these madras things that r being done is not kali or godly things. it's some dead general and his crew madurai veeran, karpuny, nd a bunch of names i can't spell, they all died in tamil nadu. let's say i know ll the kali mantras and i die, i can play upon a devotee and kali kali maa's name and take canphor, then put it in my mouth and cure people. i can do this bcuz i know all the mantrs and stuff; therefore, it will work.
the reason y i am saying it is fake bcuz i tested these fools. i ate fish curry, saturday nite, and walked into their temple the sunday. the one fellow was dancing around and sprinkling water with his neem leave to tie down the area, so i read my mantra and opened it back. this went on for abt 10 mins, then he asked y am i making trouble? i told him, i dont hv time to wste; ansa my questions, i hv to go. i asked him y my sis was sick? he said a boy is in love with her and did obeah on her. then he told me i was sick. well, nothing was wrong with my sister. these fellows r trained well, to tell lies. i went somewhere else and i asked them for my father's name, the fool just bounced back and forth, then told me i was sick. u c they cannot answer the questions asked. they would then turn around and say they do not like to be tested. after they couldn't answer my questions, i told i was sick in the head they were lucky i didn't burn them alive.
u c, the reason y i say they r playing dead people who r calling the name of the eternal kali and the rest is bcuz i hv these things in my blood. u c, i speak hindi to them and they say they do not know hindi and give me a whole song and dance. well, when we call kali maa, she said if u think it is not me, ask me about ur lineage...i know ur entire lineage since the time she was created. she said this is kali yug, too many fakes r out there. i know the real kali from these clowns dancing around and wetting up the place with their stupid tamil accent. when one of dem dudes come he says "it is so nice to be here today" wit dat dum accent and i just start laffing til dem tink i am possessed or sumting.
when the real kali maa remove something from someone, that person is cured right there and then; they never have to come back to the temple or home of the pundit. unlike these monkeys telling people to bring prasad and sweet rice with rum and cigarette for 12 weeks. with real kali, we can send flying tari to kill people or make them sick nd all of that fancy stuff.
o, by d way, parmeswari takes a pink sow(female pig) not a boar or male pig. u need to rub the machette once and one chop, the head should come off clean. u feed it rice b4 the chop facing east. canfor on the head, dhar, sindhor (there is a specific order) and the sever head needs to spin in all four directions. ask a question and the mouth opens up and answer u....u need a mantra to her what is being said........u can keep the head for 2 or 3 days after it was chopped and once u read ur mantra and speak to it, the mouth will open up and it will answer u.
for now these tamils are an entertainment comedy group to pass ur time on sundays!