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About krishna112

  • Birthday 05/08/1981


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  1. it sounds like you're trying to insinuate Shiva is supreme, but he's not! KRISHNA IS SUPREME! Hare Krishna
  2. when the admins read this, pleaz change username to krishna112, thanks! I liked the old system better, too!
  3. Can the admin assist me in changing my name. I don't know where that feature is.
  4. kcp1982 I'm not acting as the owner. I use it as a link I want to advertise I can't PM you, because I don't have enough posts! Anyways I take it down. I never said I owned the site.
  5. From the Shikshapatri, written by Shree Swaminarayan <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> “My followers who shall observe strictly the rules of the ethics as prescribed by the scriptures shall derive happiness here and hereafter; and those who want only transgress them and behave willfully shall suffer great distress here and in the life hereafter.” Shree Swaminarayan. “One Should observe the codes of the Shikshapatri at any cost” Pramukh Swami Maharaj. Who is God? The Paramatma – Shree Krishna who is supreme, Parabrahman, Bhagwan or Purushottam and who is the cause of all manifestations is the Lord of us all. He is to be worshipped for final redemption. (108) Who Should We Worship? All human beings on this Earth shall worship him [Lord Krishna] knowing that there is no other way for ultimate redemption than devotion to him. (113) None shall practice devotion to Shree Krishna while disregarding religious tenets nor shall he give up the worship of Shri Krishna for fear of calumny by the ignorant. (39) Who Should We Meditate Upon? I meditate in my heart on Shree Krishna, Brindavan’s gay divine player on left is Radha and in whose bosom dwells Lakshmi (1) Lord Krishna, his incarnations and his idols alone are to be meditated upon, but a human being or a deva even though he may be a devotee or knower of Brahman shall never be resorted to as an object of meditation. (115) Who Should We Sing To? All my followers shall go to the temple every evening and there they shall sing loudly songs in praise of Lord Krishna, the beloved of Radha. (63) Who Should We Offer Food To? They shall then offer food to God and take prasad only from the offered dish. Thus, in a spirit of supreme love and dedication they should serve Shree Krishna. (58) Those votaries shall never drink water or eat roots, fruits or like without offering the same to Shree Krishna. (60) Which Deity Should We Worship? They shall worship Shri Krishna’s idol made of either stone or metal or a shaligram with offerings procurable within ones own means, and then chant his holy name. (56) What Should We Do at the Beginning of Each Day? They shall then reverently bow down to the images of Radha and Krishna and chant the holy name of the lord in accordance with their usual and normal procedures, only, after which they should start their daily routines. (54) All my disciples shall awake before sunrise and after meditating on Shree Krishna shall proceed to discharge their bowels. (49) Who Should We Give Donations To? My disciples shall give in donation one tenth of their income or food grains, if that be their agricultural income, in the service of Lord Krishna. Those with insufficient means shall donate one-twentieth of their income, either in kind or money. (147) Should A Wife Serve Her Husband? The female followers shall serve their husbands, be they blind or ailing or poor or impotent in the manner in which they worship and serve God; and under no circumstances shall they speak harshly to them. (159) The Final Prayer of Shree Swaminarayan May Lord Shree Krishna, the destroyer of all miseries of his devotees, the defender of Dharma and Bhakti and the giver of all cherished objects, spread his goodness and glory every where. (212)
  6. How does India claim that? Is there one uniform voice that speaks for India? No! India has it's problems like any other country. Still that doesn't change the fact that muslims are reaking havoc the world over. And it's not just a few bad apples!
  7. Muslims in India, either need to leave islam or leave India. The Indian govt. needs to give incentives for muslims to leave India. The govt. can pay Muslim countries to take Indian Muslims into their country. Hindus also need to bring Muslims/Christians back into the Hindu fold. Re-convert those, who want to come back. Get rid of the caste system. No more discrimination, period! This will happen eventually, when Hindus get sick of being subjugated by minorities! We need a real pro-Hindu govt. in office! Hindus need to start preaching Hindu scripture all over India and bring as many people back into the fold as possible. This can happen in 3 ways: 1) Demolish caste system and caste discrimination. Dalits are given equal status as everyone else. No one is better than anyone else. Only real distintion is Brahmin priests and everyone else. Every well off Hindu should help the poor Hindus and campaign against any sort of caste discrimination. This will help alot of poor Hindus feel better about Hinduism. So they don't believe the lies missionaries concoct. Also, if the varna(caste) system is to be applied it should be applied correctly. Meaning your varna is determined by character and not by birth. And discrimination is not tolerated in the least. Every varna is important to helping a society fuction. And that should always be remembered. 2) Start religious schools. Hindus don't have a formal place to learn their religion. Every other religion has religious schools were children are taught scripture. Have kids study Gita, Puranas, Ramayana etc... So they know what their religion is about. Alot Hindus don't know the basic tenets of their religion. Establishing Gurukulas are important. 3) Preach Hinduism! Hinduism often gets the label of a non- proselytizing religion, but that's not true. In the Gita, Krishna cleary says, those who preach his words are very dear to him. Hindus in India and abroad need to take up this practice. Alot of people are interested in Hindusim, but have misconception that no one is willing to clear up. Every Hindu should learn their religion properly, so they can teach those who are misinformed or curious.
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