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  1. Oh and by the way....please if we vedic followers want to carry forward Lord Krishna's message, just be bold in ur quest for Him. Work in devotional servive...that is the highest of all!!!!! And also please, don't feel undermined or offended when a non-vedic person derides our religion.....just treat them nicely, ask them first "would u like to understand the Vedic religion more properly?"...if they say "no!! stick it!"...just say..."well listen, whenever u want to know ANYTHING just ask me...[if they dont want to consult a spiritual master]"....Please be nice to all......I have confronted many Muslims [in particular] and I have dispelled alot of their ignorance about Lord Krishna and Hindusim. They all respected me after that. Trust me u guys just follow Lord Krishna's instructons. Hare Krishna. - Who is my friend today let him be in peace, and who is my enemy let him also be in peace. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Hari Om.
  2. Erm actually Lord Krishna is dark complexion [blackish], His original form, because He says when questioned by Radha...."I am dark because I wear a black shaul, I defeated a black snake, the mascara my mother puts on Me is of dark colour and the pot I used to steal milk from was black in colour too"!!!!!!!!! Isnt that sweet!...rEMEMBER hIS LILAS IS ALWAYS OCCURRING AND RECURRING IN hIS SUPREME ABODE, EVEN BEFORE THEY TOOK PLACE ON THIS EARTHLY PLANET. tHUS THIS ANSWERS THE INEVITABLE QUESTION, "HOW CAN kRISHNA BE DARK before hE ENCATED hIS PASTIES?"....hIS PASTIMES ARE ETERNAL....[DARN IT...I realised I had the caps on all that time...doh!"
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