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  1. deviamma


    To Pujari Five O I agree and yet disagree.Remember in the choupai where Lord shiva will be telling Maa Parvati about devotion. Doha: Råma carana rati jo caha athavå pada nirbåna Bhåva sahita so yaha kathå karau sravana puta påna He who seeks loving devotion for the feet of Lord Råma or the status of moksha (release from rebirth in the world) should fondly drink in the nectar of this story with the leaf-cups of his ears. råma kathå girijå mai barani, kali mala samani manomala harani, samsrti roga sajivana muri, råma kathå gåvahi sruti suri ehi maha° rucira sapta sopånå, raghupati bhagati kera pamthånå, ati hari krpå jåhi para hoi, påu° dei ehi måraga soi mana kåmanå siddhi nara påvå, je yaha kathå kapata taji gåvå, kahahi sunahi anumodana karahi, te gopada iva bhavanidhi tarahi suni saba kathå hrdaya ati bhåi, girijå boli girå suhåi, nåtha krpå mama gata samdehå, råma carana upajeu nava nehå O Girijia! I have narrated the story of Lord Råma, which expiates the sins of Kaliyuga and removes impurities of the mind. The narrative of Lord Rama, is the sanjeevani herb (which has the magical power to cure any malady) for curing the disease of birth and death, so say the Vedas and the seers. It has seven beautiful ladders, which are paths leading to the religious devotion of Lord Raghuvir. Only he who has the utmost grace of Lord Hari can set foot on this road (of bhakti or religious devotion.) Men who discard deceit and sing this story, attain the object of their soul's desire. Those who repeat or listen to it or approve of its recitation, cross over the ocean of this mundane world as they would the print of a cow's hoof. To sum the explanation up, here it is in simple English The explanation is brief but it very well put. There are some key words that need to understand to its fullest & deepest of its meaning. Such as: "who seeks loving devotion", "status of moksha ", "removes impurities of the mind", 'It has seven beautiful ladders", "Only he who has the utmost grace of Lord Hari can set foot on this road", " Men who discard deceit", "Those who repeat or listen to it " . Take for example "listen', to trully listen is to vibrate on the same level of frequency of the author (valmeeki). · Loving Devotion is to a Devotee as Air is to a Drowning man. ..no fake stuff, no show.., no mechanical practice. · Seven Ladder is when seven chakras is awakened...the Kundalini system. When the first chackra is awakened The intelect vibrates on a higher frequency that the average man. The awakened of each chackra raises one's consciousness higher than the other. The seven chackra is to vibrate on the same level of God. So my advice is too all of us who have our own opinion, let’s be like Devi Maa and take willing to knowledge. Maa Kateri I love her and worship her day and night, she is in my mind throughout my day, and my day with her is always filled with a joy beyond explanation. Just loving her as maa, has renowned every other worship, now I have sung devotion to maa Parmeshwari,and in my mind and heart , she is also my maa, if I am a true devotee to my isk devata or devi , I will be blessed accordingly . Once we are pure in our heart with loving devotion everything else will come, and I am no pujari simply a devotee to shri Rama and all other devi and avatar of bhagavan Shiva. No religion is called Madras, these worship are being practices more in south India , Where Madurai Veeran was born, and because of that, the South Indian that migrated to The West Indies , they started calling them self-madras, I was so curious when I was growing up about this whole madras thing , I decided to visit south India and clear up all my doubt So what you are all saying, I find no wrong with it, but it is not written on a stone, and beside If you worship whomever with any love and devotion I see no harm can come to you Yes you devotion will be put to a test and one after another, but if you have loving devotion as shiva tell parvati that too you shall overcome,
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