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  1. Jai Jaganath, Jai Baladev, Jai Lady Subhadra.
  2. Hare Krishna, Its nice to read books, but it is most important that you must spend some time with devotee`s of lord Krishna. Try to visit Bhaktivedanta manor which is close to you. You wont beleive the benefits this will have on your spiritual life. Hare bol.
  3. Haribol, Manchester is my local temple.
  4. Harebol, I was at the london ratha yatra this year, my first ever!!! By the grace of Lord Krishna, I will go every year to a ratha yatra now, as it was the really nicest day of my life! Before this year, I didnt realise what what assosiatin with devotee`s meant, now after going to my local temple for the last 3 months, I realise the importance, All glories to Lord krishna and his Devotee`s. Hare Krishna.
  5. Haribol, Not even a blade of grass moves without krishna`s mercy. Krishna is my freind and my ONLY hope in this material existance.
  6. hari Bol, I think maybe you should take him to your local temple, and then he can see just how beautifull peope worship krishna in a loving devitional way, and maybe he can ask any questins he feels to ask, to the devotee`s there also. I hope things work out, by the grace of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Hare Krishna.
  7. Really Beautifull post, Jai radharani . All glories to Sri Krishna and Srila Prabhupada.
  8. Absolutely first class pictures! Jai Bhagwan.
  9. Yes, most ppl would be happy to be called prabhu. What do you wish to be called????
  10. I must admit, I wouldnt beleive it if I didnt see for myself. But, some years ago I came across a buddhist temple in wimbledon, and decided to walk in to see what it was like. To my amazement, they had a large buffet for the monks and guests, and there WAS meat stuff on it. I couldnt beleive my eyes! I think the whole grounds were owned by the thai government. It was a lovely place but to see the meet, I was quite shocked.
  11. Haribol, What a world we are living in!!!!!!1 I am really thankfull to lord krishna to be in his spiritual sky, as I feel deeply sad for the world, especially with this di vinci code now about. They seem to conjure up anything now, and the poor lost souls follow what they say! Even the so called clever ppl sound like idiots, you can see right through them! All glories to Lord Sri Krishna.
  12. Haribol, Even on arjuna`s charriot, on the flag, is Lord Hanuman, as , wherever krishna is, also is Lord Hanumanji.
  13. Please shuvo, Show some respect to the lovely vegetarian food which lord Krishna provides to us. Don`t even think of eating anything else. All you are asking has been asked many many times before, and the answer is that krishna only allows what pure devotee`s offer to him, ie, fruit , grains, etc. WE MAKE WONDERFUL FOOD AT OUR TEMPLES, by the grace of lord Krishna Mahaprabhu. The devotees are happy, and lord Krishna is happy. What else can we ask for?????? Hare Krishna
  14. Dear Prabhu, I read that there are devotee`s of lord Krishna in a town called Harish, which is in the north of Israel. Just put, Harish, Israel, hare krishna in your search engine, and the page should come up. Harebol.
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