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  1. Dear Dhruvbhura ji, My problems : ========== My life from my marriage on 16-09-2007 is miserable and it is like always walking on the rope not knowing , how it will fall down whether for good happy life (or) for divorcee. My husband put a case for unity of married life(conjugal rights) with me in court, but all his and in-laws thoughts and actions are of dowry harassment. We join together based on court councelling, and that joined life will last maximum of 2months and again will get breaked based on mother-in-law / husband dowry requirement expectations fight. Mother-in-law tried to abort my baby when i was pregnant. My husband requested for DNA test for the baby. And now my baby born with major heart problem ( PA-VSD ), for which he has to under go many operations for his life time. Root cause is (1) my mother-in-law did not like this marriage, though it is arranged marriage, my in-laws family members brain washed mother-in-law for marriage to happen (2) my husband had his own plan in his mind ( which was not let out before marriage ) of getting into cinema direction, so that my salary will be used for family running (3) my marriage was arranged one stating that my husband was running a shop and doing DSA job earning Rs20000/- PM I left my job without service certificate in May 2010 due to pregnancy bed rest situation. will i get a job, pls suggest some remedy. how my life future will be, will my married life will get breaked ?, can you please suggest some remedy for life .. My details, 18th August,1972 Time: 04:19 AM Location: Chennai, Tamilnadu, India My husband details, 30th October,1972 Time: 00:30 AM Location: Madurai, Tamilnadu, India Thanks
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