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  1. The best antidote is the maha mantra Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. I have a friend that claims to have said sickness, hopefully one day she would like to learn and practice Krishna Consciousness. Hare Krishna.
  2. Hare Krishna, Guest, regarding your comment... <****is is why I will never become a Hare Krishna devotee because this is NOT true worship in spirit and truth of Krishna. Krishna would be so ashamed of all this crap, when there are thousands of stories of him being fuelled by erotic desire NOT for procreation, even outside of marriage, that people DARE to blaspheme God like that by projecting their own SHAME on Krishna and then say that it is Krishnas will to act this way. Christians are doing the same though. although they do not go as far in this idiocy as you go. for they only say:no sex outside of marriage. but not only for procreation.>> Well, it would take time for you to understand KC spiritual principles, which are very difficult to follow during these days of Kali-yuga. Even for persons that have been reading about KC for a long time it becomes hard to keep up all the KC regulations, while on the other side, taking shelter on JesusChrist offers lots of mercy from Him. Anyway, Hare Krishna.
  3. Hare Krishna, xdementorsxkiss, good comment, however I just want to make sure about what is exactly Prabhupada's instruction related to the proper moment to start relationships in KC matrimonies. Hare Krishna.
  4. Hare Krishna, Stonehearted, I agree with your comment...a rough rule of thumb...haha, it seems all these steps surely belong to Satya-yuga, when all of the people used to have their minds well established in spiritual principles. Hare Krishna.
  5. Hare Krishna devotees, once I read a book written by Swami Prabhupada's devotees, entitled According to Religious Principles, which is a guide for spiritual sexual relations among Krishna Consciousness married devotees. As far as I remember the following were the main steps to follow in regard with said book: 1) With the purpose of creating a child. 2) Five days after menstruation period has finished. 3) After both wife and husband have chanted 50 japa rounds each of them on that day. 4) Upon having received the permit of the couple's spiritual master. 5) During certain hours of the early morning that are auspiscious for children procreation. 6) Without the use of any anti-conceptive method. 7) The couple of devotees must be married first before sexual relations. 8) Once the woman is pregnant, sexual relations stop until after the baby was born. My question is, regarding step number two, is it right? I mean, has somebody in this forum ever read said book, and in that case, is that step right or which is the right moment when the sexual relations must begin? And for how lmany days can go on and when is the moment for the relations to finish.Thanks for your directions. Hare Krishna.
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