Many thanks for your responses. I hope I don't sound too money minded.
I just like to check out how one should be living, in case I'm committing any major errors that I could avoid. Living entities in the material world are bound to commit mistakes due to their imperfect nature, but one should try to avoid making too many by asking for good advice.
I don't go in for speculation on the money markets as making money just for the sake of it holds no interest for me, and the more material things you have the more bother you have. I just have investments that are required to cover the mortgage on my home and some small savings for the future.
I would prefer to be working for God full time but one still has to pay bills! In the householder state of life with a family one is bothered by so many things, but when you are in this position you have to be responsible for what Krishna has given you to look after, and must not act whimsically.
My real wealth is the happiness I have found in spiritual dealings with devotees and God, reading scriptures and chanting. Most of my thoughts revolve around this now.
Thank you for you comments Evan, I whole-heartedly agree. I do need to worry less about material things, as well as the future, and trust in God totally, and many thanks to Jayalalitadd for your message. I have not made enough posts to be able to reply directly yet.
Hare Krishna