followers In the paragraph just penned, I had been trying candidly to realize the position of the anti-erotist and have not scrupled to use very strong language on his side. I may also mention that he can truly point, and he has not failed to do so, to ugly facts in support of his apprehensions. The almost open debaucheries of the dregs of the so-called followers of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu have been asserted by more than one respectable writer who have not even scrupled to attribute their degradation to the teachings of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. The fact of the wide prevalence of sexual corruption among certain sections of people, who pass themselves off as the followers of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is so painfully true that I consider it as both unnecessary and dishonest to play the role of an apologist for such persons, and shall not stop to discuss the view that the charge is an exaggeration which it possibly is. Sri Chaitanya Condemns Mundane Sexuality The sexual relationship which is now-a-days ordinarily sought to be regulated with the help of the principle of morality is not, so far as I am aware, condemned as wholly impure by any of the writers who object to the pernicious tendency of the teachings of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and the Srimad Bhagavatam. They should, therefore, be surprised if they are informed that sexuality itself is condemned in the most unambiguous terms by the Srimad Bhagavatam, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His associates and eminent followers. The difficulty that confronts me in this discourse is not due so much to the onus of proving that they do not condemn, but to the much more bewildering fact that they do condemn the very principle of sexuality as the most harmful of all the delusions to which we are subject in the state of sin. Pseudo-Followers of Sri Chaitanya The spiritual pupilage is indispensable and is the key to the situation. Those who profess to understand the Bhagavatam without having passed through the complete course of such training by the method of sincere submission to the good preceptor are denied all access to the real meaning of the narra-tives of the Bhagavatam. There are many professed followers of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who ignore the necessity of following His teachings. They reap only sin and degradation by their study of the Bhagavatam. Their misrepresentations or depraved conduct need not stand in the way of our honest inquiry into the actual doctrines of Srimad Bhagavatam in the light of the practice and teaching of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His Associates and sincere followers. Fitness for Service of Sri Krishna Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has declared that Sri Krishna is served properly only by the citizens- and specially the milkmaids of Vraja, and that it is not possible for anyone who is not perfectly free from sin to realize the nature of such service. It is necessary to pass through a regular course of spiritual training under a good preceptor to be able to understand what it really is and to be able to practice it. By attaining such service, we realize the eternal function of our souls. This service cannot be performed by means of this body or mind. It is performed by the pure soul who is absolutely free from all worldly hankerings including the sexual. This service is a matter of spiritual realization and not of apish imitation with the help of our present ribald imagination. By sincere, that is to say, convinced submission to the rules of spiritual pupilage as laid down in the scriptures and expounded by competent teachers, one is enabled to attain to such perfect purity of mind. The Absolute Truth manifests Himself of His Own accord, for He has the power of taking the initiative, to the mind that is thus purified in the sincere effort of seeking after Himself. Absolute purity of the mind is attainable. Relative purity is a delusion and a snare, and will not serve the purpose at all. The Bhagavatam should never be read without bearing in mind these warnings of the -scriptures. Otherwise, there will be the absolute certainty of confounding the spiritual with the material, and being punished with the acquisition of a positive repugnance for the medicine which alone can heal the distemper of mortality, or- misapplying the same to one’s utter ruin. It is not the counsel of intolerance or superstitious faith, but the highest conclusion of the unbiased reason in its effort to be absolutely loyal to its own constituent principles. The above position has been reached by the proper exercise of rationality which is the one unerring guide of our real self. The spiritual milkmaids of Vraja serve Sri Krishna with all their spiritual senses and for His satisfaction alone. Sri Krishna is a real Person. He is the sole Proprietor of everything. We are His property. Our eternal senses are also His property. He has got senses like our souls who emanate after His Image. Our present material senses are an unwholesome perversion of the reality. At present, we want to serve ourselves by means of our senses. Our Idea of Enjoyers—A Delusion What we actually do, although we are not fully conscious of this, is that we only serve our senses, because our souls are so constituted that they can offer, but cannot receive any service from the Served. As we cannot serve our-selves, if we also do not want to serve Sri Krishna, we are thereby reduced to the necessity of self--delusion. In this deluded state, we wrongly suppose ourselves to be the proprietors of our senses, that is to be like Sri Krishna. This applies equally to either sex. The males as well as the females of this world equally regard themselves as the owners of their senses, and their senses, as the means of self-gratification. In this sense all of us, irrespective of sex, are males, i. e., masters or enjoyers in the spiritual sense, although this is a delusion; because by constitution we are not masters but servants. Sri Krishna is the only Master of everything including our souls. This fact is reflected in a perverted way in the principle of sex. We belong to the category of property to which our senses also belong. Hence, it is practicable to identify ourselves with our senses in the deluded state of sin, and mistake its supposed pleasure as that of ourselves. But as a matter of fact, in the spirit there is no dividing line separating the soul from its senses as master from property. All this is only very faintly perceptible to our present reason. In the fallen state, we suppose that the senses, conceived as different from ourselves, are pleased if we follow their dictates, again conceived as separate from ourselves in the exercise of our function of self- consciousness. The Milkmaids of Vraja The milkmaids of Vraja are the property of Sri Krishna and are fully conscious of this relationship. This attitude is expressed by saying that they are females. In Vraja the males are those who are equally spiritual, that is to say, who are not under any partial delusion when they are considered citizens including in touch with Sri Krishna. The spiritual milkmaids of Vraja are neither the masters nor the slaves of their senses as we want to be. They are not like our speculative misguided moralists who are engaged in chasing the shadow. They are the only realists. They know, which none of us really knows, that every-thing belongs to Sri Krishna, serves only Sri Krishna and that everything is also privileged to realize that Sri Krishna is his or her Master. This is the purely spiritual state. The milkmaids of Vraja alone possess this perfectly pure vision. Therefore, they alone are truly dependents, that is to say, servants of Sri Krishna reali-zing as they do that nothing, including themselves, belongs to themselves but that everything, themselves as well as their senses, belongs to Sri Krishna. The empirical moralists overlook the fact that our senses are not really ours. We cannot make our eyes see or our noses smell. They do not obey us. They obey their real Master to Whom alone they belong. Everything is subordinate to Sri Krishna. Everything really ministers only to His pleasure. It is not inconsistent with, but the complete fulfillment of the moral principle. Philosophy of Male and Female Forms The female principle in the form of subordination to the male is a real fact of our spiritual existence. In all amatory phases Sri Krishna is the only Male, all the rest of us are females. This is the exact opposite of the current ideal, viz., that we are the only males and everything else is a dependent, that is to say, intended for our enjoyment. The soul functions freely in the realm of the Absolute where he is conscious of his real relationship with Sri Krishna. His function is crippled, thwarted and distorted the moment he chooses to set up as master on his own account, that is to say, wants to play the role of a male. This perverted activity is stopped on all sides by the resistance of the Absolute Truth. This mind or the ribald soul falls out with everything as soon as he falls out with Sri Krishna. The servant of the servant Krsna das
  10. In the immortal words of Robin Williamson"Krsna colours on the wall you taught me how to love You" Another quote from the same poets "Be glad for the song has no ending" Who is the painter, the paint, and the painted or the Lover, the loved, and the love being exchanged? "acharyam mam vijaniyam I am the Acharya" He says. And who is our greatest teacher and example of Love? None other than She. It is Her that descends and acts thru her loving servitors, glorifying Her beloved thru those surrended souls, empowering, inspiring and utilizing those fortunate souls in that pure pleasure potency, the delight that all souls hanker after, and will only ever receive thru Her Divine Grace, as its concentrated flow finds it's way into their immeasurably blessed hearts and they find themselves in the magnanimous distribution of that greatest gift. What better state of existence could one hope to attain. I have no rivals my dear fren, and I sincerely pray not to be seen as one, but unfortunately my actions don't deserve such an environment. But I know it does exist and I can only pray to aspire, to reach such a state of real Krsna Consciousness some lifetime. I know too that you could never rival those transcendental vibrations, because they are already flowing thru you, and you definately arn't your own enemy, rather more like the inspiration of those pictures of reality you distribute. For that I am eternally indebted for your sacrifice in shareing such a selfless self and its life of dedication with us all. One kind thought or sentiment if placed in the right place is enough to change the face of the whole world. Consider if Arrafat were to give it to Sharon or vice-verca. Of course I'm not drawing any parralells here, for you, sweetness drips as easy as honey from the trees of Vrndavan. And I take your well-wishes to this war-torn heart with absolute relish and gratitude, for this and more, everything will come with your kind wishes. Wish me into the sweet will of Their Holy Grace. Yes I think the carpet is being pulled on many. I know mine was literally pulled last week, But I still have a nice tapestry rug that innumerable great souls have sung and danced on, that I set up over the years especially to gather their footdust. It all helps. "So the carpet too is moving under you, now it's all eternal Baby blue." Excuse me if I don't get to respond much as I just got a short block of internet time to touch base, and then I have to get back to a graphic designing course I've signed into, If I can re-enter in the near future I will try, untill then, keep that spirit flying. I'd still like to hear some of Theists recent travelling tales. To all the Vaisnavas and Vaisnavis, who are like desire trees fullfilling everyones inner wishes, I embrace ya little pink roots. Offering my koti dandvats I ask you all, Where has that Blue dude gone? Krsna dasanudas the perplexed.
  11. Life comes from life, giving life, spreading, praising and rejoicing in LIFE within and without, in this world and out of this world. Just as Bhakti begets Bhakti and Prema begets more prema, so your glorious soul continues to infuse all life with the greatest gift of all. From the topmost, to this lowly amoeba in the worms intestines. Even tho we may aspire for Absolute good Srila Guru Maharaj has told we can still go from 'down to down' with no prospect of bottoming out. Such is the way I feel at times, instead of using my God given wings the caterpillar can end up inside itself, untill the grace of Guru and Gauranga comes our way in the form of the beautiful vaisnavis' or as'. Oh Lord have mercy! and please kindly bestow that mecy on this fallen soul thru your ever loving devotees. My thoughts, hopes, ever well wishes and prayers are with you and all those who serve this beautiful reality. Be so kind and send prayers this undeserving way, that I may somewhere in time, gain an opportuity to re-establish my eternal connection to the inner realm of charm, sweetness and beauty. Below is a link to an ocean of nectar for all to relish. Keep that heart pulsating, so that ours might also throb. Together that big Mrdanga of combined love for each other will send a sound that can inundate the whole worlds sorrowful misconception, in a vibration of devotional medicine. Yours in aspiring seva. Krsnadas http://sudhirgoswami.com/
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