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  1. I can understand what you are going through. Even i feel the same way. I am also missing my older days when there was no work and only play. I may advice you to socialize with other peoples to get rid of your anxiety.
  2. I totally agree with anisha on these. If anybody wants to stop cravings for non-vegan food, they should try some of the vegan diet recipes which are very tasty as well as healthy. Vegan diet is a very healthy diet as compared to non-vegan diet.
  3. There is no harm in consuming nuts or seeds since they are considered quite healthy as well as nutritious. Many peoples are advised to consume dried fruits including nuts and raisins to stay fit. But anything in excess can be really fatal for your whole body. You need to consume these foods in moderate amount. Try to include fruit juices, soyabeans, etc in your diet.
  4. Well, no doubt that surya namaskar is quite a healthy work out for keeping our body healthy and fit. I don't think so it is practiced for losing weight. It is just performed for getting our body into a perfect shape. I do it every alternate days in a week. I usually perform 10 repetition.
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