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Posts posted by bija

  1. Try Some Buy Some



    Way back in time

    Someone said try some

    I tried some

    Now buy some - I bought some . . .

    Oh Oh Oh

    After a while

    when I had tried them

    denied them

    I opened my eyes and

    I saw you . . .


    Not a thing did I have

    Not a thing did I see

    'Till I called on your love

    And your love came to me




    Through my life

    I've seen gray sky,

    met big fry,

    seen them die to get high . . .

    Oh Oh Oh

    And when it seemed that I would

    always be lonely

    I opened my eyes and I saw you


    Not a thing did I feel

    Not a thing did I know

    'Till I called on your love

    And your love sure did grow




    Won't you try some

    Baby won't you buy some


    Won't you try some

    Baby won't you buy some</pre>

  2. Here is the complete Srila Prabhupada video collection.


    Best to download them to watch them. An avi codec link is available to download as these are avi files. Some people have had trouble getting the right codec. It took me a while, but I got it working.


    These movies are real classics www.archive.org/details/Bhaktivedanta-Swami-Prabhupada026


    If you have downloaded the correct codec for your windows media player...they can also be streamed here....it takes a while for them to load depending on your internet connection.


    Devotees wil enjoy eternity, knowledge, bliss and form.

    Jnanis can enjoy eternity, knowledge and bliss without form.


    Choose your preference. quote by Guruvani

    Good point here Guruvani. It is of our own choosing.


    The souls constitutional right is bliss, it is seeking pure happiness. And because of this constitution it will never be satisfied until it finds rest in the highest station.


    Maybe we came to this material world because we wanted to find that supreme bliss. How foolish we were to think it could be found seperate from God. (Yes Theist, I am also that lost prodigal son with head facing back home)


    So now we begin the journey, after being away a long long time.


    The vaisnava truths say that if we merge into oneness in the brahmajoyti we will find bliss...but after a long time we will realize we are not fully satisfied, so again we fall to this material world.


    The vaisnava truths say the soul will only find that supreme peace in the nature of relationship. A fountain of unending, ever-new bliss. The bliss of love of God.


    We have made our choice where to find that ultimate happiness, that ultimate peace.


    A personal relationship, with a personal God. So satisfying that all the mystical siddhis become like playthings of a child. Playthings which soon lose their attraction.


    But to seek that One, to think of Him in quiet time, to wonder if we will ever get to meet Him, to talk with Him, to laugh with Him, to play with Him, to cry with Him, .......


    Maybe this is the fountain of un-ending bliss. This is the choice of the Vaisnava.

  4. Sri Caitanya-Bhagavata Madhya Kanda

    Chapter Fourteen



    Yamaraja's Sankirtana


    A Song in Hema-kiraniya-raga


    Text 1

    His body flooded with love, Lord Caitanya happily dances.

    Text 2

    Brahma, Siva, and all the demigods always serve Lord Caitanya.

    Text 3

    Without the Lord's order, no one has the power to see Him. Again and again the demigods serve the Lord.

    Text 4 Every day the demigods watched the Lord's pastimes. When the Lord slept they went to their homes.

    Text 5 Seeing the deliverance of the two brahmana-demons, the demigods happily said,

    Text 6 "Lord Caitanya is so merciful that He delivered even these two.

    Text 7 "By doing this, the Lord has placed hope in my heart. Now I hope, `Certainly I wil also be delivered'. "

    Text 8 As they returned to their homes, the demigods happily spoke these words among themselves.

    Text 9 Yamaraja, the king of pious deeds, regularly came to Lord Caitanya's home, and thus he saw all these activities of the Lord.

    Text 10

    Lord Yamaraja asked Citragupta, "What sins did these two (Jagai and Madhai) perform, sins that the Lord forgave?"

    Text 11

    Citragupta replied, "Please hear, O Yamaraja. Why should you struggle to attain what cannot be attained?

    Text 12

    "If a hundred thousand scribes write for one month, they will not soon come to the end of their sins.

    Text 13

    "If you wish to hear the reports of the hundred thousand scribes, then by all means hear them..

    Text 14

    "The messengers never stop bringing reports of these two sinners' sins. The scribes have come to thinks these reports a great annoyance.

    Text 15

    "At every moment reporting these two sinners' sins, the messengers are so exhausted they are on the verge of death."

    Text 16

    The messengers said, "These two sinners commit so many sins, that I find it a great burden to write them all. Why must I suffer in this way?

    Text 17

    "No proper punishment is written for the many sins I have written. The records are big like a mountain.

    Text 18

    "We scribes weep as record the sins of these two sinners. How will we survive the torture we feel?

    Text 19

    "Lord Caitanya made those sins a small as a sesame seed. And then He threw that sesame seed far away. Please give the order, and we will throw all these records into the ocean."

    Text 20

    Yamaraja had never seen anything as glorious as the mercy that delivered these two sinners.

    Text 21

    Yamaraja is by nature a great Vaishnava. He is religion personified. He knows all that is in the heart of the religion of devotional service.

    Text 22

    When he heard Citragupta's words, Yamaraja at once forgot his own body. He was filled the ecstasy of love for Lord Krishna.

    Text 23

    He fell unconscious on his chariot. There were no signs of life anywhere on his body.

    Text 24

    There was a great commotion. Citragupta and the others grasped Yamaraja's body and wept.

    Text 25

    Traveling in their chariots, the demigods sang a kirtana. But Yamaraja's chariot was filled with lamentation.

    Text 26

    Having see the deliverance of the two brahmana-demons, the demigods were singing the glories of the Lord as they traveled.

    Text 27

    The demigods headed by Siva, Brahma, and Ananta Sesha, and the sages headed by Narada all sang about the deliverance of the two sinners.

    Text 28

    Some demigods had never known such a blissful kirtana. Other demigods, having seen the Lord's mercy, wept.

    Text 29

    When they saw that Yamaraja was motionless on his chariot, all the demigods went there.

    Text 30

    Ananta Sesha, Brahma, Siva, and the sages headed by Narada saw that Yamaraja had fallen unconscious.

    Text 31

    Not knowing the reason, they were very surprised. Then Citragupta described everything.

    Text 32

    Aware that Yamaraja had fainted in an ecstasy of love for Lord Krishna, Brahma and Siva sang a kirtana into Yamaraja's ear.

    Text 33

    Hearing the kirtana, Yamaraja at once sat up. Again conscious, Yamaraja danced like a raving madman.

    Text 34

    A supremely blissful kirtana arose among the demigods. Filled with the ecstasy of love of Lord Krishna, Yamaraja, the son of Suryadeva, danced.

    Text 35

    Seeing Yamaraja danced, all the other demigods also danced. Brahma, Siva, Narada, and the others all danced.

    Text 36

    Please attentively hear of the demigods' dancing. For now, this account is very confidential, but some day the Vedas will openly reveal all this.


    A Song in Sri-raga


    Text 37

    Throwing away all shyness, Yamaraja danced. Filled with the ecstasy of love for Lord Krishna, Yamaraja did not know who he was. Meditating on Lord Caitanya, Yamaraja called out, "Glorious! Glorious! The glorious savior of the fallen!"

    Text 38

    He roared and bellowed. The hairs of his body stood erect. Yamaraja's ecstasy had no end. Overcome, he wept. He was rapt in meditation on Lord Caitanya............(to long to post the rest...)

  5. A friend came home with gifts of garlands and tulsi/sandalwood which adorned Sri Sri Radha Krsna in the temple. I placed them upon Lord Ganesha and Lord Siva, faithful and true servants. A simple little thing. Maybe they may assist this material person to have a devotional heart. I read somewhere recently this would be the appropriate thing to do.

  6. Ayodhya, the Krsna consciousness movement inaugerated by Sri Caitanya is basically a 'Bhakti cult'. Sri Caitanya would avoid association with impersonalists as he dived deeper and deeper into esoteric relationship with a personal God (Krsna). Historically he did enter some discussions with impersonalists and convinced them of the Krsna conception.


    The spiritual truths of Bhakti are elaborately discussed by the followers of Sri Caitanya. These writings are very esoteric and advanced in the nature of relationship. A step by step internal journey culminating in love of God is discussed within these books. Writings so deeply profound, that followers of the Bhakti cult have experienced great ecstacies and bliss.


    So in a developed stage of Krsna consciousness spirituality no longer remains a belief sytem as such. What I mean is...a belief system often needs defending in philosophical debate. But the internal realizations of advancing Krsna consciousness become a fully tangible spiritual experience.

    To be tasted internally in an unending flow of joy. This is what Sri Caitanya came to give. This what he experienced. Many historically have perceived him as a great mystic. His followers perceive him as an incarnation of Radha and Krsna combined.


    I understand your viewpoint from reading some of your posts. That is fine with me...and I also perceive this is reciprocal...this is why I am happy to share.


    If oneday you would like to understand more of Sri Caitanya (Gauranga) send me a private message. I can give you access to a downloadable teaching base with many many books of the Acarya's. Many more books than you will find scanning the web.


    Anyhow...many devotees are into philosophical debate...I am not so qualified and of this mood. Many acarya's and devotees are. I guess we are all different. But as small amounts of joy increase in my heart amid the turbulence of material life, ofcourse I would wish others to experience similar things. So if

    any good soul has an open heart I will share with them.

  7. Why is it Beggar when we get into spiritual discussion the tendency can be to 'pontificate', as has been said? And get into criticism?


    To be honest it is a very heavy load to carry some days. So why this tendency? Is it because we are neophyte? This tendency of the mind is not a good thing? But it seems all us humans have it.


    It would be so nice if we could openly share the joys of life, that make the spiritual journey so special. But sometimes the air of arrogance of us religious bent types is full on. Devotees discussing together their wonder of Krsna as mentioned in the Gita, could possibly be like the talk of small children. Sweet and gentle. Not puffed up with knowledge. Maybe that is why Christ said we need to be like children to enter the kingdom of God.


    For or against rtvik...to be honest I am not interested....but when we can get on the level that we are all in this boat together(this conditioned world)...then I think we have reached common ground. Then maybe we can start sharing, and appreciate each other. And open ourselves up to simplicity.


    One of my petty dislikes is unenlightened fundamentalism. Maybe I have been there a thousand times over...maybe a lot of Hare Krsna's have. Puffed up with knowledge with no heart function. Please forgive my offence in saying this. It is a great stumbling block it seems. Just wish we could appreciate simplicity...if we can't get it together...what hope is there.


    No doubt on a personal level I have much to work on....dependant upon grace.

  8. This is a classic, be warned, upon listening can send shivers of bliss through the mortal coil.



    Chestnut Mare

    Written by roger mcguinn and jacques levy


    Always alone never with a herd

    Prettiest mare Ive ever seen

    Youll have to take my word


    Im gonna catch that horse if I can

    And when I do Ill give her my brand


    Well I was up on stony ridge after this chestnut mare

    Id been chasin her for weeks

    Oh, Id catch a glimpse of her every once in a while

    Takin her meal, or bathin

    A fine lady


    This one day I happened to be real close to her

    I saw her standin over there

    So I snuck up to her nice and easy

    And I got my rope out

    And I flung it in the air


    Im gonna catch that horse if I can

    And when I do Ill give her my brand

    And well be friends for life

    Shell be just like a wife

    Im gonna catch that horse if I can


    Well I got her, and Im pullin on her, shes pullin back

    Like a mule goin up a ladder

    I take this chance and I jump up on her

    Damned if I dont land right on top of her

    Well she takes off, runnin up on to that ridge

    Higher than Ive ever been before

    Shes runnin along just fine, till she stops

    Something spooked her

    Its a sidewinder, all coiled and ready to strike

    She doesnt know what to do for a second

    But then she jumps off the edge

    Me holding on


    Above the clouds

    Higher than eagles were gliding

    Suspended in the sky


    Over the moon

    Straight for the sun we were riding

    My eyes were filled with light


    Behind us black walls

    Below us a bottomless canyon

    Floating with no sound


    Gulls far below

    Seemed to be suddenly rising

    Exploding all around


    Im gonna catch that horse if I can

    And when I do Ill give her my brand

    And well be friends for life

    Shell be just like a wife

    Im gonna catch that horse if I can


    And we were falling down this crevice, about a mile down

    Id say! I look down and I see this red thing below us

    Its our reflection in a little pool of water

    About six feet wide, and one foot deep

    And were comin up real fast

    Crawling down right through it

    We hit and we splashed it dry

    Thats when I lost my hold and she got away

    But Im gonna try to get her again some day


    Im gonna catch that horse if I can

    And when I do Ill give her my brand

    And well be friends for life

    Shell be just like a wife

    Im gonna catch that horse

    Im gonna catch that horse

    Im gonna catch that horse if I can

    Im gonna catch that horse if I can



    seems like both of us have some soul searching of our own to do quote by Ayodhya


    Nice to chat with a fellow traveller. Till last breath, Ayodhya.



    As Krsna consciousness is a compliment to all things. I would agree either way. quote by Ayodhya.


    Nice touch.


    One thing I feel is that this journey of discovery is the real joy of life.

    Most satisfying and fulfilling. A journey to the centre which embraces and nurtures all things. Therefore it becomes possible to walk peacefully alongside fellow beings, searchers, and travellers.


    I realize Sri Caitanya is new to you, from another thread. My interests in yoga and spirituality are reasonably open, but by Guru's mercy Sri Gauranga is my centre and greatest source of bliss and joy. Thanks for being open to something I love and treasure, Ayodhya.

  10. And one more thought on this.....the ongoing enlightenment is a compliment of Krsna consciousness. As one's relationship with God (Krsna consciousness) grows, all things fall into place....even enlightenment.


    From my experience...not the other way around...first enlightenment then Krsna...no....first Krsna then enlightenment. All things are compliments to Krsna consciousness.

  11. So to answer your question more directly Krsna consciousness has also been my personal enlightenment experience. Surely an ongoing process. Not just some one time occurence but an evolving, growing, developing relationship with God.


    Below is the first chapter of Srila Bhaktivinoda's Navadawipa Dhama Mahatmya. This particular chapter is dear to my GuruMaharaja and he has passed it on to his disciples. Now it has become dear to me. Thanks for letting me share Ayodhya. I wish you much blessings in your own spiritual journey.



    Chapter One

    General Glorification


    All glories to Lord Chaitanya, the moon of Navadvipa and son of mother Shaci! All glories to Nityaananda Raaya, the avadhuta! All glories to Shri Advaita Prabhu, the Supreme Lord! All glories to Shri Gadaadhara and Shrivaasa Pandita! All glories to Navadvipa-dhaama, the essence of all dhaamas! And all glories to the residents of Navadvipa, the associates of Gauraanga!

    Offering obeisances to the feet of all the devotees, I will now briefly describe Shri Navadvipa-dhaama. Even the demigods headed by Lord Brahmaa do not know the unlimited glories of Navadvipa-mandala, so who can possibly describe that dhaama fully? Since the thousand-mouthed Shesha cannot describe it completely, how can I, an insignificant living entity, do so? Even Lord Shiva can find no end to the unlimited glories of Navadvipa-dhaama. Nevertheless, the desire of Shri Chaitanya is powerful, and according to His wish the devotees have given me an order. Therefore, by the mercy of the devotees, I hereby describe the glories of Nadia.

    There is one other topic I would like to mention. As it is a confidential matter, I hesitate to disclose it. But, on the other hand, I cannot resist telling it, for Lord Chaitanya instructed His devotees to publicize the glories of His pastimes and abode after His disappearance. Though Shri Chaitanya is the most concealed of all avataaras, I know well that He is all in all. But because His confidential activities are described ambiguously in scripture, the nondevotees are unable to realize them. For a long time Maayaadevi kept hidden the confidential scriptures that describe Lord Chaitanya's pastimes. These topics are described in both the unmanifest scriptures, which were scattered here and there, as well as in the manifest scriptures. Maayaa kept all these scriptures hidden from view by covering the eyes of the scholars.

    After Gauraanga completed His pastimes on earth, however, His obedient servant Maayaadevi, understood the desire of the Lord. She lifted the veil of illusion from the eyes of the living entities and revealed the true nature of Shri Gauraanga within this material universe. Thus the hidden meaning in the scriptures became easily revealed, and the arguments inhibiting understanding Lord Chaitanya were dispelled. It was the all-merciful Nityaananda Prabhu who revealed the truth about Gauraanga in the hearts of the living entities. On His command, Maayaa pulled away the covering so that the pure devotee scholars could receive this precious treasure of the scriptures.

    If one remains doubtful in spite of the scriptural evidence, he is most unfortunate and useless. Why should he continue living? When Nityaananda Prabhu distributed the mercy, the fortunate living entities accepted and reached the perfection of happiness.

    Everyone should know the symptoms of the unfortunate living entity as well; it is he who is overconfident of the power of his own intelligence. Such a person rejects the mercy of the Lord, and by the force of false logic he falls repeatedly into the pit of illusion.

    “Come, spirit souls of Kali-yuga! Give up this hypocrisy and just accept the pure ecstatic love of Shri Gauraanga!” In this way Nityaananda Prabhu would call out again and again. But still the unfortunate living entities did not accept.

    Now let us consider carefully why these people do not accept such wonderful love of God. In pursuit of happiness, living entities in the material world follow various processes, such as logic or mystic yoga. And, in quest of happiness, some give up the material world and go to the forest, while kings constantly wage wars amongst themselves. Desiring happiness, others run after women and wealth, while others take to arts and sciences. In pursuit of happiness, others reject happiness and learn to tolerate the miseries of life, and still others simply drown themselves in the ocean.

    Raising His lotus hands in the air, Lord Nityaananda exclaims, “Come, living entities! Give up the troubles of karma and jshaana. Since you are endeavoring for happiness, I will give you happiness without asking anything in exchange. In this happiness there is no trouble, loss, or pain. Just chant the name of Gauraanga and dance without anxiety. There's nothing equal to the happiness that I am giving. That happiness is pure, eternal ecstasy-beyond all illusion!”

    In this way, Nityaananda Prabhu begged everyone to take pure ecstatic love. Still, unfortunate persons, influenced by previous sinful activities, did not even want it. But if such persons chant even once the names of Gauraanga and Nitaai, the effects of unlimited sinful activities are destroyed.

    Listen, everyone, to one more confidential topic. The most suitable thing for the souls of Kali-yuga is this treasure of gauraanga-lilaa. Gaurahari is the combined form of Raadhaa and Krishna, who eternally enjoy pastimes in Vrindaavana along with the sakhis. The truth of Raadhaa and Krishna's eternal pastimes and the glories of Vraja-dhaama are known by everyone through the scriptures. And the unlimited glories of Krishna's name and abode are known through the scriptures by people all over the universe. But still, actually obtaining krishna-prema is not at all common. Let us contemplate the reason why.

    Herein lies the secret of secrets which the living entities bound by Maayaa cannot discern. One who does not attain love of God after worshiping Krishna birth after birth has certainly committed heaps of offenses. For only by chanting Krishna's name without offenses can one attain incessant krishna-prema.

    Shri Chaitanya's incarnation, however, is most uncommon. By His mercy, a serious person, though filled with offenses, can quickly obtain love of God. When someone calls out the names of Nitaai and Chaitanya, krishna-prema comes looking for him. Offenses do not hinder his progress, and he soon sheds tears of ecstasy out of pure love of God. By the mercy of Lord Chaitanya, all the offenses quickly flee away, the heart becomes pure, and love of God fully blossoms. Because people in Kali-yuga commit unlimited offenses, which are difficult to check, there can be no means of deliverance other than Gauraanga's name. Therefore, in Kali-yuga, I see no alternative to Shri Gauraanga. This is also the proclamation of the scriptures.

    As Shri Gauracandra appeared in Navadvipa, it is therefore the crest jewel of all holy places. Offenders are the object of punishment at other holy pilgrimage places, but in Navadvipa-dhaama they are purified. The example is the two brothers Jagaai and Maadhaai, who committed great offenses yet still received Nitaai and Gaura. What to speak of other places, at Vrindaavana the offenders are punished. But a person who has committed hundreds of offenses can easily receive the mercy of Nityaananda Prabhu and overcome those offenses in Navadvipa-dhaama. For this reason, sages endlessly praise Navadvipa of Gaura-mandala.

    He who lives in Navadvipa-dhaama is very fortunate, for he achieves attraction for Krishna. He who happens to go there becomes freed from all offenses. What one attains by travelling to all the holy places is attained just by remembering Navadvipa. In this way the scriptures sing. He who sees Navadvipa-dhaama gets ecstatic love of Krishna birth after birth. Even one who goes to Navadvipa desiring to gain material comforts through pious activities will not take another birth. The shaastras say that one who walks around Navadvipa attains the fruit of millions of ashvamedha-yajshas at every step. And one who lives in Navadvipa and chants mantras obtains the sound of Chaitanya as his mantra and easily gets free from maayaa. What yogis obtain after ten years at other tirthas is obtained in three nights at Navadvipa.

    That liberation attained by Brahman realization at other holy places is obtained simply by bathing in the Ganges at Navadvipa. Thus, all types of liberation-saalokya, saarupya, saarshti, saamipya, and nirvaana-can be obtained in Navadvipa without speculative practice. Falling at the feet of the pure devotees in Navadvipa, Bhukti and Mukti (personified material enjoyment and liberation) remain there as obedient servants. Not caring for their blessings, the devotees kick them away, but still they do not leave the devotee's feet. The fruits obtained by staying one hundred years at the seven holy cities can be attained by staying one night in Navadvipa-dhaama.

    In conclusion, Navadvipa is the topmost tirtha. Taking shelter of it, the living entities can cross over Kali-yuga. At this place, taaraka, the name of Raama, which gives liberation, and paaraka1, the name of Krishna, which gives prema, always serve the residents of the dhaama.

    Aspiring for the shade of the lotus feet of Nitaai and Jaahnavaa, Bhaktivinoda thus sings in bliss.


    Thanks bija!


    Could you explain what Krishna Consciousness means as opposed to Enlightenment? quote by Ayodhya

    Hi Ayodhya....lol:)....I don't know the standard definition of enlightenment..... Down through history I think many peoples, cultures, and sages have all explained what enlightenment of a human is in many ways...


    Personally for me I think enlightenment means something like, leaving ignorance for light. Gaining self-understanding, seeing the nature of oneself and the world....things like this....maybe it is a subjective thing....I can't speak for anyone else...


    Krsna consciousness for me basically means to have Krsna (God) in my consciousness all the time. To think of God constantly. The cause of all causes, whom we are parts and parcels of...


    Hope this helps...see ya.


    Its interesting because when I was a kid I worshipped sports heroes and music heroes. When you get older and you realize that Krishna is the source of all genius it becomes illogical to worship anyone other than Krishna especially mere mortals. Now when I see someone with extraordinary abilities or attributes even if they are of the mundane realm it makes me wonder what kind of activities they have done in order to get such favor from Krishna. quote by ancientmariner

    Love Johnny Cash. Read one of his later biographies one time. Great man who experienced such depth of life. Got pretty Johnny-ied out for quiet some years there to be honest. He made a real classic Jesus movie on a shoestring budget in the seventies-real classic little movie. Wish I still had it.


    "Krsna is the ability shown by humankind. Some say its maya, but I dont consider the awe coming from viewing a Bottacelli to be maya, because such awe awakens the spiritual essence of the self." quote Mahak


    I am glad Mahak decided to get this thread going. I relate to where he is coming from with that Bottaceli concept (never heard Botacelli by the way), but had a copy of an opera on the Life of St Francis once...wonderful.

  14. Thanks...you are most welcome...



    3. Always BE AWARE about the things which you are going to do and also the things which you are doing now at the present time. The need should be to satisfy the senses of a "Bhagavata" or "Bhagavan Sri Hari".Ex. His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupad. quote by nitai16108


    This is good counsel....a realization that I can surely try and develop more toward. Thanks.

  15. thanks for sharing that Guruvani...he must of been a beauty.


    My friends dog has died in the last year and a half...my mate is a bit of a battler so I used to bring heaps of prasadam back when I'd visit the temple in the big smoke.


    He'd say..."this food is great and my dogs love it too."


    When 'Under' died I went and visited him. We both laughed and grinned about how much she loved that prasadam. She was half human already anyway I reckon.


    The secret of your beauty

    And the mystery of your soul

    I've been searching for in everyone I meet

    And the times I've been mistaken

    It's impossible to say

    And the grass is growing

    Underneath our feet. moody blues quoted by mahak.


    oh yeah....and I like this verse...this about sums it up. Don't want much else:pray:.

  17. Some time around 97'(cannot remember exactly) I was sitting at a public green listening to a Koori singer. Her lyrics were awesome and her presence was like a kind hearted storytelling mum. After the concert I strolled home, got out the guitar and started trying to sing like what I had just been listening to...these lyrics just came out from the heart....the singers name was Ruby Hunter...just awesome.


    In fact Mahak...as the years have gone on...this is the only song I remember...pretty basic...but it meant something at the time.


    ****Father to son****

    Hold on to your hopes and dreams,

    and know that you are loved.

    You mean something to me,

    more than you might know,

    so put your trust in me.

    And proclaim your faith,

    let your true song fly,

    so all people see,

    the beauty deep within the heart,

    that's what I treasure most.

    From father to son,

    I give you all my love.


    And proclaim your faith,

    let your true song fly

    that's what I treasure most.

    From father to son

    I give you all my love.


    by bija.


    [ATTACH]1306[/ATTACH] Ruby Hunter


  18. Some years ago my dog and I went to spend a week at a Krsna farm. A young boy devotee took a liking to my dog and asked, "what did you call him?"


    "Boise" I said. "That's a strange name", the young boy said, "you should have called him Bala, because he is white, and white reminds me of Balarama."


    Smart boy I thought, "Yes you are right, Balarama is a good name."


    I dream of my dog, Guruvani. In the dreams he is often getting into trouble and I have to get him out of mischief. I never realised the nature of attachment can be so subtle....but he is a good spirit soul...often when I quietly chant my rounds

    he calms right down and rests....a strange thing for a hyper JackRussel Foxy.


    Eventually when he passes on, I will not get another dog....but all the same I have learnt alot from him....and he has enjoyed prasadam alot.

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