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  1. namstey guruji i have 5 years of gap in studies after 2004 to 2009 and in this meantime i took admission in a college to do graduation but i was least interested in studies at that time and in that time i came to know from my kundali that i had some problem with my guru for 5 years and later i took admission again in 2009 and successfully completed my graduation again with first division marks.Now the problem is i am not getting jobs because of my gaps in studies and still im not getting jobs gurtuji .Can u suggest me what should i do to get a good job as my financial condition is not good and want to settle fast.Is der any mantra that can get me job fast and make me settle fast in life D.o.B :5th may 1985 place:Jamshedpur,jharkhand time:1:36 a.m
  2. namastey guruji i recently graduated from my clg and b4 my graduation i have 5 years of gap in studies.at that time i took admission in one college but never went to college and wrote exams wid lack on interest nd discontinued studies den nw i finally completed my graduation again by taking admission in andr clg in 2009.when i showed my kundali they said i was having some problem with my guru for 5 years.now im search of a job nd bcos of dese gaps im not getting job offers or any calls d.o.b:5th may 1985 place:jamshedpur,jharkhand time:1:36 a.m plz suggest me any mantra or way to get a job as my financial cndtion is not good plz advice me what to do
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