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  1. I hope Krsna knows, but if I may intrude, I have seen that same line as follows: Neurotic behavior is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
  2. When Lord Brahma sleeps, everyone sleeps. When he awakens, we all go back to doing what we were before. Why? Because Lord Brahma is us potentially and we are manifestly Brahma. Although there is distinction, it is impossible to distinguish.
  3. Did you ever notice that all the contestants in the miss universe contests are from earth?
  4. It would also explain why the earliest known languages are generally the most complex, Sanskrit being the prime example, and undergo simplification as time goes on.
  5. This explains to me why the first recorded human thoughts are so profound that they have not ever been superceded: that the rishis and sages were reborn from the previous universe into this one at the dawn of the human race, and gave these teachings, which have never needed to be upgraded, just bhashya (if I understand this correctly).
  6. To be a devotee means to know within all levels of your being that there is nothing but God, nothing but love, and this produces a kind of happiness that is profound and way beyond temporary disappointments, and which does not depend on satisfying the ego, because if you still have one, you hardly remember to think about it, much less please it. I find this kind of happiness in Devi, and when not actively doing some daily task or job, I am thinking hymns and mantras and finding Her everywhere.
  7. Thank you guest. You have pointed me towards some deep stuff.
  8. OK: by ultimate I meant final; the direction is from Parashakti down to material (purusha - prakrti - mahad and on down). As for the rest, you are right. The comment about superiority was not given as a serious opinion. But it prompted a good, thoughtful reply. Thanks, namaste, Shakti
  9. In other words, yes, and much better put. This is what I am asking. This version may invite more interest and response. Thanks.
  10. It sounds really real. There's probably no way to "prove" that it's happening, but there is more than one way to know. To me, it sounds like a bhakti experience. Peace, Shakti
  11. I'm with theist. Also, "I love you". And mantras. I try not to be, "I love you, so can you help me"? I find it's only possible if I keep thinking constantly about Her, and considering that any attention I have to give to the worldly stuff is a momentary distraction from the real base of all my thoughts and emotions. Om aim Sarasvatiyei namaha.
  12. There is a website dedicated to Durga, www.durga.org/ Well illustrated, try it.
  13. I am Shakta and could care less about the pathetic sectarianism Guest is throwing around. But let me ask him a question: given that the Parashakti manifests ultimately as the universe, isn't it logical that being reborn as a woman is the superior birth?
  14. Namaste! Reading a book written by J. C. Chatterji in 1931, reprinted several times, including by Theosophical Publishing House, WISDOM OF THE VEDAS. He said in the cycle of universes, it is possible for one to die at a certain stage of (high) perfection, and be reborn in the next universe at the same level of perfection. This is true of Gods is it also of lesser beings? I don't have much access to Vedas, so I can't really follow his exposition on the subject, hoping for input from my bros and sis. The fact that the Theosophy people reprinted the book just makes me question whether that idea is "mainstream" Hinduism or some deviation they wanted to concretize in their view of things. Peace,Shakti
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