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  1. no pranayam don't have any side effects..................but should follow all the rules to get all adavntages that it offer.......watch swami ramdev on astha everyday
  2. i pray every day for the death of sonia gandhi and whole congress and commis//////////spacialy arjun sing he is a bas**** anyway . let BJP come in power ... for those who are advocation muslims here.....let me tell u one thing india is secular as long as hindus are in majority......let muslim come in majority it will be islamic state......and it is happning already....people from bangladesh are coming to india.....and our idiot politicians are accepting them for there votebank...........i have these commis....
  3. that will not be a good idea, the translation is done by some outsider most probably amarican , we know what they think about vedas that vedas are written by aryans who were migrated from europe to india . that is why i am looking for vedas translated in hindi by some indian
  4. jai sri ram , friends i am looking for the hindi version of vedas . i have searched through google but was not able to find . do any one of my friends here help me ?
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