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Try not to get caught with these religious brickering and divisions. Thats why we have all these wars today in the guise of Religion, worse---God. I was referring to Lord Jesus pure teaching not the adulterated version we find today. Pure devotees have pure knowledge, the only thing is they come and preach according to ones' capacity or level (of the people) at a certain time and place, and this does not make the devotee lesser or a little bit pleasing to the Suprpeme Person. A teacher could be perfect but that doesn't automatically mean his followers are??? Since you are a follower of Sanatana Dharma, then follow this with all devotion and be less concern with other religious stages knowing where you stand in all of these. AS what the Great Soul - Gandhi have said, "I am a hindu, a christian, a muslim and a lot more." The easiest way to God is bhakti, pure love not arrogance, mental speculation or plain knowledge.
Being a Vaishnava automatically makes you a follower of Lord Jesus Christ, since he was teaching bhakti. When Lord Jesus/Isha Ustad said that he is the only way and nothing cometh to the father except thru him was true for two reasons: first being that he was teaching bhakti (pure love for God); second is that during that time inspite of the many religious people pretending to be God's teachers (Pharisees/Suducees) only Lord Jesus was the bonafide spiritual teacher. So during his mission he was the only way. All the avatars that came---they only have one mission, Love for God. As I've said before, there is no competition in Brindaban. All its inhabitants has only one purpose--loving God in their different rasas. There is competion, good competition in the higher planets and amongst demigods but not in Brindaban and between the Lord pure devotees. The only problem with [mostly] Lord Jesus followers was that His sampradaya (succession) was lost somehow along the way and most of it's followers today cannot correctly interpret his pure teachings because of this. Any christian could pick up a bible and without any teacher or spiritual master, starts to teach others and builts a church today. Thats why there are thousands of these christian branches that we see currently. The sad thing is that the same thing is happening in the vaishnava community today. Newbies picking up the Gita, trying to interprete it their own mental speculation or interpretation with some even preching but at the same time saying that they don't need a living spiritual teacher since they have Srila Prabhupad thru his book. These very adhikaris and bhaktas, without the guidance and the teaching of a living guru is dangerous, since it contradicts the very core of Srila Prabhupad's teaching of looking for one's spiritual teacher in their lifetime. Also as what Swami Tripurari had said, it endangers the whole process of the continuity of this practice, the very essence why vaishnvism is more potent than christianity today. Chastisement from a living guru is very important, as important as his interpretation of the scriptures since this molds a student or bramachari to the right path of pure devotion. For me only those initiated by Srila Bhativedanta Swami Prabhupad could do this thing--meaning preaching and interpreting the scriptures. And following the sampradaya tradition either accepts these newbies as their disciples or or at a certain stage refer them to a bonafide vaishnava acharya. Today even some of Srila Prabhupad's inititated devotees seek siksa or shelter from other living bonafide gurus. This is very important since this insures the survival of the sacred sampradaya tradition and as what Lord Krishna had said in the puranas, "there will always be a bonafide living guru at a given time" so one only needs to look for his/her(s). "Seek and you shall find/knock and it shall be open unto you" ~Lord Jesus Christ~ Trying to practice my spiriutal life inspite of my unworthiness.
"I am not a Christian, and do not ever want to be one. However, I do know that most Christians, if not all, think that Jesus is not God, but the son of God. He claims that he is the only way through which one can attain God, which I solely disagree with. This is information that I have learned in my social studies classes thus far. Forgive me for any mistakes." Being a Vaishnava automatically makes you a follower of Lord Jesus Christ, since he was teaching bhakti. When Lord Jesus/Isha Ustad said that he is the only way and nothing cometh to the father except thru him was true for two reasons: first being that he was teaching bhakti (pure love for God); second is that during that time inspite of the many religious people pretending to be God's teachers (Pharisees/Suducees) only Lord Jesus was the bonafide spiritual teacher. So during his mission he was the only way. All the avatars that came---they only have one mission, Love for God. As I've said before, there is no competition in Brindaban. All its inhabitants has only one purpose--loving God in their different rasas. There is competion, good competition in the higher planets and amongst demigods but not in Brindaban and between the Lord pure devotees. The only problem with [mostly] Lord Jesus followers was that His sampradaya (succession) was lost somehow along the way and most of it's followers today cannot correctly interpret his pure teachings because of this. Any christian could pick up a bible and without any teacher or spiritual master, starts to teach others and builts a church today. Thats why there are thousands of these christian branches that we see currently. The sad thing is that the same thing is happening in the vaishnava community today. Newbies picking up the Gita, trying to interprete it their own mental speculation or interpretation with some even preching but at the same time saying that they don't need a living spiritual teacher since they have Srila Prabhupad thru his book. These very adhikaris and bhaktas, without the guidance and the teaching of a living guru is dangerous, since it contradicts the very core of Srila Prabhupad's teaching of looking for one's spiritual teacher in their lifetime. Also as what Swami Tripurari had said, it endangers the whole process of the continuity of this practice, the very essence why vaishnvism is more potent than christianity today. Chastisement from a living guru is very important, as important as his interpretation of the scriptures since this molds a student or bramachari to the right path of pure devotion. For me only those initiated by Srila Bhativedanta Swami Prabhupad could do these things and at certain stages will have to make reference to other acharyas if one is not accepting any disciples. Today some even seek siksa from other bonafide gurus currently present in the material world. This is very important and as what Lord Krishna had said in the puranas, "there will always be a bonafide living guru at a given time" so one only needs to look for his/her(s). "Seek and you shall find/knock and it shall be open unto you" ~Lord Jesus Christ~ Trying to practice my spiriutal life inspite of my unworthiness.
Lord Chaitanya was the golden avatar who came down 500 years ago to give special mercy to the people of this age. The Lord Himself has come in two forms; as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ans as His Holy Names, the greatest of which is the Maha Mantra. Lord Chaitanya is known as the most magninamous incarnation because He freely delivers love of Krishna, which is the highest goal of life. His mercy surpasses the bounds of mundane distinction of sex, race, caste, and so on. He made equally available to all the sublime process of attaining Krishna. Lord Chaitanya's process is above religion and spiritually... which is "Sanatan Dharma" (one's eternal position and function). He taught the way to develop love of God in this age or yuga is thru chanting His Holy Names. Jaya Sri Guru and Sri Guaranga! Jaya Jaya Lord Jesus Christ...
"However Prabhupada did say that any guru advocating the teaching of Vasudeva is a Jagad Guru" Need I saay more...
Any bonafide spiritual teacher is a jagat guru, it's not a numbers game, how many followers or the like. Even if a teacher inspire just one person to chant/bhakti yoga then he is a bonafide Jagad Guru. I came upon the Holy Names thru the teaching of Srila Siddha Swarupanada Acharya, so he is a living jagat guru for me.
Hi Kulapavana I've heard that there are now a number of vaishnava devotees in Poloand from different brnaches or missions. Thats good news...
you can follow all the suggestion above but the most important thing is go look for a bonafide guru. Be a servant of the servant of the Lord and your life will be perfect. One doesn't even need to read all the scriptures, memorize all the verses as long as you are pleasing to the spiritual teacher. This relationship is comparable to being in Vrindavana, follow His instruction and your spiritual life should be perfect. p.s. don't based your search for a guru on the size or number of his followers but the fruits of his actions. Shastra, Paramatma and guru, the only way... All gloris to Sri Guru and Sri Guaranga, jaya jai Gurudeva.
It's high time for Ladakh to have at greater automony or a separate division from Jammu & Kashmir. The people herein are peacefull loving and mostly with buddhist aspiration. India should create a JaKaLa (Jammu, Kashmir & Ladakh) state if not Ladakh should be free since it has been drag and caught in between all the current chaos and brickering.
catholics in poland follows the liberal branch which is rhe roman church and is base in rome/vatican. The catholics in russia follows the orthodox branch which is the eastern catholic church. recently, the russian goverment along with the orthodox church has been pressuring the smaller and newer religions that does not follow it's eastern orthodox traditions wherevy making it harder to operate in russia. this makes you wonder which one is worst than the other.
This should serve as a precedence again for all those who discriminate against one's belief or pratice. (see Devotees prosecuted in Poland). Normally individuals or organizations do these but a business firm, this company needs to be boycotted. Personally I beleive in religious progation and giving room for such, like the buddhist in Ladakh which are caught between the violence and hatred. Free Ladakh now if not make it a separate region from Jammu & Kashmir.
If something is new the movement automatically is labeled a cult, specially in countries like Poland or Russia. What they don't know is that the church itself is also a cult in some sense but is just bigger and has established itself. All religions are such (cult), since there is always faith involved in the process. All glories to Sripad Tusta Krishna Raj, he must be smiling somewhere out there.
Nervous Breakdowns: A Door To Spiritual Realization
Bebot replied to Gauracandra's topic in Spiritual Discussions
<<<A nervous breakdown allows you to experience death before death>>> Its like a reawakening then, a slap at the back, reminding or bringing us back to reality of this life. Then one can use it as a tool to redirect one's goal. Very inspiring lecture. -
"i am not misquoting. i am disagreeing with sri prabhupada (with full respect to him) when he says he is not preaching hinduism."********** Musthav, I don't know where your coming from or what you call your self but you don't disagree with a pure devotee. Also Musthav prabhu, at first you were forcing your thoughs to Srila Prahupad, now your saying that your dissagreeing with him finally on this matter. Well your true motive is showing. And since you say you dissagree with him, then I don't want to have anything to do with you. (this was what I was asking in my last post, your just that hard headed. Watching football too much does really affect one's thinking) Your previous post says you were trying to clarify him and help him. Who are you in the first place???, go back to where ever it is you came from or you can go to hell and save yourself. I am sorry for my strong words in this post, to all listers in here. I will have to close my tread. I only hope I'm wrong Musthav coz if not then you'll know what it will mean.
this is in reply to your email to me, as I said I would like to stop this useless point or argument you are presenting. I know a table from a chair, go ahead if you want to call a table, a chair- It's not my problem but yours. All I ask is to stop forcing yourself to the point of misquoting somebody who is way above you. As you said in your last post that this tread is getting personal, it looks like you are the one who's doing it. I am coursing this message thru this forum not by email as what you've done, so everybody will know. As what I've said try to review all the previous post in here so at least you'll know what to do. To be honest its been a while since I've joined a forum of devotees like this and would to remain to. It's people like you that has prevented me from doing so, but being part of this forum for quite a while now I don't have any intention of doing otherwise. I don't want to call you... Musthave prabhu either and lastly you might want to reconsider being in America, its quite hard to practice hinduism perfectly with all those Green Day band and football on TV (per your previous post) I hope that this will clarify my side. I