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  1. Guruji, I am trying to get a job in bangalore for few months now but not gettng any calls. I left my earlier job cause i wasnt gettng the right and good oppurtunities and i also had issues with my marriage. I feel i happen to fall for wrong advise and took a very wrong decision to quit my job. it was all so frustrating and still is. i am losing all hope as i dont see anythng positive happening. Last i checked from my family astrologer he said i had naga dosha we did the necessary puja in dharmastala but i dont feel anything good still happening. I am so depressed and wrong thought are coming in my mind. Please help me out. My details are as below Date of Birth: August 28, 1981 Time of Birth: 11.30 pm Place of Birth: khopoli, Maharastra
  2. Hi, I am not getting an interview calls and looking desperately for a job. please share with me the Mantra that will help me get a job ? my details: DOB: 28th August '1981 Time: 11:30 PM Day : Friday Place: khopoli. i was told by our family astrologer that i have naga dosha and we did the pujas as told but nothing has improved. please help me
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