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Everything posted by drkpp

  1. सॅली By the Webmaster of: http://freetranslationblog.blogspot.com
  2. पिता By the Webmaster of: http://freetranslationblog.blogspot.com
  3. क्रिस्टन ली By the Webmaster of: http://freetranslationblog.blogspot.com
  4. व्हॅलेरी By the Webmaster of: http://freetranslationblog.blogspot.com
  5. Respectively, अमन अमनदीप अंजू By the Webmaster of: http://freetranslationblog.blogspot.com
  6. रियाना By the Webmaster of: http://freetranslationblog.blogspot.com
  7. समज By the Webmaster of: http://freetranslationblog.blogspot.com
  8. मेलनी By the Webmaster of: http://freetranslationblog.blogspot.com
  9. It depends entirely on pronunciation of the name. Same name could be said differently by diferent people. Charlotte has different pronunciation in English & French. If Davd Beckham wants it Vhiktoria then that is the correct word. This problem arises because Hindi is a phonetic language & words are written as they are spoken. So the is written the way one wants to say it the actual way.
  10. Respectively, जेन पॉल च १६.९.०६ By the Webmaster of: http://freetranslationblog.blogspot.com
  11. विलियम By the Webmaster of: http://freetranslationblog.blogspot.com
  12. एलिसा By the Webmaster of: http://freetranslationblog.blogspot.com
  13. जोशु‍आ By the Webmaster of: http://freetranslationblog.blogspot.com
  14. समंथा By the Webmaster of: http://freetranslationblog.blogspot.com
  15. अनहित By the Webmaster of: http://freetranslationblog.blogspot.com
  16. Respectively, जस्सी ਜਸ੍ਸੀ By the Webmaster of: http://freetranslationblog.blogspot.com
  17. Respectively, डीन टोव्ही By the Webmaster of: http://freetranslationblog.blogspot.com
  18. The correct Sanskrit pronunciation is Padminee = पद्मिनी
  19. आर्चनेल By the Webmaster of: http://freetranslationblog.blogspot.com
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