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  1. Actually 'sacrifice' is a wrong translation of the word 'Yajna', that is how the confusion starts. The correct translation, IMHO, is 'effort' (like in Shrama-dana Yajna). Akin to Yojna - plan, Yajan - to do. The sacrifice of the 'Purusha' also is symbolical and not killing of a person. I do not discount that in neolithic age, it may have meant a sacrifice. Hindus sacrificing animals to propitiate Shakti is a different tradition, basically pre-Aryan. (A point to note: Book 1 and Book 10 of the Vedas are supposed to have been newer than the other books)
  2. You are not correct in saying this. Buddha did not answer. He asked his disciples to note what he did not answer and what he did answer. We do not know what his personal views on the subject were.
  3. "veda = "knowledge" + anta = "end, conclusion": "the culmination of knowledge" or "appendix to the Veda"veda = "knowledge" + anta = "essence", "core", or "inside": "the essence of the Vedas". Vedānta is also called Uttara Mimamsa, or the 'latter' or 'higher enquiry', and is often paired with Purva Mimamsa, the 'former enquiry'." (Wikipedia) So Vedanta is any later or modern enquiry into the knowledge of Vedas. If I talk about Vedas, then it is Vedanta.
  4. RadheyRadhey: Buddhism seems to be 'advaita', only that Buddha did not talk about Brahman. He limited himself to one task and did fairly well in that, though nothing much new, hindus always knew that desires cause sorrow. The eight noble paths also had nothing new, it was only an affirmation of 'dharma'. I like your signature. Radhe-Krishna is nothing other than Maya-Brahman.
  5. Johny I also read somewhere about an Indian atronomer arriving at a figure quite close to what is accepted by science. I think it must have been a lucky guess. However, earth's diameter as given by one of them was again very chose, which I suppose he arrived by some method and not just by guess. Needless to say that Aryans (who later became Indians) and Indians were very advanced according to their times in Astronomy. In later days, the astronomical information was exchanged between Indians, Greeks, and the Chinese. Indian observation about recession of equinoxes was quite correct.
  6. Why should I contest evolution, conditions for which were created by Krsna? Hari Bol.
  7. What soul? Who partitions? It is all 'Brahman'.
  8. For example, the 'Nasadeeya Sukta'. In this 21st Century, there is no way I can think of an improvement of the verses which were perhaps written some 5000 year ago. Jai Sri Krishna
  9. One who sees differences, does not really see at all (Pashyati). - SriMadbhagwat Geeta
  10. Shiva, as the name means, is an aspect of eternal 'Brahman'. Which appearance you are talking about? He may have appeared thousands of times. He appeared as Neelakantha during 'Sagara Manthan'.
  11. I would not comment on your first question. Even if he arrived at a close result that would be a chance. But I will answer your second question. Vedas are unbroken remembrances of men from pre-glacial times. Aryans, who lived in a sub-polar region where there was a month-long dawn or dusk and a two or three-month night (mentioned in the Vedas as 'Ati-Ratra', during which the Ashvamedha ceremony was held) and had their sacrificial year of nine or ten-month duration (Navagwah, Dashagwah). According to the Parsi Avesta (Parsis were Aryans from India who migrated to Iran because of the heat and fever in the Sapta-Sindhu region, mentioned as their fifteenth home). Aryans had to move out of their homeland because of advent of the ice-age. Avesta also mentions a deluge with a difference, a deluge of snow, where God (Ahur Mazda) warned Yima (King of Men, Indian Yama) and Yima made an enclosure where he saved specimen of vegetation and animals. So, the remembrances in Avesta are perhaps clearer on this point than that of Vedas. In the Hindu story of Manu, water replaces snow because it does not snow in Sapta-Sindhu region. The two books at places are exact copies of each other. The first clear astronomical event mentioned in the Vedas is rising of sun on the day corresponding to Vernal equinox (April 14) in 'Punarvasu' nakshatra. Astronomers have calculated that to have happened in 8,500 years ago. This theory is based on Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar's views on 'Arctic Homes in Vedas' (I could have given you the URL but forum policy does not allow that, you may check on Google for 'Vaidilute', 'Tilak', and 'Arctic Homes').
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